

"Oh! God! He's so handsome."

"I can stare at him all day."

"He's so easy on the eyes."

"Plain stunning."

"It's a shame, he only love books."

Compliments sprung up in the air when the school's cold yet the most handsome guy walked in the hallway. He had all the girls even the guys swooning over his good looks but he didn't bother. He had always been difficult to approach. So aloof. So withdrawn. His body language conveyed his message loud and clear but the lads around him were just too ignorant.

"He wouldn't be able resist me today. Just wait and watch. How long can he act? Today he'll surrender. Kim Taehyung, I am coming for ya." The school's queen bee verbalized with a proud stance.

Jihoo, the queen bee was the most charismatic girl in the school. It was just her b*tchy attitude which put her down in everyone's eyes. She behaved like she owned everything just because her dad owned the school. Everything should revolve around her was her only mindset.

Jihoo walked down the hall swaying her hips.

"Hey, handsome, would you like to go to the movies with me?" She inquired of him.

He just overlooks her and resumes his walk down the hall. It has happened so many times that no one cared to look at them

"Jihoo, you do realize that it's the fifteenth time this month that you have been ignored and rejected, right? And it's only been fifteen days into the month " Jimin commented.


This was like an everyday routine. Him ignoring her and her getting embarrassed on a daily basis. He behaved the same with everyone. Never had he bothered to talk or socialize with anyone in the past twelve years. An incident that had taken place twelve years ago had forced him to change himself.

Until a certain someone joined his class. The person just turned his life upside down but in a good way.

And that certain someone was Y/N.

Y/N and Taehyung were bench mates but only spoke to each other when they needed something or got stuck at anything.

Y/N was a shy and quiet type of girl, who didn't meddle anyone's matters. Kim Taehyung was the cold heartthrob who didn't talk to anyone only with Y/N that too to a bare minimum. He always used to sit alone and whenever paired would ask the teacher to make him sit alone. But when Y/N joined his class as the new transferee, there was no place for her to sit except beside Taehyung. So, the teacher made her sit there and told Taehyung personally by calling him at her desk that she would arrange a desk for Y/N and make her sit somewhere else once the arrangement is done. But what Taehyung said next shook Ms. Sooha to the core.

Taehyung - "No ma'am there's no need to do that, it's okay, I'll Manage". It was so not Taehyung. He always insisted on sitting alone and never once had he tried to "manage" so what was so special today. But Ms. Sooha didn't question it further as it was an easy go for her considering the situation. She knew if she had questioned further, Taehyung would definitely not "manage" twice. Then she would have to go through hell explaining her head how one student throws tantrums because he loves his personal space and won't budge to make someone sit beside him.

She believed in a peaceful living, and THIS was a major step towards one. So not even delaying the grabbing ceremony of the tempting offer, she immediately said "okay Taehyung" with a poker face to keep up the façade. But she was dancing on the inside on how she saved herself from the wrath of her one cruel of a head. Taehyung went back to his seat. To say everyone was shocked would be an understatement, they were all surprised out of their minds with the stunt Taehyung just pulled. They had never seen Taehyung being considerate enough to allow even a cute panda in his personal bubble to invade his privacy.

Whenever he was made to share his seat with someone, he would walk up to the teacher and get rid of the said seat sharing person. But today maybe the sun had risen from the west because Y/N was not thrown out of her seat like the other students who were asked to share seats with Taehyung. To add more flames to the fire of confusion the handsome hunk put his hands in his pockets sauntered to his seat as if he didn't just make a paper ball out of one of his ideologies and threw it out of the window.

Y/N on the other hand absolutely oblivious to the infrequent happenings, couldn't sense the overstrung atmosphere of the classroom. She was so clueless that she didn't even feel the scrutinizing gazes of her classmates silently digging out reasons as to why Taehyung wanted her to sit with him. While everyone was busy unearthing the mystery Y/N was too engrossed to give a fudge about those people. She was in her world, completely occupied in beautifying her notebook with the help of colourful sharpies while jotting down the notes their teacher had just provided.

Y/N never seemed to spark up a conversation with Taehyung. So, ultimately getting frustrated and finally breaking the ice, Taehyung asked, "Hey, I never caught your name so would you mind?" "Oh! no not at all, it's Y/N and what's yours?" you asked smiling softly. It felt like she just asked his name to serve the formality and not to seem rude. Taehyung let it slide and smiled warmly putting his hand out or a handshake which Y/N gladly accepted when Taehyung said," its Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." "It's nice to meet you." "Ditto" Taehyung replied and they both chuckled. "Let's get back to paying attention in the class before our teacher calls us out." Y/N said, Taehyung wanted to correct her but settled for an "Okay". Then both went back to do what they were doing.

This was just how things went on. None of them spoke more than needed. Taehyung was always the one to spark a conversation and Y/N would always answer it in the shortest way possible. Taehyung just wanted to break Y/N's protective and closed off shell and make her feel more comfortable and homely with him. Taehyung has been attracted to Y/N from the very first day he lay his eyes on her. He just fell head over heels for her.

Y/N also on other hand didn't think any different. She also had a teeny tiny crush on Taehyung because of his charming looks but it just kept on growing bigger due to Tae's sweet and caring behavior towards her. Y/N didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Taehyung, so she gave short replies to avoid explanations and embarrassment. He was cold to all the people around him, but Y/N asked or said something he would become the sweetest pie. Y/N would also treat and speak to Tae differently than the others.

Both of them were crushing hard on each other but were too shy to confess.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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