
Confession and prophecy

Los Angeles

3rd POV

In one of the most known bars of the famous city, at one secluded corner, a group of three males was sitting at the table drinking their respective drinks. The first man and the eldest looking is a very tall, imposing, and very muscular man with albino white skin, intense black eyes, and shoulder-length black hair, with bangs covering most of his forehead. He was dressed in a black suit with a blood-red shirt and a black necktie. This man was Hades the god of the Underworld and the dead.

The next man and the second older looking man but younger than the first one, he was wearing a dark blue suit with a sea-green shirt and black dress shoes. The man himself had black hair, a neatly trimmed black beard, a deep tan, and sea-green eyes. He had the aura of power and scent of the sea, the man was Poseidon, the god of the sea and earthquakes.

The third and last man was the youngest looking out of all three, he was wearing a black suit with a sky-blue shirt and black tie, he was very tall, imposing, and very muscular, with shoulder-length black hair tied in a man ponytail. He has brilliant electrically blue eyes with a serious and proud, but very handsome face. This was Perseus, the god of the sky and thunder.

The big three, the most powerful gods out of all the Olympians, were gathered in this bar as one of their Friday nights where they would just group up and discuss some matters or just have some drinking time.

" So Hades, how is everything in the Underworld?" Percy asked his uncle after finishing taking a sip from his drink.

Hades at hearing the question couldn't help but sigh and drink his whole glass before refilling it and then answering his nephew's question.

" Ugh, alright I suppose, a lot of paperwork and many souls to take care of as you can easily imagine," Hades responded with a tired sigh as he took another sip from his drink.

Percy on the other hand at hearing Hades' response he could only nod in agreement and understanding, just like his uncle and father, Percy as the king of Olympus, has his own paperwork to take care of once in a while. Percy was brought out of his thoughts by the voice of his father.

" I sense that you have almost finished your training son, you have mastered almost all the powers and domains that you have inherited from your uncle Zeus. You don't know how proud I'm of you Percy." Poseidon said while smiling at his son.

Percy at hearing the praise from his father he couldn't help but feel pride and nod his head in gratitude toward his father.

" Careful brother, the last thing we need is for his pride to get bigger than what already is," murmured Hades before chuckling in amusement at his nephew's obvious pride.

" Hey! I'm not that bad" Percy retort with one of his eyebrows twitching in annoyance. At hearing Percy's response Hades couldn't help but laughing, his laugh was contagious as not long after Poseidon was also laughing.

Percy just shook his head but a small smile was on his face, drinking from his glass, he waited for the two elder gods to stop laughing but it looked like they wouldn't stop any time soon. " If you gentlemen have finished laughing- at this Percy sends a glare toward his father and uncle, both men at seeing his glare they immediately stop laughing and start paying attention but both still maintain a smirk on their faces- I wish to know if you have heard any strange rumors or felt anything unusual with your domains," Percy asks in a serious face.

At this Poseidon and Hades look at each other in confusion, they both wondered about the purpose behind his question but both start to remember the last couple of months in order to remember something strange that might have occurred, that is until Hades gets a thoughtful look. " Now that you mention it, I have noticed some odd activity at the entrance of Tartarus."

Silence falls on the group and it was then that Hades noticed the alarmed look of Poseidon and the worried look of Percy so he rolls his eyes and just shrugged his shoulders before he starts speaking again.

" Don't worry I'm sure it is nothing serious, so far it has been only monsters that had been acting strange as the monsters escaping Tartarus have been decreasing," Hades said before drinking the rest of his whiskey.

" Still...you might want to increase the security around the entrance of Tartarus Hades, even if it might result in nothing I don't want to risk it. Already many have died in the war against Kronos, the demigods haven't recovered yet and neither have we the gods." Percy said as he crosses his arms against his chest after requesting one of the waitresses to bring more whiskey for hades and his father and one more bottle of Vodka for himself.

Hades nods his head in acceptance while thinking about the chaos that Kronos has caused in the war and not for the first time he curses his father in his head for his younger brother's passing.

Poseidon noting the depressing atmosphere he decides to bright the mood but just then he saw the waitress bringing the alcohol, one thing that he noticed and he was sure that Hades also saw it, was how the waitress moved her body very closed toward Percy when she reached the table, so close that his son was probably able to catch an eyeful of the waitress generous bosom as she serves the drinks on the table, another thing that he also saw was the wink that she hurls toward Percy before walking away with an obvious swing of her hips.

The moment that she was out of earshot, Poseidon sends a big grin toward Percy. Something that the young god noticed.

" Well, clearly someone is interested in you my son, aren't you going to thunder that fine woman?" Poseidon asked with a clear grin on his face as he was teasing his son. Hades almost choke on his whiskey as he starts laughing at hearing his brother's words.

Percy on the other hand only groaned at his father's choice of words, he was sure his face was blushing gold from embarrassment.

" No father, I'm not going to 'thunder' her..." drawled Percy while drinking his vodka trying hard not to just blast his father with a lightning bolt.

Before the god of the sea could answer he was interrupted by his brother who has calmed down from his laughing fit.

" Ah yes, I have almost forgotten how our dear Perseus here has the hots for our dear sister of warfare," Hades said while smirking, he was waiting for their reaction and he wasn't disappointed.

Poseidon almost chokes on his own breath at the words of his brother before he turned to look at Percy with obvious shock with so much speed Hades was surprised the fool didn't snap his neck.

Percy on the other hand did choke on his drink and he spits the vodka that he was drinking to the right side of the table, neither to say Percy was shocked and embarrassed that his uncle knew of his feelings for his aunt.

" How? was I that obvious ?" Percy asked still shocked, Hades could only snort at his nephew's words.

" Please, it is soo painfully obvious and it hurts just by watching, the only ones that haven't realized yet were this fool of Barnacle beard, Ares, Artemis, Dionysus, Hermes, and Athena but she's suspecting it but she's not entirely sure about it, then you have Hera herself. I swear it's like watching one of those romance operas and teenage movies." Hades said as he was enjoying the shock of his nephew.

Before Percy could say anything his father raise his hands in a motion to stop.

" Hold the Hades up, Since when in the name of Oceanus have you like Hera? your own aunt?" Poseidon asked still finding it hard to believe the news shared by his brother, he also ignored the irritated look that Hades threw at him by using his name in such a manner in his presence.

