
The Mystery Match

After a string of failed romances, Emma reluctantly agrees to a blind date with Tom, a local neighborhood. As Tom rushes off to investigate, Emma's curiosity leads her to uncover police officer. Their dinner is interrupted by an urgent call - a murder has occurred in their quiet unsettling clues at the crime scene. Emma and Tom grow closer, both professionally and personally, as they race against time to solve the case.

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8 Chs

Mystery Match - Chapter 4

As they drove towards the institution, a sense of anticipation and dread filled the air. They both knew that whatever they were about to find, it wouldn't be easy. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the road, and the wind picked up, sending leaves swirling across the asphalt like a dance of death. They exchanged glances, both of them aware of the gravity of their situation.

When they finally arrived at the institution, they were greeted by a tall, imposing gate that seemed to loom over them. A sign above it read "Silent Hill Mental Hospital." They showed their badges to the security guard and were allowed to enter. As they made their way down the empty corridors, the atmosphere grew increasingly oppressive. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, as if the walls themselves were alive with the secrets they sought to keep.

They found the elderly nurse in a cramped, dimly lit office, poring over files with a pair of old-fashioned reading glasses perched on the end of her nose. She looked up as they entered and offered them a wan smile. "Can I help you gentlemen?" she asked, her voice scratchy with age.

Emma cleared her throat, glancing around the room before returning her attention to the nurse. "We're here about Mrs. Pearson," she began, trying to sound calm and authoritative. "We're investigating her death, and we were hoping you might be able to help us."

The nurse's face clouded over at the mention of Mrs. Pearson's name. "Oh, dear," she sighed, setting her glasses aside. "That poor woman. Such a tragic end. I'm sorry, but I don't know that I can tell you much more than what's already in her file."

Emma glanced at Tom, who nodded slightly, indicating that she should continue. "We understand that you worked here when she was a patient," Emma said, moving closer to the desk. "We found a photo on the wall of your office. It was of you as a young girl, with a woman named Sarah. We believe that's Mrs. Pearson."

The nurse's eyes widened in surprise, and she leaned forward, her elbows resting on the desk. "How extraordinary!" she exclaimed. "Yes, that's her. Sarah was...well, she was my best friend when we were young. She came here many years ago, before I started working here. But I've always felt a connection to her, you see. And I've always wondered what became of her."

Emma exchanged a knowing glance with Tom, who nodded encouragingly. "Can you tell us anything else about her? Anything that might help us understand why she was committed here in the first place?" she asked gently.

The nurse's expression grew somber, and she hesitated before speaking. "Well, you see...Sarah was...different. She had these strange visions, these...hallucinations. She would see things that weren't there, hear voices...It was terrible for her. She became increasingly paranoid, and eventually, she just...snapped." The nurse shook her head sadly. "We all tried to help her, but..." Her voice trailed off, and she lapsed into silence for a moment before continuing. "She was committed here, and I was moved to a different ward. I was only a child myself, you see. I didn't understand what was happening."

Tom cleared his throat, sensing her growing unease. "Do you remember anyone else who might have been close to her? Someone who might have had a grudge against her?" he asked cautiously.

The nurse thought for a moment, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Well, there was one young man...his name was...Daniel, I think. He was very protective of Sarah. They were...involved, you see. But even he couldn't help her. She was too far gone." She sighed; her eyes distant with memory. "I wish I could do more for her now, but...she's gone."

Emma exchanged another glance with Tom, this time filled with understanding. The nurse had given them a vital clue: Daniel. They thanked her for her time and promised to keep her informed of their progress. As they left the office, Emma couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency building within her. They needed to find this Daniel person and question him further.