
The mystery of God

Whenever we talk about any unheard thing . So there are too many things , which we can't believe or not. So let me know you know , is God always there with you .

Once a child who always talk about himself and sometimes when his friends look at his talks . So they always get afraid from his talk , Then after few years (2 years ) All the people has get afraid and hilarious thinking to listen his embarrassing talk . Once that child was too hungry to eat . So there no one people who want to give meal to that child , because all were afraid to his talk . So after few hours an old came on his front of that child , old man gave the few buns to this Child . Surprisingly the child was too much happy and enjoy with his buns . After eating to that buns that child started to remember about his family little bit .suddenly that old man disappeared then child finish his buns after the eating buns he get remember all the things about his life . But he couldn't see the old man . Because that man was messenger of God.

So we don't know where's God, but even we believe on God, it can be said , God is always with us .