Percy looks at Poseidon as he was crazy. " Father, for your question, I have like Hera since I became a god and it is only obvious after spending so much time with her, she's a completely different person once you get to know her. Besides I don't care about her being my aunt, Look at Hades and Persephone for example, they are uncle and niece. and do I even have to mention Hera and Zeus or even our entire family tree? " Percy told to his father as he drinks his vodka.

Percy knew that It wasn't normal for him to want his aunt in a romantic way, but then again when did his life has ever been normal in the first place? he didn't need nor did he want his father to be displeased in this matter.

Poseidon noticed the reaction of his son and he winced when he heard the anger behind his words when explaining his feelings, he wouldn't be surprised if outside of the bar the sky has changed from grey clouds to black ones, ready to unleash thunders on the city below at their master anger.

Poseidon felt guilty he didn't want to upset his son, it wasn't like he had a problem if he was to get together with Hera but it was just the shock at knowing his son feelings for Hera, after all, those two didn't have the best history and that's not mentioning the well-known dislike of Hera toward demigods in general.

"Percy I apologize as I have expressed my words wrong, I don't have a problem with you having feelings for Hera, for Hades I prefer her over any daughter of Athena or gods forbid, Athena herself, you have to understand my shock at this news. If you are happy with her and you wish to have a relationship with her in the future then by all means you have my blessing." Poseidon said sincerely to Percy.

Percy at hearing the words of his father he nods in acknowledgment and gratitude.

A comfortable silence falls on the table as each of the men gets lost in their own thoughts while enjoying their drinks and the jazz music presently playing in the background.

Percy starts reminiscing this past year, and indeed it has been almost a year since he became the new king of the gods and the new god of the sky. Since becoming a god Hera has been a constant help for him as she had taught him everything that she knew about Zeus's powers and domains, she also taught him how to properly use his godly powers.

Not only with his powers but she also taught him politics and how to properly rule Olympus, he wasn't sure where he would be now if it hadn't been for her.

But because of how much time they spend together, it was unstoppable for them not to become close and Percy has to admit that he wasn't sure what to do anymore, he knew that he want Hera but he wasn't sure if the woman in question also shares the same feelings, he was afraid to destroy their friendship but neither he wished to remain silent on his feelings. Looking up he took a deep gulp of his drink before releasing a sigh

" What should I do father? I like her so much, I almost dare to say that I love her but I'm afraid to tell her because if I do and she doesn't feel the same I would simply ending in destroying our friendship," Percy questioned his father for help and wisdom.

Poseidon and Hades look at each other before Poseidon clasp the shoulder of his son with one of his hands before he starts to speak.

" Son, if you really love Hera, then all you can do is, to be honest, and be upfront with it, there is no other way to tell her. You don't gain anything from simply idling, you tell her and if she doesn't respond to your feelings then it's her loss and you will just have to move on." Poseidon's words hit Percy very hard as he starts thinking about his father's words.

It wasn't long before they had to leave and return to their respective domains.

The three gods said goodbye to each other and shortly after left.


Hera's POV

I was sitting on one of the two couches in the living room, I was reading a book on drama and mystery. While reading I unconsciously start thinking about Percy again and I couldn't help but sigh irritate as my concentration was broken.

All-day Percy haunted my thoughts, I couldn't keep him out of my mind for too long as he always came back. Closing the book I set it aside as I turn to look into the fire in the fireplace of the living room.

It's been almost a year since Percy became the new king of the gods and I have to admit that so far he has done a great job. While there still are some disagreements within the council they are rare and they rarely end up in a fight, especially after Percy let Hades join the council once again and made him an Olympian once again. The relationship between the gods and demigods has also improved as Percy has allowed the gods to be more present in their children's lives, of course, that is without breaking the ancient laws.

The relationship between Olympians and minor gods has also improved as now every minor god or goddess has their own cabin for their children in both camps.

Suddenly I frown as an image of Annabeth chase in Olympus comes to my mind...I never thought that I would ever dislike a demigod more than her. I do have to admit that my dislike for her mostly comes from the pain she had Percy going through when he was still mortal.

I clearly remember when Percy has told me what has transpired between the two and since then I dislike her more than anything, I was tempted to go to the camp and separate the fool's head from her shoulders but Percy stopped me saying that he was over her and that she wasn't worth it.

" Besides...Athena would be furious when she will hear about it" I murmured, while not stronger than me, Athena could easily give me an arduous time in a fight, mostly due to her wisdom and battle strategies.

I shake my head from the negative thoughts and I start thinking over Percy's training, at this a smile comes to my face, he was without a doubt the most determined person that I had ever known in my immortal life. What should have been years of training in learning and controlling his powers and domains, Percy was almost finished in one single year, that's without a doubt impressive and a new record if I have to say.

Suddenly I was brought out from my thoughts by the sudden appearance of a long now-familiar presence in the palace. I didn't have to wait long before the very person that's been occupying my thoughts entered the living room.

The moment I saw him I have to admit that he looked more handsome than usual in that suit, when he noticed me his smile and the gleam in his eyes made my heart jump in delight and desire. Trying not to give away any of my thoughts from my face I try to appear indifferent.

" Hello Percy, I hope your night has been pleasant, by the way, how are my brothers doing?" I ask him after greeting him, but instead of answering me his smile changed to a frown and he walks up to me until he sits beside me on the couch that I was sitting on, I turn to better look at him and it was only then that I realize just how physically close we were.

Suddenly Percy held my hands in his bigger ones and starts to gently caress them as if they were a delicate piece of art. I raise my eyes to questioning look at him but the moment that I have done so, my gaze was locked with his blue eyes, I was so mesmerized by their majesty and power, I could see many emotions flowing in them but they were too fast for me to read them properly.

" Hera, what's wrong? you look troubled, I have noticed how this past few months your been distraught over something but I hadn't figure out what so would you please reveal to me what's going on? I can't help if you don't let me Hera"

Suddenly at the voice of Percy, I came back to reality, but then I process his words and I froze in shock and in fear. Shock at him knowing how troubled I have been lately and fear from him discovering about my feelings for him.

