
The New Continent

Jarvis Maximus has awoken on an unknown continent on Earth though in this universe Earth was different as leaders for each nation was different from the ones in reality

Dr_Dred · Militar
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71 Chs

The Empire's Army Arrives

At this moment the Movement of the Heli Carrier was not known by the Japanese Empire since it had system's that would throw off the enemies Radar and Satellite Signal's.

Along with the Heli Carrier was the around 10k Pelican's carrying Imperial Soldier's. The Pelican's were equipped with the latest Engine Technology which allowed a ship to run for Days on end without the need to recharge.

Currently the Pelican's could run for 30 days before needing to recharge which is how powerful the Power System is that power's the Engine. But no ship will have to fly for 30 days straight so the Pelican's will always be recharged.

Alena who was inside of the Heli Carrier was watching the view of the sky. It was so amazing to be so high up in the clouds on something so big such as this.

The sight of seeing thousand's of Pelican's flying next to the Heli Carrier made her eager to get involved in this battle.

As the Major General of the Military she was given Supreme Authority to utilize all of the Empire's Military capabilities. Specifically she was told by Jarvis to give the world a show and reveal a little of the Empire's capabilities while also hiding some.

And so she would do just that. The first thing that the world would see is the magic user's of the Empire which Alena had 1k of them with her. In all the Empire had 50k Magic user's in the Military consisting of various races of Demon's.

These Demon's have proven their Loyalty to Jarvis and thus have been given the title of an Imperial Knight.

Unlike fantasy Imperial Knight's where they guarded the Royal Family or Cities, these Imperial Knights would be used precisely for destroying things using magic.

Of the 1k Imperial knights that Alena had with her she had sent 10 of them on a mission to the Capital of the Japanese Empire to find out where they were keeping the Heir to the Chinese Empire and to rescue him at all costs.

They were told not to harm civilians and keep the damage to a minimum.

While they went on their mission Alena proceeded to help the Manchukuo people.


Almost 1 hour later and they had arrived at the Capital of Manchukuo with the Heli Carrier floating just above the city shocking the Manchukuo people who thought that this massive structure was from the Japanese.

Alena had taken a Pelican to the Palace where the Prime minister was at so that she can get a report on the war situation.

Once she arrived the soldier's were a little scared of who she was but they saw that she was wearing the uniform of the Empire's Military and they knew that they were their allies so they let her through.

Once inside she was guided to where the Prime minister was so that she can talk to him.

"Prime Minister his Majesty sends his regards and also a Gift" Said Alena

"His Majesty is much too kind, I wish we had more to give him for all the help that he has give to us thus far" Said Prime minister Jin

"His Majesty is not greedy but he is a kind and just ruler who doesn't ask for too much unlike the other World Power's who want more just for them to help you" Said Alena

"But let's get down to buisness how is the War going for the Manchukuo people" Once Alena asked this the Prime Minister's face turned into one of stress.

"The War is not going well, already we have lost all our border cities and the enemy is still pushing in even further. Our forces can only hold them for a little but the Japanese has Air superiority and they have the number's to overwhelm our forces" Reported the Prime Minister

"The situation is already bad I see, well no more worries because his Majesty has sent his most powerful forces to help us including an army of 100k men to help defend the the country" Said Alena

"Though this is not all as more Forces will be joining us soon enough" Said Alena

"This amount should be more than enough to defend the border I hope" Said Prime Minister Jin since he didn't know how advance the Empire was. But seeing that flying carrier outside he guessed that they must have some good technology.

"Then if you would excuse me I will head to the frontline's immediately to support the troops" Said Alena as she left the room and returned to the Heli Carrier.

Once she was onboard she ordered it to depart for the Front lines to support the Manchukuo army.

Elsewhere in other part's of the world the World power's were going crazy since there agent's within the Manchukuo government sent to monitor the War between the Empire and Japanese had sent images of the Heli carrier back to their Government.

The Major power's were shocked since in order to create something like this it was expensive and required high technology.

For them to create it must mean that they have both the technology and people to build it.

