
The New Continent

Jarvis Maximus has awoken on an unknown continent on Earth though in this universe Earth was different as leaders for each nation was different from the ones in reality

Dr_Dred · Militar
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The New President of Cuba

As the convoy approached the Presidential Palace Jarvis saw the Arcadian soldiers patrolling the streets of Havana, with food distributions Centers set up around the City to feed the population.

From the Drive alone Jarvis could see thousands of people homeless and sleeping on the side of the street.

For now this was how the city would look but after a few months had passed it would look completely different. Jarvis wanted to transform Havana into a proper city of the Modern era.

As the car continued to drive Jarvis saw some engineers already setting up a place for the Food distribution Center that would be one of many in Havana to feed the population. And these Food distribution Centers would not be around for the foreseeable future.

Once the economy got going and and the cities got rebuilt the food would transfer to Grocery stores where people would go and buy their food just like any normal citizen in America.

This would be after a few years since rebuilding a nation would take time and didn't happen over night. 

The convoy finally reached the Presidential Palace after 15 minutes of driving. At the front of the building, soldiers were stationed as guards. Currently undergoing reconstruction, the Presidential Palace was considered the heart of Cuban politics and needed to be renovated to a higher standard than its original appearance.

The gates of the Presidential Palace swung open, allowing the convoy to pass through before stopping at the entrance.

As Jarvis approached the entrance, he was greeted by the Remaining Generals of the Cuban army. Despite their older age and more life experience, they were all visibly nervous in his presence. To them, he was a towering figure who could make them disappear like nothing happened, making them feel like insignificant ants in comparison.

One of the Royal Guards opened the car door for them and Jarvis emerged, with Kingsley and Ova trailing closely behind.

As Jarvis approached, General Martín was the first to speak. "Your Majesty, it's an honor to have you here. We are eternally grateful for your aid in saving Cuba and assisting us in its reconstruction," he stated with a nod, as the other Generals echoed their agreement and appreciation.

"I am always happy to support those who are working towards a brighter future, General," Jarvis stated. "It is my mission to aid nations who are ready to take the next step towards a better tomorrow."

General Martín's expression softened as he heard Jarvis's words, and he appeared to be less tense now that he realized Jarvis wasn't a power-hungry leader.

"Gentlemen, in order to pave the way forward, we must first address any issues within the Military. As I'm sure you're aware, those who abused their power during the previous President's reign have been arrested and will soon face trial for their actions." Jarvis spoke with authority, pausing as he scanned the faces of the remaining Generals before him.

Jarvis clarified, "The four of you did not misuse your authority, so it is now in your hands to select the next temporary President of Cuba for the next 4 years until an officially elected leader takes office. I have no preference on who you choose as long as they are honest and trustworthy; I will not intervene."

The other three Generals all looked at General Martín, knowing he was the most likely candidate for President. Not only was he a respected General, but he also had a strong public following and experience in politics.

Out of the four remaining Generals, General José Antonio Gómez was the second most influential. "General Martín, you are the best option we have left," he stated with conviction.

"I concur with General Gómez's opinion. General Martín should continue to lead the nation for the next four years, while leaving the responsibility of leading troops to younger Generals," stated General Miguel Canales, who was 34 years old compared to General Martín's age of 50 this year.

"I'll always have your back, General Martín. You should just accept my support without hesitation," insisted General Ramon Ordóñez, the youngest of the four Generals at 28 years old.

Jarvis directed his gaze towards General Martín and smiled. "Congratulations on your promotion to President, General Martín," he said.

General Martín had no choice but to accept this new position, as Jarvis already saw him as the President. It also gave him a chance to step back and let the younger Generals showcase their abilities.

Expressing his gratitude, President Martín of Cuba responded, "Your Majesty, I am honored to lead my people towards a brighter future."

"Now that things are settled here, I'll head out to explore the other cities in Cuba while you, President Martín, discuss with my Chancellor Kingsley on how to rebuild and secure a better future for the Cuban people," declared Jarvis as he turned to leave and Ova trailed after him towards their car.

President Martín and Kingsley exchanged a firm handshake and exchanged pleasantries before entering the grand Presidential Palace to discuss the future of Cuba.

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