How would he react? I know how, he would be disgusted at me for having such feelings for him, after all, he has grown in an era and society where incest is taboo, disgusting, and blasphemy. I, of course, don't care about that, for Hades, non of us gods care about that, but Percy does and I fear that he would be disgusted by me, I am his aunt after all.

Not to mention that he would think that I'm simply using him because of his similar appearance to Zeus but the truth couldn't be farther from it.

I have to make a choice now, a choice that could affect my relationship with Percy forever, but should I take the risk? is it going to be worth it?.

I focus back on Percy and I can easily see his worry in his eyes, and it was at that moment that I realize just how important he is to me, every moment that I had spent with him was a precious memory, I want him to be in my life forever, I don't know what I would do without him and I would be damned if I let him go without informing him of my feelings first.

I now know what to do, I should have done this long ago...

Those were my thoughts as I mentally prepare what to say

Percy POV

I'm worried, the moment that I have walked into the living room, and after noticing Hera, I was about to happily greet her but then I noticed her indifferent expression and her troubled eyes. I knew that something was wrong so I joined her on the couch.

After asking her what was wrong my only answer was silence, and even if I didn't show it on the outside I was slightly hurt at the fact that she didn't trust me enough to tell me what's wrong with her.

Suddenly I felt Hera taking a hold of my hands and gently grip them, before I could say anything Hera starts speaking and I have never heard her voice so vulnerable.

" Listen, Percy, I know that I have made a lot of mistakes in my long life...I used to love Zeus but after so many centuries of him cheating on me all the love that I used to have for him transformed into anger and I vent that anger on the women that he cheated with and their children.

Then there was the time where I have thrown Hephaestus off Olympus simply because he wasn't physically perfect after his birth and didn't meet my expectations...what many don't realize is that I have regret that choice not many years after but it was too late for it as Hephaestus hatred for me was too strong for him to forgive me at that point."

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say to Hera's words, I knew that there was a reason for her to tell me all this but I just couldn't grasp it.

As I keep looking at Hera with worry and confusion I notice that tears started to fill her eyes and it wasn't long before some of those tears started to slowly fall.

" What I'm trying to say, is that I know I have committed many mistakes and that I'm not perfect, I have thought long ago that maybe I simply didn't deserve happiness...but then you appeared.

You have appeared from nowhere, you arrived at camp Half-blood where your parentage was shortly revealed, you trained hard and you successfully passed trials and battles where many would have failed, and even when the gods have shown mistrust and scorn toward you, you still helped us, Because of that you have gained my interest.

But the main thing that has taken my complete attention was your loyalty. I haven't seen this much loyalty for many centuries Percy, but this was only the beginning. After Zeus fading, you were there for me, you offered me support and comfort. As time passed I grew used to have you with me, slowly a friendship was born between us, and shortly after that, a special bond was born.

But my feelings for you grew even more than that, It was like a force of nature, and as much as I have tried to stop them or suppress these feelings I have remarkably failed..."

I couldn't move, I was frozen as I keep staring at Hera in disbelief after hearing her words, my mind was going through many conclusions and excuses per seconds, trying not to hope that she was saying what my heart and soul desires to hear, the silence was so damn loud in the living room, I could feel my heartbeat against my chest as I anxiously wait for her to finish speaking.

Suddenly at the corner of my eyes, I see as Hera lifts one of her hands and softly brings it to my cheek as she starts to softly caress it as a lover would, I felt like she could look through me and my entire soul was exposed for her to do as she wishes, I see her lips apart to utter and if it wasn't for the silence in the living room and the closeness that we were at I would have completely missed her following words.

" What I'm trying to say, my beloved... is that I have remarkably fallen for you and that I have accepted the reality that I love you "

Not long after hearing those words, my world exploded, filled with so many different sensations as Hera suddenly struck as she kisses me with tremendous intensity, I stood frozen but I shortly soon start kissing her back with matching passion, if not, even more than her.

It soon turned into a make-out session as we heavily kiss each other, Suddenly I feel a weight on my lap and it took me a while to realize that Hera has decided to straddle my lap.

I hear Hera gasp as I sneak my right hand under the opening of her toga as my hand greedily explores the exposed skin of her firm leg, meanwhile, I firmly seize her left breast and eagerly knead it, she breaks the contact of our lips as she throws her head back and I was shortly rewarded with her soft moans and I took advantage as I kiss and softly nibble at her exposed neck.

Seconds go by like this as she runs one of her hands through my now free hair, I'm not sure how much time has passed, all I know is that the next thing that I knew I was in her bed with her on top of me under the light of the moon entering through the huge balcony behind the bed as she was bouncing off my lap as I was lost in pleasure and love.

It was a strange sensation, it was like the world was released from me and I was simply not in control, it felt like the sky was in chaos, the destructive and mighty power of a storm, and at the same time the soft touch of the wind, I have long lost the sense of time, all I had in my mind was Hera and the imploring desire to pleasure her and to show her how much I love her.

Hours pass by as we both indulge ourselves in the carnal pleasures, she was tight enough to make me want to let loose early but I was nothing but stubborn, we both reached our climaxes multiple times as we give ourselves to the other again, and again, and again, it wasn't long before I long lost the count. I made sure to memorize every inch of her skin, every inch of her beauty, it was like drawing a map of a newly discovered world and I'm obsessed with exploring every inch of it. I ended up worshiping her body and her beauty, her midnight colored hair, her soft chocolate Brown eyes are soulful and deep, filled with mystery and wisdom, they remind me of the rich dark soils fertile with life.

After hours of wild intercourse, we were both tired, as I lay on the bed with Hera in my arms facing the left side of the grand bedroom, all I could think of was how passionate our lovemaking was.

Suddenly Hera shifts in my arms and I turn my gaze down until I was met with her beautiful eyes lovely staring at me and all I could say was the first thing that came to my mind.

" I love you so much, that I don't know what I would do without you..." those are the words that I softly murmured while still admiring her beauty.

Hera's only response to my words was a simple smile before she gently kisses me before laying her head at the crook of my neck.

" I love you too my beloved..." I hear Hera muttered and it wasn't long after that she falls asleep. As I lay there I simply close my eyes and it wasn't long before I also joined her in the vast world of Morpheus.

