
The Mystical universe

To reach the end of the martial way, for enlightment demands a clear mind, ones heart must be true. True is my love for the spear, my curiosity for the martial path, my will to reach the pinnacle. With a spear like a dragon, soaring the firmament, my path to the peak is one to behold. Follow Kaeln Sunblaze and his entourage through a journey of wondrous mysteries, epic battles with divine beings, monstrous talents, mythical beasts, revenge against a powerful ennemy, love and companionship.

Daoistgrandmist · Fantasía
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62 Chs

Intense battle

 The bear and the boy clashed, sending massive waves that destroyed and uprooted the surrounding trees. The giant beast aimed at Kaelen with its massive paw using it's indomitable strength, enough to crush a mountain to dust.

The crimson-silver spear light looked particularly sharp, leaving cut marks on the bear's fur while it collided with the bear claws.

"Auhrr." It growled in a somewhat roque voice as it slammed at the small human beneath. A blood-red light flashed in its eyes, showcasing its berserk nature. Accompanying its massive paws were its exceptionally sharp claws; the wind screeched as they tore it apart, leaving clear claw shadows hovering wherever it passed. Kaelen gripped his spear tightly with both hands and blocked the blow coming down at him.

"Boom." The bear strike came at him with incredible weight, causing his whole body, from muscles to bones, to tremble at its strength. "Dammit, it's absurdly strong," feeling the pressure from above, Kaelen couldn't help but think.

Bears were one of nature's most gifted animals. They were blessed with extreme strength, unmatched even by the most fearsome beasts. Not to mention monster beasts, which are the sort of evolved or higher forms of normal animals, even the mortal form of the bear would give the average Xiantian cultivator a good battle. Which is very impressive, considering the average Xiantian cultivator would blow the average human to pieces in a few blows. Now, consider the different variations of animals from mortal to variant beast, to monster beast, to mythical beast: the power increase is simply preposterous. A mythical bear could wrestle even the strongest True Dragons and other divine beasts. Most importantly, in a purely physical fight, they were most likely to win.

Now, of course, the Red-eyed Berserk Bear was no mythical beast; it was not even a monster beast; that was the distinction given to heavenly beasts. However, it was significantly stronger than variant beasts; it was in between a variant and monster beast both in terms of strength and rarity. That did not take away from its strength, roughly twenty times that of a normal bear, without any blood qi increase.

Withstanding the heavy weight of the paw, Kaelen squatted down and explosively rose, pushing the paw away with extreme strength. To the monster's surprise, it was pushed back, staggering as it took a few steps, shocked at the strength of the 'puny' human.

Next, Kaelen flipped the spear and used the pommel to thrust at its stomach viciously. "Boom!!" a massive air blast erupted behind the bear, the momentum from the strike sent it tumbling a dozen meters away. Whipping his spear to the side, Kaelen stood upright, and waited for the bear to stand and come charging him. He glanced mockingly at the it.

The red-eyed berserker bear quickly stood back up with a back roll off the ground, its massive body shaking it. It faced the boy, a wide and fiendish grin on its face, unable to hide the humiliation it felt at being sent flying by a human kid.

"I bet you don't feel like the hunter anymore." Looking at the angry beast, Kaelen taunted it, completely unfazed by its fierce appearance. He juggled the spear between both hands, then with the wielding hand behind his back, he flipped his finger at it. "Come again, I'll send you flying as much as you want," he sent a telepathic message to the beast with a thought, antagonizing it further.

Watching the daring human, the great bear grew confused; where did this puny ant get all this strength from? It could not fathom such a weakling overpowering it so easily.

