
The necromancer and the demon queen

just an op girl, with a yandere god after her

Scathach_ · Otras
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39 Chs

chapter 10

"How did this happen," Mirellia asked curiously at me and vel.

I looked over at vel with a mildly annoyed expression on her face.

"It was love at first sight. I was walking with Nero to Jacksonville when I got us lost, we appeared Infront of her castle and we started to fight.

one thing led to another and then we got married," I explained to them.

"We fought for over 2 days and she got a hold of my horns," vel clarified.

"Back to the matter at hand, how and what are the plans of the church," I asked Mirellia.

"So far their only known plans is to get ahold of you. We know that you currently have something that could potentially resurrect the evil god. What that thing is nobody knows, not even my spies in the church.

We also know that if they get their hands on you then we are all dead, so stay clear from any church," she explained.

"What do you think is their next move and what should I expect," I asked.

"If they are desperate enough? A paladin. If not then other heroes," she answered.

"And I'm assuming that this "paladin" is very strong?" i asked.

"You are correct. She's in the top 10 SS class on this continent,"Alisaie said.

"Double s huh. What rank is vel here,``I said as I nudged my head toward vel.

"High A tier. However if she went all out then middle s tier," Mirellia answered.

"How long would it take for them to find me?" I asked.

"If they send "her" then half a day, but if they send him, then two days," vel responded.

I began thinking about what to do, when suddenly an idea came to mind.

"Who can use healing magic," I asked looking across the room.

Alisaie raised her hand and asked, "I'm proficient in healing magic."

"Good, vel and you follow me," I said taking them both outside.

Since my brain had vectors i was going to accelerate my thinking and if i could, i was going to modify my brain so i can have more thoughts then just one.

I had Alisaie keep her healing on when i was messing with my brain, if something went even a little off then i back tracked safely. It took us hours with many breaks so that Alisaie could regenerate her mana.

I had vel throw some spells to see if my thought process was indeed how i thought it would be. It was.

I could now passively have my vector shield active and my mind could start calculating what I was reflecting. Man, I'm glad I am so good at science now.

"We did it," I cheered.

The duo showed a relieved face and I too was relieved about my defense. Now I hardly had to worry about anything for a while.

"Now come on and let's have some dinner, and after that, we will head to another place and be adventurers," I said cheerfully.

"Hooray," vel said sarcastically.

"It's not that bad. We kill some monsters, we don't need money but we could use a reputation,'' I said as we entered the dining hall.

Nero, Conoleth, and Mirellia entered the dining hall a minute later and sat down on their respective chairs. I sat next to vel and nero sat to my left, the queens took the ends and Conoleth in front of nero.

"So how did you escape the castle," asked Mirellia.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"Well I would assume the pope would have set some countermeasures and kept you there for as long as he could," she explained.

"Oh, well as soon as I got summoned I knew something was off about the situation and I began to examine the surroundings and noticed red flags. Your daughter was looking at me with killing intent and your husband was also actively glancing to the left.

I got some money from them and I left the castle with the clothes on my back and a sword,``I told them my story.

"Killing intent, huh,"she said thinking about it.

"Well what can you tell me about the evil gods," I asked.

"Evil gods… well they started whispering into the ears of our people for years, and they are getting stronger every time they do. So far the only cases of evil gods emerging was when you dealt with them, however, ten years ago a paladin was sent out to deal with an evil god that emerged from a remote city not that far from here. They saved a young girl from the slaughter and she was a paladin class too.

Rumors circulated that the pope had something to do with it, however, it was never confirmed so it remained a theory. Now we know that anger can cause them to erupt and make them lose their body, so watch out for those with calm personalities.

We currently don't have the royal library with us, but if you want to know more you can search the destroyed city that is five miles from here," she pointed behind her.

"Thank you, now we have to leave before the catch-up," I said standing up and looking out the window.

"I wish you safe travels, Athena," Alisaie said as she handed me a necklace.

I looked at it closely and noticed magic inside of it. I looked over curiously at her.

"Inside that necklace is a tree spirit. Even a drop of her water is enough to save somebody on a deathbed," she said.

I looked at my hand with a shocked face before turning back to Alisaie, "thank you for this."

We left the elven tree and vel tied our wrist with handcuffs and claimed it so i don't get lost.

"Should we trust them," I asked the trio.

"... the human queen seems to be holding some information that she seemed reluctant to share," Conoleth said.

"She smelled nervous… and blood," Nero said.

"Good now let's check out this village," I said, raising my hood.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Next update: last day on earth or the apocalypse done right.