Next day

3rd POV

When Percy waked up, it took him a little to realize where he was but then the memories of last night hit him like a truck, he looked around but he couldn't find Hera anywhere inside the grand Bedroom.

" She must be somewhere in the palace then..." Percy murmured, suddenly he got up and went to the bathroom to shower himself.

Half an hour later Percy exits the bathroom dressed in a white greek toga that leaves his left upper chest area exposed and wearing spartan sandals, as he looks around he realizes that the bed has been made while he was showering, there weren't any traces of the events from last night.

I wonder who took care of that. Thought Percy before he starts to focus a little in order to search for Hera's presence in the palace, and he found her outside in the training ground behind the palace.

As Percy starts to walk in the direction of Hera's presence he starts to contemplate what will happen now between him and Hera, does this now mean that they were a couple now? or were they going to take this slow? suddenly Percy couldn't help but snort at that last thought

"Kind of late to take this slow after last night, we basically skipped all the steps and went straight for third base," Percy murmured as he chuckles in amusement while shaking his head.

Not long after that Percy reached the Training ground and he looks around for Hera until he found her sitting on a bench to the right, not very far from the stand of weapons.

From her expression it was obvious that she was lost in thought, so Percy decided to just walk up to her wanting to sit beside her.

Meanwhile, Hera was lost in thought as she was thinking about last night but suddenly she heard the telltale sound of footsteps, and as she looks up toward the sound she saw Percy walking toward her, she moves a little aside in order to make some space for him.

Both gods sit there in comfortable silence while enjoying each other's company, suddenly Percy turns to look at Hera and he softly smiles at her.

" Do you remember the last words that I have spoken to you?"

At hearing Percy's question Hera starts to recall the last moments from last night before she falls asleep in his arms and abruptly she remembers his last words and she couldn't help but slightly blush and smile softly at Percy.

Seeing Hera's expression and shortly after her nod in confirmation, Percy decides to keep talking.

" I meant every word that I said last night, I want to court you Hera...would you let me?" Percy apprehensively ask her, he knew what he wants and at this moment it was her.

Hera felt joy fill her being at hearing Percy's words, She was sure that Percy knew what courting means, and for him to ask her, it means that later in the future he wishes for them to marry.

Hera couldn't help but smile in happiness and she abruptly kisses Percy as she circles her arms around his neck, Percy on the other hand eagerly kisses her in return as he wraps his arms around her waist and pushes her body toward his until they were against the other.

They stood there kissing each other until they have to separate for lack of air, they gently rest their forehead against the other one as they lovingly stare into each other eyes, brown facing blue.

Suddenly a small frown grows on Hera's face and she worriedly tells Percy what's troubling her.

" Percy what about the others? some in the council wouldn't react well when they learn about us, and what will Poseidon say when he discovers about us being together?"

Percy gently starts to trace circles on her back in an effort to calm her down.

" Are you afraid of their reaction and opinion? do you really want us to hide our relationship from our family?" Percy asked in a slightly sad voice.

Hera at hearing the sadness in her now new partner, couldn't help but frenetically shook her head in denial as she caresses Percy's cheek.

" Of course not! I love you Percy and I won't hide my love for you, if some of them or even Poseidon has a problem with us being together I say they can go to Hades, I don't care what they think about me but I do care for you, this could negatively affect your reputation and name, I don't want that to happ-" Hera was interrupted as Percy gently shuts her lips with his thumb as he gently rubs her soft lips with it.

" Do you really think that I care what people think about me? I simply don't, I'm the king of the gods and Olympus, nothing more and nothing less. They can't tell me who I can or can't be with, and those on the council will have to learn to deal with it and my father doesn't care about us being together, in fact, he gave us his blessing in case we're to get together, besides... you are already the queen of Olympus and I don't want nobody else as my queen." Percy replied toward Hera and she was surprised at his words but the surprise was short-lived as he suddenly kisses her.

After separating, Percy gets up and he offers a hand toward Hera, said woman happily accepts his hand as he helps her to get on her feet.

" About we spend the rest of the day relaxing, just me and you," Percy said lovingly and Hera couldn't help but happily nod in agreement.


Four months have passed since Percy and Hera have gotten together and so far they were happy. They would spend most of the time together, either training, talking, or simply enjoying each other presence.

Percy has never felt happier than before, every touch, every laugh from Hera, and every time that they would make love to each other in the middle of the night was like a drug for him, he just couldn't get enough of her, he could never comprehend how Zeus could foolishly cheat on her for so many centuries.

Hera, on the other hand, was just as happy as Percy, she never felt so loved in all her life, Percy makes her feel like she was the universe to him and she has to admit that Percy meant everything to her.

In these past four months, the couple has gone on dates in the mortal world where they have learned more about the other, and their love for each other has also increased if possible. Basically, they were happy.

But It didn't take long before people noticed the change in the king and the queen of Olympus, people noticed how close they have become and some even saw them being intimate in places like Hera's garden, in the throne room, and in the rare occasions where the couple could be found together walking in the streets of Olympus and so rumors started to spread around Olympus.

And today the couple were going to be confronted concerning these rumors.

It was a clear day, the sun was shining and the sky was clear. Percy was meditating in the huge balcony of what has now become his and Hera's bedroom. He was lost in thought as he mused on how things have changed for the better between him and Hera.

'That reminds me, soon I will have to present Hera to my mother, I'm sure that they will get along.' Percy thought as he ponders on when should he do that.

Suddenly Percy felt someone calling a council meeting in the throne room, after the surprise dies down Percy realizes that the person who has called the meeting was Hades.

Percy sighs as he flashes away in a golden light, the moment that he appeared in the throne room he realizes that he was the last one to arrive so growing in his godly height he took a sit on his throne.

" As everybody is here let's start with this meeting-" after saying those words Percy turns his head to look at his uncle Hades"- Well uncle, why have you called for this meeting?" Questioned Percy and everybody else turn to stare at the mentioned god waiting for his response.

Hades at this became Nervous as he knew that what he would shortly reveal would shock the other gods and what it could mean. Hades sighed as he mentally prepared himself for the predicted reactions that will soon be performed.

" Tell me Perseus, do you remember about the unusual activity around the entrance of Tartarus in the underworld that I have mentioned to you some time ago?." Hades asked toward his nephew and after receiving a nod in confirmation Hades keep speaking.

