
The Nephilim Trials: The Angel's Bite

(Just getting this out to get a taste if people like the setup and story line) Everyone wants a story of the unseen, the supernatural, but would they ever live that way? What if you weren't given the choice of your own fate? Azrael didn't have that choice, as she wonders the streets of Tokyo given only a guide book, no memory of her past and raised by someone who merely was there to use her to do the only thing she was trained to do, steal demonic souls out of human vessels. To save a part of their humanity from the unfolding war of demons. Little does she know how truly significant her existence is to the fate of humans, demons, angels, and vampires alike. She becomes entranced by the distractions of humanity, acquiring their emotions. As she uncovers more throughout her destiny, she struggles to understand, the true purpose of her existence. CAUTION: There are a few erotic scenes. So if you are not 18+ or find yourself uncomfortable, skip or do not continue. (If you like the idea, the chapters so far, help support and push the story! This will be a trio series and will end with a bonus 4th story to tie them all together! This will be a long process but well worth the wait!)

SnowCat777 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: Hunting

As easy as it seemed to acquire the ancient knowledge

on vampires that I needed, I further came to understand,

that it would not be so easy kidnapping children.

I wasn't too thrilled about it, but maybe, I didn't have to kidnap.

Orphanages and adoption agencies were in every nation,

I could be looking at this in a better light,

as I would be choosing to give children homes;

with a vampire none the less, but if I could also ensure

their safety somehow it might be okay.

The talk with Khalan left me feeling less angered than before

and more hopeful, but I still needed to feed.

I grabbed yet another drink from Tatsuya as he gave me an intrigued look,

"Mister Khalan huh? Nice taste Azzie but be careful with that one.

He will throw anyone to the wolves over a business venture;

luckily his loyalty to nobility may be stronger. He never once went against Sangui,

yet I am not sure he ever had a reason to. Again, be careful who you get involved with."

I nodded thankfully as I turned to walk away,

doing the perimeter check I was planning before Khalan had approached me.

It was difficult though; it was as if there was a spotlight on me now

and every vampire I walked by or was in clear eyesight, they gazed upon me relentlessly.

How was I supposed to hunt successfully without drawing any attention to myself.

There was only one way to do it, and it'd take too much time,

so I figured I would try to take out two birds with one stone.

Throwing back another full drink I unzipped my leather jacket

and let it fall off my shoulders letting it rest mid arms.

I shook and fluffed up my hair and headed to the dance floor.

I spotted a flirtatious vampire couple moving from one another to other people.

I intervened between them and began dancing seductively with the guy.

As the girl with brunette hair began a hint of jealousy,

I switched to her and smiled daringly at her as I licked my upper lip slowly.

She was into it as much as she thought I was, "You are so gorgeous!

You have this fire about you that is absolutely invigorating!"

As I gave her a devilish grin I began grinding on her leg as I slid

my hand down her chest and then flipped around pressing my ass against her front.

Looking forward I found her blonde haired lover

dancing with another girl but staring at us hungrily.

I reached out and grabbed his arm pulling him towards me

as I was stuck in between the couple.

His hands rested on my hips and the girl had her hands brushing my thighs upwards.

Flipping around again I made eye contact with the girl,

brushed my right hand behind her head and then lean forward

as I locked my lips with hers, dancing my tongue around hers.

I slid my hand underneath her pants but outside her panties as

I rubbed my index finger against her.

She moaned softly against my kiss.

Suddenly pulling away from her, I turned back around to

the man rubbing my hand against his crotch;

he grabbed the bottom of my chin and began kissing me hungrily.

Once I could manage to break away from his vicious kiss I stopped,

glancing at them both and grabbed each of there hands as I pulled

them away towards the outside of the club.

The predator had her prey exactly between her claws.

They were completely entranced by me. Outside of the club I asked them,

"Your place or mine?" I was guessing they were out hunting

for human but their hunger for me was more pressing

than their actual hunger for human blood.

The man chimed in, "Our place isn't far from here.

Can you watch us first? Then you can join."

A perfect set up for me; almost too easy.

I nodded happily with no questions as I followed them back to their apartment.

As we arrived, they went at each other viciously, undressing.

I was starting to get annoyed by how long my hunt managed to take tonight,

but then I felt better about getting two instead of one.

Should I let them have one last good time together, were they a couple before they turned?

Will they remember, maybe I would like to watch it play out in real time.

Asmodeus writhed in excitement inside my head as he tried coaxing me to join;

trying to persuade me that he would give me intel on my background.

I had to resist him, prove to him that I had restraint,

that I was stronger than his temptation.

Although, I couldn't help my arousal as I watched the couple claw at each other hungrily.

I almost drooled along with Asmodeus as I waited for him to penetrate her body.

The more he thrusted inside her, the more aroused I became

and the more voracious my appetite, I almost couldn't wait for them to finish.

A red haze began to cloud over my eyes as something

I hadn't felt since my first feeding took over,

I walked towards the couple and dug my claws into the mans back

as I threw him behind me, slamming him against a wall,

I lept on top of the naked girls body and before she could scream

I sunk my teeth into her jugular and my nails on her heart,

absorbing the lesser demon inside me as it filled my empty hunger.

I breathed heavily as the once Prussian blue blood

that lit up her veins drained from her body.

Dismounting her now unconscious body breathlessly

I looked over to the man cowering in the corner,

"W…what kind of a paradox are you?!"

With heavy breaths I began to slowly walk towards him,

"Don't worry, you have nothing to fear. I do not murder the humanity

like the demons that have overtaken it. I murder them.

For they, are who shall have fear over me."

As he looked at me fearfully confused,

he stared at the blue blood dripping from my mouth,

but I knew he wouldn't understand.

I launched myself at him and pinned him to the ground;

it was satisfying knowing that vampires were stronger

than humans but that I was even stronger than vampires,

fueled by the demons strength within them.

Biting into his neck before I could stop him from shouting out in fear,

part of me felt bad for inducing this fear upon my victims but

that soon subsided as they wouldn't remember.

Setting my nails on his chest I closed my eyes as the blood collected

to the center then dispersed into my mouth as I consumed another lesser demon.

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