Citizen's around the world was going crazy because this was something from the Marvel Movies that appeared in real life.

Although it may look a little different the design was the same and so was the concept. This made Marvel fan's start wonder 'Is the Marvel verse real?'

This was the number one thing trending on the internet right now with the number 2 being the fact that the Empire has joined the war on the side of the Manchukuo government.


At the Frontline between the Manchukuo army and the Japanese Imperial army the fighting was intense as the Manchukuo soldier's attempted to hold and stop the Japanese from taking away their freedom.

General Liu Wen also just known as General Wen was inside of the General's HQ which was established well behind the front line but now it was near the frontlines.

He was already preparing to move the HQ back even more when he received a report from the Manchukuo Military Command.

"General Wen reinforcement's are on the way I repeat reinforcement's are on the way have the soldier's retreat" Said the Messenger from High Command.

"If we retreat now the they will overrun the HQ" Yelled General Wen at the Radio.

The messenger went quite for awhile before he responded again "Disregard that first order General Wen the Empire's army is approaching your location with a Major General Alena who will be in charge of the frontline, their E.T.A is 5 minute's" Reported the messenger.

'The Empire is sending reinforcement's' Though General Wen as he heard a something flying overhead.

He left the HQ and had seen what he knew was a Pelican since it was the Empire's main troop transportation.

Two Pelican's landed in front of the HQ and started offloading troop's. The troops were wearing the uniform's of the Empire's military so the Manchukuo soldier's didn't shoot or act cautious.

Out of one of the Pelican's came a woman followed by a platoon of soldier's who were all carrying some heavy boxes and crates.

Alena had recognized the the General's uniform and had walked up to General Wen.

"General Wen I assume" Asked Alena as she reached out to shake his hand.

"Yes, and I assume that you are Major General Alena" Asked General Wen

When he asked this the Manchukuo soldier's behind him had immediately saluted since this was a superior officer of another country.

"You can be at ease gentlemen we have more pressing matter's to attend to, and Yes I am Major General Alena" Said Alena

General Wen was about to question why the highest ranking military official of the Empire had personally came to the frontline's. But she had interrupted him.

"Before we can talk casual general we need to relieve some stress of the Frontline's" Said Alena as she raised her hand showing the wrist device that had pulled up a hologram of a person.

"Commander send out all fighter's to support the frontline and deploy the soldier's to the frontline" Ordered Alena

"Aye, Ma'am it will be done" Said the Commander

"And also I want full air superiority of the airspace above the battlefield within 5 hours" Ordered Alena

"We will not fail you Ma'am I will personally tell the men and have it done within 2 hours" Said the Commander

"We are not here to make thing's fast prioritize helping the frontline first, I don't want no heroics is that understood" Alena Said

The Commander popped to attention and saluted "Yes Ma'am"

Alena shutdown the hologram and faced General Wen.

"General my men will began to set up our communication tower which will improve both of our communication's on the battlefield and help the Manchukuo army coordinate better on the Frontline's" Explained Alena

General Wen was speechless at what he just heard but came back to his senses when Alena was talking to him.

"Thank you Major General this will help our effort's but the Manchukuo army is not that advanced so our communication devices is almost 50 years old" Said the General.

Alena put her hand on top of her head "We will fix this situation later for now General this area is not safe so gather your men and board the Transport's, we will transport your men to a better HQ" Said Alena.

General Wen was already doing this so he told his men to bring the equipment that they had packed up and load them onto the transport's.

Meanwhile on the frontline's the Manchukuo troops who thought that all hope was lost was glad to see the Empire's military forces landing and supporting them on the battlefield.

The battle had for the first time came to a stalemate which allowed the Manchukuo army to reorganize and resupply with fresh weapon's from the Empire.

The Japanese General's had sent this report back to Tokyo to request reinforcement's.

With the Arrival of the Empire's army the battle was grounded to a stalemate and the Japanese troops had lost many key position's and hundred's of men just trying to attack the Defensive position's of the Empire.

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