
The Nascent Bloodline

Read to the 10th chapter The Infinity Era brought about a drastic change in humanity, reducing their primacy as a species due to a decrease in an unknown Energy.  Bloodline abilities such as Mind Control, Matter Manipulation, and Multi-dimensional Telepathy, were once wielded by humans. But due to the decreased energy, lesser abilities like the four natural elements- Paranormal abilities were now the dominant among humans. However, the discovery of ruins left behind by an alien race enabled humans to grow in leaps and bounds, allowing exploration of the quantum universe and creation of quantum devices.  But as human potential peaked, mysterious races of higher intelligence appeared, with an inexplicable hatred for humanity, were barred by barriers in their dimensions. As time went by, loopholes appeared, enabling them to transverse to Earth realm. Who will save the Earth realm?  Egon's lifeless body......... His skin was nearly ripped off........ Blood had no longer gushed out due to lack of it...... Then he was fully enveloped within a golden light...... Egon's eyes burst open with power emanating from them like fire.......... A beam of light descended from the heavens and shot straight towards his body - causing him to glow even brighter than before....... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" He is the Nascent Human!...... Please, I'm new to writing if you spot any mistakes just drop a comment. I might not be that good at writing system, but please I would get better..... Check the auxiliary chapters out!

Paul_Okito · Ciencia y ficción
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99 Chs

Tracy All Alone II

Few hours earlier....

"Get me the location of Egon Smith. Don't ask me why I need his address, it's a private matter that you don't need to know about," Freya spoke, ordering X6.

"Yes, ma'am. I understand. I will provide you with his location shortly. Please give me a minute," X6 replied.

Freya hung up immediately after X6 spoke.

Freya, what's going on? Don't let our minor differences fool you," Miriam said.

"I was simply playing mind games with you to throw you off in our fight. I knew that without those specific words, I would have lost the battle against a top fighter like you, despite your struggling abilities," Freya said, acknowledging Miriam's martial art proficiency.

Miriam went on to strike a pose, "How do you expect me to win a fight against someone who has mastered every form of martial art?"

Freya laughed at Miriam and thanked her for reminding her to include her in the discussion. "I'll tell Egon that you're in love with him but can't express it," Freya teased.

"Don't do anything foolish, Freya. Really, you want to go to his house just because of that silly reason? How will you tell him you found his address?" Miriam asked as she walked forward towards the bench Freya was standing close to

Freya replied, "He knows that I'm wealthy, so he will understand that it's easy for me to obtain information on anyone. Additionally, this is a modern civilization; anyone's address can be found. It would be silly if he questions that."

Miriam was shocked that Freya was becoming insane. "If you go to his house, no matter what you try to clarify, it's going to make you seem like you're in love with him. Think with your brain, dumbass," Miriam exclaimed, pointing at Freya's head.

Freya went to the open-air fridge in the garden and grabbed a nutrient drink which she gulped down before replying. "He can think whatever he wants, all I want is for you to get that silly idea out of your head that I'm in love with him."

Miriam's eyes widened at Freya's statement. "So, the conversation will probably go like this: Hi, I'm here to talk to you. My friend over there thinks I'm in love with you, but I'm not. She's the one in love with you. I guess that's what you're going to say, right?" Miriam lectured.

Freya was surprised by Miriam's imagined conversation. "No, that's not what I had planned to say, but I think you're on the right track," she replied as she opened the glass door leading to the training room, "I'm going out now. If you want to come along, that would be great, but if you don't, it's no problem. I'll let you know what happens."

Freya walked out of the garden, and Miriam ran after her, shouting, "Wait for me, let's see how you fool yourself."



Miriam was surprised to see Freya carrying the little girl, Tracy, in her arms. "Seriously, what's happening? Did Freya make friends with the little girl in just a few seconds?" Miriam grabbed her phone to call Freya and find out.

Freya carried Tracy as she walked into her apartment. It wasn't as extravagant as her own building, but it had a comfortable ambiance, which Freya had always dreamed of having.

Freya put Tracy down on the floor and reached for her phone, which was ringing incessantly. Freya appeared hesitant to answer the call.

"Hey, cute girl, what's your name?" Freya inquired of Tracy.

Tracy didn't answer, instead, she suspiciously stared at Freya's phone, wondering what was going on. She was perplexed about why Freya was reluctant to answer the call.

Freya noticed Tracy's inquisitive gaze and apprehension. "Oh, I'm sorry about the call. It's my friend, Miriam," Freya explained as she displayed Miriam's picture and name on the phone, "She's the girl standing outside the building, next to the red car," Freya pointed to the car outside the window.

Tracy looked in the direction Freya pointed and saw that it was indeed the person she mentioned. So she replied in a quiet tone, "My name is Tracy."

Freya responded, "What a lovely name."

Meanwhile, Miriam, who was outside, became incensed that Freya was not answering her call. "Freya, stop acting stupid and answer your phone," Miriam bellowed as she struck the red car's bumper, leaving a handprint on it. "Oh no! What did I do?" Miriam fretted, "This is Freya's limited edition car; I'm definitely in trouble now."