" Well, the number of monsters that have stopped coming out has doubled and normally this would be a good thing, but while the common monsters have stopped leaving Tartarus, some of the more unique monsters have started to reform and some of them have already awakened from their slumber, monsters very ancient and powerful that have been forgotten by history."

At this, all the gods and goddesses were shocked and some were worried about this news. Athena was thinking about what could this mean but the only logical thing that came to her mind was only one thing, war. But it can't be, only a year has passed since their latest war with Kronos.

Percy was worried at this news, he hoped that this wouldn't happen as he feared for this to happen the moment that Hades first informed him about the decrease in monsters coming out of Tartarus.

Poseidon's voice suddenly took the attention of everybody as he deeply stares at Hades with a worried expression on his face.

" That is not all, is it brother? there is more that you haven't told us yet, I can clearly see it by your expression..."

At this everybody stares at Hades waiting for him to respond to Poseidon's statement. Hades on the other hand only sighed tiredly.

'And here we go...'Thought Hades as he opens his mouth in order to speak.

" Yes brother, that is not all, some of the titans that have died from the war against Kronos have started to reform faster while those that are imprisoned in the pit have started to restore their power until later in the future they will be able to escape their respective prisons."

The throne room was silent as they all process the grave news, some of them didn't know what to say on this matter and so they remained silent.

" War..." Every head turned to look at the person that murmured the word and they realize that it was Percy.

Percy was sitting on his throne with an unfocused look as he mused over the news that Hades has shared with the council. It was obvious, this could only mean that war will start in the future, the question is who's behind this, who will lead this army of monsters and titans.

Percy returned to the real world as he felt Hera gently gripping his hand in one of hers, he turned to look at her and he nodded at her in a sign that he was alright, this performance didn't go unnoticed by the other gods and goddesses.

Percy turns to look at the rest of the council and he noticed how it seemed like they were waiting for him to say something, clearing his throat he starts to speak.

" It is obvious that in the near future we will face war again, the main question is who's leading the army against Olympus. Another thing is that we have to prepare ourselves in order to accurately react when the time comes-" Percy was interrupted from saying any more as Apollo's body suddenly started to shake as green mist start to escape from his eyes, mouth, nose, and ears.

Suddenly Apollo starts to speak in an ancient voice full of power, the next words that were spoken by Apollo would shake the Olympian gods to their very bones.

"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,

To the sea or fire, the world must fall.

An oath to keep with a final breath,

And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death."

As soon as the last word left Apollo's mouth the sun god slumped on his throne, while Apollo was coming back to his gears the throne room was so silent one could easily hear the heavy breaths intakes from the sun god.

And just like that, all hell broke loose as the throne room falls into chaos and panic as most of them start shouting what actions they should take, some in anger and shock while others simply shouting questions.

The only ones that weren't panicking were Percy, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Hestia, But they all noticed how Percy's face grew a scowl and his eyes sharpened in a glare, neither they missed how he tightly gripped the armrests of his throne.

One thing that most people don't realize is what the domains of a god really do. When a god receives their domains, they gained power and control over what their domains consist of. But what some don't realize is how these domains also affect the personality of said god.

A great example of this is Poseidon, as the god of the sea Poseidon's personality has kind of changed a little to reflect his domains, just as the sea can be calm it can also easily become deadly and kill any that is unfortunate enough to get caught in its waters, Poseidon gained this trait in the form of how quickly his mood can change and how his fury can be a very dangerous thing.

Another example is Ares, as the god of war Ares is bloodthirsty and cruel, this is nothing but some of his traits that he has gained in order to better reflect his domain. God's personality changes in some aspects to better reflect their domain.

Now, the reason why this is important is that Perseus himself has been going through this process, something that the rest of the gods has noticed but hadn't said anything about it as they waited for the results, and Hera, Poseidon, Hades, and Hestia have all seen the results as the process finished months ago and the changes were noticeable but neither it fully changed Percy' entire personality, it just added these traits to his personality.

Because of his domain of the sky, Percy has become quite independent but also prideful and to a very lesser extent arrogant. Because of his domains of thunder and lightning, Percy has become quite short-tempered, then there is his domain of winds and this has made Percy becoming free-spirited, this leads Percy to dislike when someone is trying to control him in whatever method. And finally his final domain, Storms. If there is one thing that all the Olympian gods have agreed upon when it comes to the similarities between Percy and Zeus when it comes to personality traits, it is their fury.

While Zeus wasn't the god of Storms, His fury and anger were very well known to immortals and mortals alike, the only other individual that could match Zeus's dangerous fury is Poseidon. Percy on the other hand as the god of Storms, his anger and fury can very easily become dangerous and destructive, because of this all Olympian gods have secretly agreed in trying to avoid provoking Percy's fury just like Poseidon's rage.

But it was obvious to Hera, Hades, Hestia, and Poseidon that the rest of the Olympians at the moment have entirely forgotten about this, and so they watched in silence as the throne room keep falling into chaos and panic while Percy anger only grew at their lack of control.

And just as Hera and the others have predicted Percy's anger reached its limits as Percy abruptly gets up from his throne and the sky turns dark as the clouds changed from their grey color to dark black, Percy creates a thunderbolt in his hand, and right after he hurls it at the center of the throne room, not even a second after the throne room was briefly illuminated thanks to the bright light and it was soon followed by the loud roar of thunder, it certainly had the desired effect.

All the Olympian gods abruptly stop whatever action they were doing and turn to look at Percy in shock, all of them became nervous as Percy's anger was clearly shown on his face, his eyes were glowing blue as small bolts of electricity at random were flying out of them, and lightning was jumping throughout his body and lastly, everyone could easily hear thunders falling from the dark skies outside the throne room.

" Now that you have ceased panicking like a bunch of chickens, Let's take care of this matter as the Olympian gods that we are instead of succumbing to chaos and fear." Growled Percy and the gods and goddesses that were previously panicking had the decency to be ashamed while others looked embarrassed.

They all waited in silence for Percy to break the silence, Percy realizing this and after making sure that none of the gods were going to panic again he let out a heavy sigh and took a seat once again on his throne, as he starts to calm himself the others start to relax as they notice how Percy stopped emitting lightning from his body and how the thunders stopped falling from the sky but they were still cautious as the sky remained black, a clear indication that Percy was still annoyed.