Naturally, Kaelen was absolutely not the regular human. In fact, his friends and people who knew him and what he could do would argue otherwise. He was insanely strong, and innately so. After his Crimson Emperor Dragon Bloodline awoke, his strength had been increasing at ridiculous speeds and it was only the beginning. Especially with today's breakthrough, his physical strength increased by a whopping fifty thousand pounds, as he activated more of the dormant dragon cells within his body, which was double what it usually grew by. Now standing at over six hundred thousand pounds of pure physical strength at only the Xiantian stage, over ten times the normal peak Xiantian, at least five times other extreme Xiantians, and twice as much as worldly geniuses like Raizel and Thorin. He could physically compete with complete dragons and mythical divine beasts, stellar and above, in their early child years.

Kaelen assessed that the strength increase per small breakthrough would gradually grow as he reached higher realms; a higher amount of dragon cells awakening at once.

While brain refinement doesn't necessarily increase muscle strength in a direct sense, it allows you to manually access the maximum potential of your muscles. It is a known fact that humans may barely use two-thirds of their total strength, which explains sudden boosts of strength in callous circumstances. As such, Kaelen could feel that his strengthened brain allowed him to control his muscles in a more total way, permitting him to exert more power without strength growth.

Also, his Silver Heart Spirit could now increase his strength by more than double, and it added an extremely powerful piercing intent to his Qi that merged with the spear. In total, he could explode with over three million pounds of strength if he activated his bloodline, Qi, and Heart Spirit. His slender and handsome appearance was but a misleading factor; he was a monster amongst monsters. And rightfully so, if not his dragon bloodline would simply serve as decoration.

"Hah." Shouting, Kaelen covered his body in crimson dragonic might, a noble and tyrannical aura permeated the air and crushed toward the bear.

"Grrrr." The moment the dragonic might reached it, the bear felt an innate suppression deep within its bones, sending shivers down its spine. When it looked again at the young figure in front of it, it didn't see a human anymore, but the titanic silhouette of a massive crimson dragon, dwarfing it and staring down at it with deep disdain.

It took a few steps back in fear through instinct. With but a thought, the dragonic might suppressed the will of the bear, causing it to cower in fear.

"Arghhh!!! Human, what is this treachery?" Realizing it was afraid of a human, the beast growled in anger, shaking its head furiously and with it the influence of the dragon might dissipated.

The humiliation went to its head, and it stormed toward the boy, a lot more enraged than before; a blood-red aura blazed within its eyes and around its claws. The demonic giant beast moved with incredible speed despite its size.

In a leap, it jumped toward Kaelen and waved both its front paws, slashing at his figure.

"That dark red aura… it's a sub-demonic attribute; it's not of a pure type but it can still cause the mind of anyone struck by it to lose some clarity, plus some other annoying effects. I best be careful not to let myself fall under its influence. Gazing at the blood-red aura that surrounded the approaching bear, Kaelen mentally prepared and responded with a leap of his own.

"Traceless Outburst. Soaring Decimating Pierce." He shouted, with an explosive step in a stabbing motion, he thrust the bloodthirsty spear toward the monster. The dragonic might-infused spear light coalesced into a beautiful crimson-silver dragon that seemed to ascend to the nine heavens as it roared and clashed with the bear paws.

"Clang!!" An eruption of Qi followed the collision of the claws and the spear, sending both the giant bear and the young man flying away.

"Again! Soul-devouring Sweep!" With another leap, Kaelen went for another attack, this time slashing at its head.

"Insignificant human, I will rip you apart with my claws. Arghhh!!" The bear also rushed once more and swooped with its demonic energy-infused right claw.

"Boom." The two battled as they shook the earth with devastating blows and the heavens with explosive Qi-infused attacks.

Their clashes quickly destroyed the entire area of the dead purple spider; the previously green land now completely barren with dozens of meters-sized holes. Crimson-silver and blood-red sparks flashing occasionally within.

The fight lasted hours. They moved around a lot, ravaging more and more ground. Kaelen would smartly use the surrounding trees to impair the vision of the bear and tactically strike from its dead angles. Their battles became incredibly intense as they exchanged blows and injuries while maneuvering around the mountain. Soon they entered another territory.

