
The New life Of Naruto Uzumaki

Taking a break…

King_exotic · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Joys of D-Ranks

Naruto woke up late since he knew kakashi is usually 3 hours late naruto looked to at the clock seeing it saying 9:30.

He did his routine take a shower brush his teeth take a shower after he went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

After thinking about what to make naruto just decided to make a simple breakfast of white rice, eggs and vegetables to the side.

Grabbing his tea and food from the counter he went and sit down and said Itadakimasu!

After eating naruto got dressed for the day and left to go to the training ground.

Naruto while walking on the walk path in the village took a deep breath and breathed out.

naruto said "this really is nice just walking around peacefully looking at the beautiful and peaceful scenery this village is"

Snapping back into reality naruto noticed he was closing in on the bridge he seen to figures there.

The one with black hair was leaning on the railing being the brooding bastard he was.

Next to him was a pink haired girl who was trying to talk to sasuke but he was ignoring her.

Hearing foot steps they looked up to see naruto walking on the bridge.

sakura said in a irritated tone " you're late again naruto"

With a smile naruto said " mah mah sakura i am very early seeing as kakashi sensei is not here yet right"

And coincidentally kakashi appeared in and said "good morning you three"

Naruto counted down in his mind and said " 3 2 1"

Sakura yelled: your late!

Kakashi said "now now sakura-chan you see there was a black cat that crossed my path so i had to take the long way around"

Clapping his hands kakashi said follow me my cute little genins.

Following kakashi we walked for awhile until we seen the hokage tower.

They Walking in the halls for awhile until they see a label on the ceiling that says mission assignment and a wide green table.

Kakashi walked up and asked for a mission.

Sarutobi was going through them and said hmm lets see cleaning inuzuka kennels painting fences….

Naruto looking at sakura sasuke's eyes bulging wider and wider from hearing the hokage keep naming out these missions.

Amused naruto thought: "seeing that reaction was worth seeing if only i had a camera to see it over and over again and to use it as blackmail"

Kakashi said ill take three of them.

Hearing kakashi said that all three of them thought of the horror of doing these missions.

Sarutobi: "which one's?"

Kakashi said with a devilish smile sending chills down everyones spine" the dog walking, cleaning trash and catching tora"

Naruto eyes widen in horror thinking about that devilish cat they have to catch.

Sarutobi grabbed the three he asked for and handed it to him and said Goodluck.

Sighing kakashi said you three lets go.

Time skip

They finally reached the destination knocking on the door of the house

Someone opened it.

And she said oh you guys are the ones they gave the mission to she waved us to come in and we finally seen the dogs.

After giving the instructions she left kakashi said you know what to do.

Each of them chose a dog sakura chose the little one sasuke chose the medium sized and naruto got the big dog.

Time skip…

after finishing walking the dogs they went to the next destination and sees the water full with trash and garbage.

Sighing they started picking up the garbage and heard a perverted giggle and seen kakashi sitting in a chair while reading his.

sakura seeing this yelled "why aren't you helping us"

while giggling kakashi said " you guys should be able to finish it yourself"

sakura groaned and said " what type of mission is this these are like chores"

And then we continued to pick up the trash.

Time skip…

A couple of hours later the whole water was clear of trash.

Finishing that we got a break and were eating the bento boxes kakashi got for us.

Rubbing his hands together naruto got his essentials he needed for his black mail for the final mission left the capture tora mission.

Looking through the mission scroll he said that tora was last found in the streets this way

Time skip…

Cheery blossom: here

Kitsune: here

Avenger: here

Kakashi: here

All three of us deadpanned at him and said "we are supposed to use nicknames"

Kakashi scratched his and said " moving on"

Sakura said "i think i found her"

Kakashi said "when i say go catch her 3 2 1 go!"

All kakashi naruto and sasuke jumped down since sakura jumped at the cat.

Sakura yelled "i got her"

Kakashi asked "does she have a red bow?"

Sakura said "yes"

Kakashi with his eye smile put out his thumbs up and said mission accomplished.

Sakura said " time to bring you back tora"

She was about to pet her then tora started screeching and started scratching her"

Taking out his camera while it happened he snapped a photo with the flash on and naruto said joking " she seems to like you sakura"

sakura balled her fist and chased after him and yelled naruto!!!

Naruto ran away laughing " ha ha ha"