" Now that you have stopped making a fool out of all of you, let's try to understand this prophecy, do we have any idea what it could possibly mean?" Percy asked after he calmed himself and as he looks around he sees as everyone starts to ponder on his words but suddenly Athena's voice called the attention of everyone.

" We have heard this prophecy before, it was thousands of years ago back in the era of the Roman Empire, but after centuries of nothing happening, we have forgotten it." At hearing Athena's words some of the gods' expressions changed to realization as some of them start to remember when back then they first heard it.

" The first line it's obvious, the only problem is figuring out which demigods is the prophecy speaking about. Then you have the second line which states that to the sea or fire the world must fall. I'm sure the sea refers to Poseidon or one of his children while to the fire reference I'm suspecting that it's talking about one of Hephaestus's children." Athena explains to the rest of the gods as she reflected on the meaning behind the rest of the prophecy.

At Athena's words, Apollo grew a small frown as he processes her statement.

" Are you sure about the sea part Athena? I can understand about uncle P but if you have forgotten Perseus here is the only child of uncle P and he's now a god so it can't be a demigod child of his." At Apollo's words, most of the gods nod in agreement Percy included but Hades noticed how Poseidon suddenly start to nervously squirm on his throne and he narrowed his eyes in suspicion at his behavior.

As the gods keep trying to uncover the meanings behind the prophecy Hades keeps staring at Poseidon as he thinks about why Poseidon would suddenly be nervous until he came up with an assumption that shocked him and it wasn't long before the shock started to be replaced by anger.

The gods keep discussing the prophecy but suddenly they fall silent as they notice how the shadows seem to move around the throne of Hades in an agitated manner and when they focus on his expression it was obvious to them that the god of the underworld was angered.

Percy seeing his uncle's anger he got confused, since his slight change in personality it usually was him to become angered and Hades was one of the calmest gods out there so he couldn't figure out what has suddenly angered his uncle.

" Uncle, what's the matter?" Percy asks and Hades responded by accusingly pointing one of his fingers at Poseidon.

" The matter is that my brother over there has the balls to hide from us the fact that he apparently has another demigod child, meaning that like Zeus he broke the oath that we took so many years ago not once but twice!" Hades shouted angrily, at this everyone was shocked, Percy more than everybody and he turns to his father with a perplexed expression.

Poseidon after getting over his shock at his brother's accusation he notices how the entire council was staring at him and his son's perplexing expression so he sighed tiredly as he rubbed his face out of tension.

" I uh, well...oh for Oceanus sake, yes! I have a second demigod child!" Poseidon admitted after being starred by the others and Hades only grunt in annoyance.

" Hades calm yourself, what is done it's done, there is no changing to the past. " Percy said to his uncle as the mentioned god start to slowly calm himself but it was obvious that he was still annoyed.

Turning to look at his father, Percy couldn't keep the disappointment from his expression.

" Why have you not told us of this father, did this happen before or after meeting my mother? And i hope it wasn't while you were with mother because if that's the case then gods help me that I will blast you with my master bolt all the way to the underworld." Percy said as he stares at his father directly in the eyes.

Poseidon flinched slightly at his son's words but soon anger filled his expression at his son's assumption of him cheating on Sally with another woman.

" Watch your words Perseus! I have not cheated on your mother! you know full well that I have sincerely loved your mother and that if it was up to me I would have long ago made her a goddess." Poseidon's words rang loudly in the silent throne room.

Everybody was silently staring at father and son, they were very well known for their anger and none of them dare to get between the two with the risk of focusing their anger on their person.

Except for Hera, who with a deadly voice, she spoke as she easily catches the attention of both gods.

" Both of you calm yourselves, Poseidon you know that Perseus didn't mean his words, and you Perseus should first let Poseidon explain himself before you start accusing him." Both gods shockingly stare at her before they nod at each other in agreement, on the other hand, the rest of the gods were surprised, while they kind of expected Poseidon to listen to Hera, they didn't expect Percy to actually listen to her.

" Forgive me father, but please explain to me how is possible for me to have a sibling when you have only been with my mother," Percy asked as he calmly looks at Poseidon.

Poseidon on the other hand nods his head toward Percy in acceptance and starts to explain.

" It was four years ago, I have to admit that I was stressed with not being able to raise you and be with Sally, Zeus paranoia and his arrogance, Amphitrite's rage at me for cheating on her again, the time where Zeus master bolt was stolen and a bunch of other things that led me to just get fed up, it ended with me going to the mortal world and drinking myself to the ground in one of the nightclubs in Atlantic City.

But I was so drunk that I ended up sleeping with one of the women in the nightclub, the next morning after realizing what I did I left hoping that the mortal wouldn't end up pregnant." Poseidon said as he tiredly leaned on his throne.

" Obviously it didn't go the way that you wanted," Artemis said angrily at her uncle.

Poseidon sent a glare toward his niece, after clearing his throat he keeps speaking.

" After she became pregnant I have visited her and explained to her what happened, how we gods exist, etc. I have to say that I was surprised how well she took the news and how she didn't try to get rid of the child."

After Percy listened to his father explain he start to ponder over this news, is he irritated at his father's actions? of course, but at least it wasn't while he was with his mother, he was more annoyed at him for not informing him of the existence of a younger sibling.

" If it was four years ago then this child of yours should presently be four years old. What's their name?" Percy asked, at the question Poseidon couldn't help but smile softly.

" Her name is Elena Salvatore"

Percy was surprised at discovering that he has a younger sister, he wouldn't mind meeting her later in the future. He looks around and sees that the rest are waiting for him to say something.

" Well, we can't do anything now. We should prepare ourselves for the future, Elena will grow up and when she's of enough age she will be sent to camp-half blood in order for her to safely train and to keep her safe.

It has been a long day I propose that we continue over this matter in our next council meeting, Hermes when we finished I want you to go to Chiron and to inform him of the prophecy, tell him to be aware and if something suspicious occurs he's to inform us immediately.

Is there any other issue that needs to be addressed?" Percy questioned, the gods and Goddesses remained quiet until Athena lifted her hand, at this Percy nods in her direction signaling her to speak.