Kaelen faced the bear, his back against a wide lake, with no space to maneuver. Many claw marks could be seen all over his upper body. His red-yellow gown was completely ruined, streams of blood gushed out of different places.

"Huh...huh...hah." He gasped in exhaustion and supported himself with his spear. The many painful wounds ate at his flesh, a blood-red demonic aura occasionally showing itself within the wounds, preventing them from healing fast. Despite his poor state, he still looked valiant and mighty; the few small cuts on his very handsome, wheat-colored face accentuated the warrior, masculine aura about him. His consciouness wavered a bit as sounds of eerie ghost laughs and cackling demons rang in his mind.

"Shit, the demonic aura is affecting me, I allowed myself to be hit too many times; I need to finish this fast." He planned his next move for it will be the decisive one.

The bear was not much better; countless cuts with leaking blood could be seen around its mountainous body. It wobbled as it walked on its four paws. Its vision lacking, for its left eye was pierced by Kaelen.

"Human… you have proved.. a wort..hy opponent. For your recompense, I will slow...ly eat and enj...oy the tas..te of your flesh." The bear growled, struggling to send a proper message.

It slowly walked towards Kaelen, licking its lips in a taunting fashion, as its remaining eye glared at him.

Watching the bear approach, Kaelen's mind raced. "Quick, think of something… I need my most powerful technique to end this once and for all."

Searching his mind, Kaelen thought of different techniques he had learned. "Though all the skills in the Nine Stances are powerful, the most powerful ones for a single target are thrusting moves. Let's use that."

Swiftly coming up with a solution, Kaelen took position, a sliver of dragon might thinly covered his figure. He closed his eyes and concentrated fully.

In his sea of consciousness, the silver heart broke apart into many hundred characters that hovered in the crimson sky. 'Splash' noise could be heard within as dozens of new silver characters emerged from the amber-gold sea, regrouping with the ones in the sky.

The Heart Spirit in his heart space blazed with gorgeous silver light. His mind entered a forgetful state. The spear in his hand began to emit buzzing noises, a silver sheen covered its dark crimson blade, releasing a terrifying intent that seemed to turn the void into glass as it trembled. Feeling the spear in his hand, an overpowering feeling submerged Kaelen.

"!? This is… spear intent?" An overwhelming sensation flamed in his heart. To think in a dire situation, he actually advanced to High Mastery- 'Spear Intent'. Each of his strikes would now be imbued with a destructive spear intent that increased his power output greatly. Feeling the surging power with his weapon in hand, a new feeling of confidence radiated from his being.

Sensing the change occurring in the boy, the bear growled in rage and suddenly began rushing towards the boy in a hurried manner, as if it sensed that it shouldn't let him strike first. A demonic blood light flowed out of its fur and formed a gigantic bear head around its already massive body, making it look like a possessed demon beast.

Seeing that, Kaelen's confident expression turned slightly serious. "An Innate divine skill? I thought only heavenly monster beasts had innate skills. You really can't underestimate any opponent. Anyhow, I will be the one to come out on top."

He crouched into the Heaven-Ending stance, preparing his attack. He retracted his spear, arching his elbow, and pulling his arm all the way back. The void around him trembled, a dark, life-like crimson dragon coalesced around his body. The terrible dragonic might reached the heavens and the sky above began to turn slightly crimson, seemingly bleeding. The spear in his right hand shook violently as he concentrated all his strength within it, a dark red orb of light formed at its tip.

"Flashing light Step. Heaven-Ending Stance last skill; Heaven-ending Void Strike." He mumbled. Next, his figure turned into a simple red line that charged at the gigantic bear head and the Red-eyed Berserk bear.

The void between the two trembled until the two red lights collided finally.

This time, there was no noise. Kaelen's figure reappeared a dozen steps behind the bear. His whole spear painted red with blood as he held it in a forward thrust position.

Behind him, the massive body of the bear stood in place, frozen. A wide, gaping hole could be seen at the center of its chest. A moment later, it collapsed on the ground with a'thud'.