

I rested my swollen head upon the hard brick roof. The stars plastered on the black sky, danced gracefully in sync.

Another ping erupted from the phone beside her, letting it's screen light up and illuminate the darkness. I carelessly switched it off, to which it slipped out of my grasp and slid all the way off the roof.

"Oh, no no no! Shit." I cursed, leaning off the edge to see if maybe I could spot the screen light, but immediately retreated when my weight nearly tumbled off the roof altogether.

Great. Now I lost my phone in a bush somewhere by the garden. How am I going to explain this to mom. Then again...she couldn't care less as to what I've been doing with my life. And don't even get me started on dad.

With Ethan, my twin brother, always skipping school and getting into fights, father has always been to busy scolding Ethan to notice me. And my mother just expects the me to be the perfect daughter while she allows her son to do a whole lot of crap.

Our family wasn't always so cripple. We used to have Monday movie nights and go to the beach every Sunday together. That was when Charlie was around though.

He was my nine year old brother. He was the glue of this charade that we call family. He was my best friend.

But I can never seem to forget the day Charlie Celeste was taken out of my life. The day my world came crumbling down. The day I always thought was the beginning of a disaster, and I wasn't wrong either.

Now, with Charlie gone, we barely get any family time, let alone Monday movie nights. Dad is too busy with business, Mom is too busy accompanying him and Ethan is too busy smoking weed somewhere on the other side of town. So that just leaves me, alone.

A sigh passed between my lips as I crawled back up to the spot where I secured it with blankets and pillows from my room window seat.

Surprisingly, a smile crept onto my face as I thought of this moment. Me and Charlie used to spend nights up here and just talk about nothing. Well, he'd do the talking, I'd just sit and listen to how his perspective was. For a nine year old, he lived a very exciting life, well from what I've heard.

Some nights I wasn't in the best mood, and even though Charlie didn't know how to give proper advice, him holding my hand and telling me that it'll get better, was all I needed for comfort.

Charlie was my safe place. Like an escape from the cruel world. I cherished my time with him.

But that still wasn't enough. I didn't get enough time wth my brother.

And it's all my fault.