" This doesn't have anything to do with what has been transpired early, it is a simple question and observation of mine."

At this Percy and the rest of the council stared at her questioningly, after receiving once again the signal to keep going, Athena ask the question that has been bugging her lately.

" Are you and Hera romantically together?" Athena bluntly asks, all the gods were surprised at her question but none said anything as they all turned to the two mentioned deities, they have been wondering how close the two have become lately but they want to hear what the two have to say about this matter.

Percy was surprised at Athena's blunt approach, could only widen his eyes in surprise, he looks around and notices how the rest of the Olympians are waiting for him to answer.

Percy and Hera turn to look at each other as if silently discussing between them, Percy knew that sooner or later he would have to reveal to the others about his and Hera's relationship but he didn't think that it was going to be this soon.

As the silence prolongs, Percy sighs and he takes a hold of Hera's hand in his own and he starts to gently rub her hand with his thumb.

" Yes Athena, Me and Hera are together, In fact, we have been together for the past four months." Percy's response caused shock among almost every Olympian, Poseidon was proud of his son and happy for him, Hades and Hestia were also happy for him. The rest were unsure about what to think of this, Apollo and Hermes were wondering how Percy was able to make Hera soft enough to make her fall for him while Athena and Artemis were unsure in what to make of this, Athena because of the fact that Percy and Annabeth used to be together, Artemis because she knew that Percy was different than other males but she couldn't imagine how they could fall for each other.

Aphrodite on the other hand was bouncing on her throne as she was squealing about the revealed news, she couldn't wait for the future that would hold for the couple, the drama, the forbidden romance oh it was too much for her.

But out of all the Olympians, there was only one who was angered at this union.

Suddenly Ares got up from his throne, his flaming red eyes were burning with anger and as his clothes suddenly change in his godly armor which is colored in dark red and black and it closely resembles an ancient greek Spartan armor, in his hand was his symbol of power, doom, A greatsword made of celestial bronze, the handle was black as the night with a skull right in the middle where the handle meets the blade, the blade itself was blood red.

" How dare you! You dare to court my mother you bastard!, fight me now so that I can leave you in a bloody mass! I won't let you be together with my mother you punk." Ares shouted while glaring daggers at Percy, the council was in shock at Ares's action and words.

Percy just as the others was shocked, but his shock turned to anger, which soon turned into fury, Percy gets up as he lit his hands in lightning while lightning started to fly throughout his eyes, Thunders could be heard from the dark sky as it reflected the mood of its ruler.

" You dare to disrespect me, Ares! you have no power over who Hera decides to be with, I'm courting Hera because we love each other and you dare to deny us? WHO IN THE NAME OF CHAOS DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, YOU FUCKING FOOL!" Percy furiously shouts and everybody was now worried that a fight would take place, in the sky thunder after thunder was resounding as a storm start to take place outside, the rain was heavily falling and the winds were powerful enough to crack windows and making trees fall in the mortal city below Olympus.

As Percy summoned his own symbol of power, his Master bolt appeared in his right hand in the length of fifteen feet, As Percy Prepares to electrocute Ares with his master bolt in order to teach him a lesson he was interrupted by a hand gripping his wrist and as he turns his head to angrily glare at whoever dared to stop him he was faced with the serious face of Hera as her eyes pleadingly stare at him in a request to stop.

Percy knew that he had acquired his short-temper and dangerous fury and anger from his domains but even in his furious state he couldn't be enraged with Hera and neither he could/would never wish to hurt her, so with an enraged growl he changes his aimed target and aims his master bolt to the sky through the opening in the ceiling of the throne room and a powerful thunderbolt hurled from the master bolt and toward the sky, the result was a brief flash of light and the familiar roar of thunder.

Percy dismisses away his master bolt and crosses his arms against his chest, he was still furious and if it was for him he would have electrocuted Ares, he was lucky Hera stopped him at the last very second.

" Thank you for not hurting him, my love," Hera said and the rest of the Olympians clearly heard it and they also saw the clear love and affection directed toward Percy in her eyes and on her expression.

Suddenly she turned to look at Ares and her expression of affection and Love abruptly changed to an indignant and enraged look, Ares started to get nervous as his mother starts to walk up to him, her strides were with purpose and the way that she walks was clearly obvious to the rest of the Olympians that she was royalty and they were reminded that Hera was the queen of Olympus and a very powerful and dangerous goddess, they were reminded from who Ares inherited his domain of War, it felt like a punch to the face as they were reminded that when Hera desires she could be more bloodthirsty, brutal and cruel then Ares himself as the goddess of Warfare, the most powerful Olympian goddess and on par with the big three.

Ares at this point was afraid, even when his mother once in front of him barely reached his height and even being thousands of years old he felt like he was once again nothing but a godling who was about to be punished by his mother.

Faster than what some of the gods could see, Hera lifted her hand and Immediately slapped Ares with so much force that he had to take a couple of steps back and his neck turn sideways, the rest of the Olympians were sure that if Hera had really wanted she could have used much more brutal strength behind that slap, enough to snap Ares's neck.

" You fucking idiot! I have the right to be with whoever I want to, I'm your mother and you will respect my decision! do you understand! and how dare you to disrespect Perseus in that manner, you lucky I stopped him before he would have hurt you, if you were not my son I would have let Perseus use his master bolt-on you, hell I would have most probably injured you for your insolence and disrespect toward him. Now apologize to your king right at this moment!." Hera shouted at him, and as Ares turns to look at her with one of his hand holding one side of his face, he frightened nod his head and hurriedly and shakily apologize to Percy and he turns to sit down on his throne after Percy told him to return to his throne.

After both Percy and Hera calmed down they Dismiss the council meeting, and as the gods left Apollo and Hermes along with Hephaestus, they were laughing their asses off about how Ares got manhandled by Percy and Hera.

After everyone left the Throne room, only Percy and Hera remained behind still seated on their thrones, Suddenly Percy let out a heavy sigh as he slumped on his throne.

" I swear, today has been a fucking roller-coaster so far..." Percy muttered still annoyed at Ares, Hera hearing his words could only snort in agreement.

They both knew that very shortly Olympus habitants would hear of them being together and shortly after the demigods will also find out, not that they care if they do.

