
The Mythic Warriors

In a world where humans have abilities and mana they must fight monsters to live and grow stronger.

Eragon_1256 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

The Fight

Standing in the ring I held a wooden sword in my hand. "Here are the rules, 1 no crippling each other, 2 no killing each other and that's it. Fighters ready?" We both nodded and the ref brought his hand down "FIGHT!!"

John drew his short swords and started to run at me. He is fast and his footwork is incredibly good making it hard for me to track his movements.


A sharp clack sound rang out when his swords hit mine. John disengaged and moved backward then kept looking at me. I'm normally not really comfortable with other people but when I fight I feel at ease and that allows me to notice things in a fight.

John once again moved in to attack and once again using his strange footwork. But with my calm mind I could still determine his movements and were he was attacking.

When John got near me I brought up my sword to parry but he amped up his footwork and moved to my side.

Despite his increased footwork I was still able to predict were he would go. I moved my sword in an arc that would collide with his swords.


With the extra force my sword had from the strike I knocked John backwards. He looked at me shocked and said, "How were you able to that?" I shrugged and said, "Who knows" He smiled and said, "Well let's see if you can handle this then."

He ran at me again but this time his footwork was beyond even what I could perceive. He moved all around me striking at me I could barely block all the strikes.

"Let's see if you can handle the full power of my Ocean Strides!!!"

He want in for another attack and I once again went to block it but this time his blades moved like water around my sword and hit me.

I backed away and looked him. I realized that his skill made him move fluidly like water to attack and evade. I currently don't have anything to counter his movement skill so all I can do is try and fight him. I began to circulate my Dragon Blade Style to get some of the draconic energy. I can't use the energy like normal since it is to wild and would destroy the wood sword.


Although I have the draconic energy I can't use it and have gotten hit repeatedly. I'm bleeding from a cut on my forehead and the blood was dripping into my eye. I was getting really angry at the fact that I couldn't hit John and I also had to stop circulating the Dragon Blade Style since my body couldn't hold anymore draconic energy.

John was smiling and said, "This is it Ray I'll finish you with this next attack."

Seeing him running at me I snapped and released all my pent up anger in one shout, tossed my sword aside and threw my fist toward John. "Haha Nice try Ray now take this!" John shouted and swung his swords. My mind clouded by anger a released all the draconic energy I had stored through my fist.


A loud explosion sounded out and a torrent of red and black energy in a very rough form of a dragon flew at John and when it hit him he was knocked out of the ring and hit the wall of the training room. Out of breath I looked down at my arm since I couldn't feel it and I saw it was a mess, the skin was broken all over and blood was oozing out of it and there was even some steam coming from it.

Everyone was looking at me shocked by what I had done. I didn't care about them and left the training room and headed back to my room.

When I got to my room and started treating my wounds. Even though I was young I still remembered everything my father ever taught me including some medical treatment.

After treating my wounds I ate dinner and then decided to go to sleep.