
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

i am sorry

so after that i had to ask devika to tell the trees i was sorry. so after that i made sure i always say 'queen' when i talk with the plants. before i could question if the trees heard me they dropped me to the ground, and i mean dropped i fell from a good few inches off the ground and my butt it the ground they could have been more gentle. i stood straight up and dusted myself off and walked to the door. after knocking she let me inside and i could see the inside but i couldnt believe it the cabin looked like million dollar house. "devika did you do this i dont remember this being in the woods before?" i asked "yah i made it like the houses in my world" she replied. so i get a glimpse of what it looks like over there and i already what to visit.we walked to the kitchen and when i entered i wasshocked and beyond words because everything up to this point looked like a normal home here on earth but one look at the fridge that concept flew out the door. the fridge was made up of wood but a block of ice was surrounding it keeping everything inside cold "what happens when it melts?" i asked "the magic used on the ice is different then a block of ice it wont melt as fast as you think like block of ice on earth all i have to do is every week i have to resolidify it but if i did want a melting ice block for some reason i could also do that it just will be a different spell i would use." devika explains.

i looked around and saw a counter but it wasnt like a normal counters it was rounded like you couldnt couldnt be bothered to shape it properly and the cabinets but it was a mixture of different shapes and sizes and i also saw a stove but it was like a old fashioned fireplace with a pot hanging in the middle and the fire underneath,and a sink but it had no facet i guess if you need water than just use magic.she showed me the bedroom and it was similar to a human besides the bed made of wood.i saw her things i noticed that was missing at the house here in her room. then right then and there i knew she was moving out of the house and into the cabin.after i 'found'devikas house and forced her to tell me she was moving it to in even though i knew it i just needed the confirmation.and by force i mean i asked her very loudly i didnt use real force im not that type of bad boy.

i just demanded to know and i made her tell my parents that she is moving out but that didnt go as planned well on her part that is she thought she would just say thanks for taking me in but im going to bounce now so bye. but i knew they were going to ask a million questions as to why she was moving out and why now of all times. after four hours of rapid questions they were finally calm enough to help her move the rest of her stuff in and everyday i would visit her but also everday i would have to ask for permission. i have asked if she could talk to them about it but she says she has so i guess the trees just really hate me for them to not listen to the the queens request.