As they laid there trying to clear their mind from the stressful meeting, Percy Remembered his thoughts about visiting his mother along with Hera in order to present the two women to the other.

" Hey, Hera..." At hearing the voice of Percy, Hera turns to look at him.

" I was planning to go tomorrow and visit my mother, I was wondering if you will like to come with me and meet my mother." Percy state and as Hera mused over her lover's words she softly smiled at him and lovingly kissed him on the cheek.

" I would love to meet your mother, I'm curious to meet her anyway." At Hera's words Percy could only nod and smile happily.

But before he could say anything he abruptly heard the prayer of an unexpected person.

'Lord Jupiter, Please your presence is needed at the camp, Jason and Octavian are brutally fighting each other!'

Neither to say Percy was surprised at the sudden preyer of Reyna, Hera noticing Percy's surprise she confusedly ask what was wrong and after Percy explains to her what's going on, Hera advised Percy to go and that they would see each other again later at dinner in their palace.

As Hera leaves the throne room in a bright flash of light, Percy now on his feet, changes to his roman aspect Jupiter.

(AN: I'm not going to lie at the moment I'm not feeling like describing the armor of Percy, you can just look at the cover Image of the story and you will see his Roman armor besides his Greek armor, just take away the wolf fur.)

Noting that his armor was tightly fit he decides to not wear the Helmet so after dismissing the said piece of armor in his small packet dimension Jupiter teleports to camp Jupiter as a thunder fall from the skies and hit his spot and when the light died no one was in the throne room.

Camp Jupiter

Just outside of the house of the senate, all demigods were in a circle, and in the middle of that circle was Jason grace, adopted child of Jupiter and Octavian the legacy of Apollo and they were clashing swords but to the spectators, it was obvious that Jason was a better swordsman than Octavian.

The argument started when Octavian opposed the plan of Jason to redeem the fifth cohort, Octavian announced that it wasn't the will of the gods and that the fifth cohort would remain disgraced for losing the eagle in 1980.

Jason irritated at the arrogant fool replied by saying how Octavian was nothing but a charlatan and an arrogant fool, after that they both started to insult each other until it escalated into a fight, and decided to take care of it outside.

Reyna was watching the fight along with the others irritated and slightly nervous, she tried to stop the fight before it could escalate further but it was all in vain.

'Dammit, you damn fools..., Reyna thought, she couldn't understand why they couldn't just get along, don't they realize that every argument that they have only help in creating conflict and disagreement between all the demigods?.

'Not to mention that some of the gods are probably watching this mass.'

As the fight becomes more brutal Reyna decides that this needs to stop so she starts to pray toward the first person that came to her mind, and that was the new Lord Jupiter and now her step-grandfather from her mother Bellona side. It doesn't matter how many times she thinks about it, it still feels weird thinking that, besides it could also be the opportunity where she will finally meet him for the first time since when he came to camp Jupiter to reveal how the original lord Jupiter fade away and made him his heir and how he became the new ruler of Olympus and god of the sky, she wasn't there to witness it since she was away doing a small quest for her mother.

She has heard stories of when he came to the camp followed by Lupa, she was told how the new lord Jupiter was the god of the sky, thunder, lightning, winds, and Storms. All Romans were confused at first in who was he for Jupiter to make him his heir but no questions were asked.

'Lord Jupiter, Please your presence is needed at the camp, Jason and Octavian are brutally fighting each other!'

Reyna finished praying and as the seconds started to go by and the two fighting demigods start to wound each other she starts to worry that her prayer was being ignored but just when Jason was about to pierce Octavian's left shoulder and said demigod was about to run through Jason's chest with his sword a thunder fall from the sky right between the two demigods and everyone was blinded by the light of said thunder.

As everyone's sight starts to return they all look to see how Jason and Octavian were far from each other signaling that they have been launched away when the thunder hit the ground.

The thunder!

Reyna thought and she abruptly turns to look where the thunder touched the ground and in the middle of the scorched earth was a man that was giving an aura full of power, it was like the very sky was in their presence.

As Reyna studies the armor of the man she notices his looks and she couldn't help but blush at how handsome he was, suddenly she was brought out of her thoughts as she sees how the man's face turns into a scowl and lightning was flying throughout his eyes and what once used to be a blue sky turned to grey as clouds start to fill the skies and a roar of thunder could be heard from the skies signaling the man's anger.

" What in the world it's the meaning of this!" Reyna along with the surrounding demigods couldn't help but wince at the god's anger-laced shout but Octavian and Jason flinched as they were closest to Jupiter.

" Lord J-Jupiter I can explain-" Octavian murmured before he was interrupted by Jupiter.

" Can you? then please explain to me why the augur and my adopted child are battling each other?! if Praetor Reyna hadn't prayed to me informing me of the situation and I hadn't come here in time both of you fools would have killed each other." Jupiter shouted clearly angered.

Luckily in a flash of light Lupa appeared and she walks up to Jupiter but not before bowing to him in respect and devotion.

" My lord please you need to calm down or you could hurt one of the demigods."

At hearing the words of Lupa Jupiter starts to calm himself, turning to the rest of the demigods, Jupiter glares at all of them and ordered them to get back at whatever they were doing before the fight started. As the demigods obey Jupiter turned to the remaining people.

" All of you follow me." Jupiter curtly ordered and they all walk inside the senate-house, once they reached the center of the senate Jupiter signal for them to take a sit on one of the seats as he summons a blank throne and takes a sit himself.

Silence filled the room as the demigods and Lupa await for Jupiter to say something, Jason and Octavian were the most nervous as they were afraid to get punished by Jupiter, Jason knew that Jupiter wouldn't kill him but that doesn't mean that he won't get punished by his reckless actions.

" Now I want to know from the beginning what in the name of Pluto has happened for you Jason and Octavian to fight each other, and I hope that it's a good reason because if it isn't then both of you will go through a punishment of my choosing," Jupiter said and the two mentioned demigods gulped as they tried to think what to say in their defense.


Again, if you have questions please just comment so that I can answer at the best of my ability. And lastly not many have voted or donated power-stones, gotta admit I’m disappointed but oh well. The name Elena Salvatore is just a coincidence to those wondering, the author is Italian.

Nocturnal_50creators' thoughts