


*****Chapter 2a*****


*Charming's POV *

Davison!!!!!!😠😠😡Arrrrgh?!!!!😦😬that idiot spoilt my nice time with Blair.....well that aside. Well he isn't actually an idiot, I mean Davison. He is my best friend actually. Well do you wanna know about me??if you do that is fine. I'll tell u🤷‍♂️

I'm Charming Nevandra, I'll say the hottest guy in OCEANIA HIGH. Well I'm actually competing with none other than my bestfriend, well that doesn't stop us from being best buddies👬 . My powers are ability to manipulate metals and rocks to my will, For example I can drive a car🚘 without touching the steering or any button. Cool isn't it 😎😎??? Anthonio interrupted my thoughts.

Anthonio on opening the door said to their dorm room said "who's that 🤔?" , he asked

"Maybe our last roommate",I said nonchalantly 😏

"It's a GIRL !!!🤨🤨" ,Andrea said in the most annoying manner

*****Chapter 2b*****

"Who's bed 🛏is she on?",I asked

"YOURS😲 ",they all chorused

"What??mine???as in mine,????,my bed??!!!",I asked confused and rather surprised 😧😦🤨.

"Maybe it's Blair ",Davison said going closer to the girl on the bed🛏.

"Shhhh!!🤫🤫, don't wake her, I think she's asleep ",Anthonio joked .

"Actually it's Beauty not Blair and are you guys my roommates😀🙄?"the girl on the bed asked yawning fakely with a beautiful smile on her face startling Davison.

No answer from the four of them as they stared at her as if they were dumbfolded🤐. Davison was the first to speak.

"What is your room number?",Davison asked smiling mischievously .

"Room no.15",she said smiling back but not as mischievous as Davison's .

Charming controls a kettle from the kitchen towards Beauty . She subconsciously reversed it back towards Charming making the water in the kettle spill all over his face!!. Thankfully the water was not hot.

The others began to laugh at him 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

*****Chapter 2c *****

"WHAT!!!??,oh come on!",Charming said frustratedly

Beauty, to herself "did I just....I just did that!!!????",in a daze

"Wait?,what kind of question is that ",Andrea said giving Charming an handkerchief .

"Don't you have Supernatural powers?",Davison asked.

"Nope!",she replied babishly👶😯.

"Then what are you doing here in AOS ", Davison asked again.

"That's none of you's buisness ",she answered snubbishly and arrogantly😏😕. "If you don't believe me, let's go confirm at the Dean's office or the registrar's office!",she said to Charming.

"Of course...sure ",opens the door🚪 "c'mon "

"Be careful Charming😺!",Davison shouted after him.

"Charming?????",gave them a dirty look 🤨🤨🤨of 'meaning...' "I never told you I was gonna do anything to him ",she hissed and sashayed off but suddenly looks back " And don't you DARE try touching my luggage!!!!!!",then she left.

"Why was she looking at me like she was referring to me?????",Davison asked 😧😟