
The Mysterious Son In-Law

[Warning Mature Content] "Hey, Miss Savannah. Come have a taste", he said in his causal voice, as if what he did was normal. Savannah couldn't even find herself to speak as she stood by the door in shock. She doesn't understand what was happening and who exactly the man she has as a fiance is. She had never known anything about him except his name. Her eyes swiped across the dead bodies lying on the floor and back to the man who was seated comfortably on the sofa with a glass of wine in his hands, which Savannah assumed could be blood from the dead bodies on the floor. He had a devilish smile on his lips and bloodstains on the tip of his shirt, she swallow the crap in her throat. "Don't tell me you're scared?" He asked with a smirk, reading the fear in her eyes. He could hear the beating of her from where he sat and also read the thoughts racing in her head. The thoughts of fear and horror. And the voice telling her to run away as fast as her legs could carry. But she was still standing! She had mistakenly made a deal with the devil she knows nothing about. She could feel her hands shaking and every part of her body trembling. What the hell has she gotten herself into? Elijah stood and fastened his steps to her. And within a blink of an eye, he was standing right in front of her. Savannah almost missed a step as she was stunned by his sudden appearance in front of her, but before she lost her balance, his hand held firm on her waist to keep her stable before she fell. His devilish smile was still on his face. "Who..who are you" she whispered in fear. "The devil is going to be your husband" he said, and the smile on his face expanded. Right there, Savannah knew she was screwed. * * * * Savannah was one of Brentwood's granddaughters. The most influential family in T-city. A law was made in the Brentwood family that all the granddaughters should get married before inheriting their wealth. Each one of them must bring in a son-in-law and present him before the oldest family members in the family__ Old Mrs Brentwood . Savannah was determined to be a part taker of this but she wasn't interested in marriage because she had no believe in it. She asked her best friend to fix a blind date for her. Someone she could pay to pretend to be her fiance and husband but later divorce when the deal is done. That night on the blind date, she mistook the devil as her date.

DaoistJhgTfu · Ciudad
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10 Chs

A Shopping day

Savannah scans her surroundings in search of a familiar face. She was running out of patience and people were starting to wonder who she was.

She had three guards behind her and her face was covered with a scarf and a thick pair of black shades, a limited collection on which she had spent over a million dollars to lay her hands on!

Savannah dialed Jane's number for the hundredth time that evening! Where on earth did she put her phone? And did this her friend forget they needed to go shopping for her grandmother's birthday?

She was running out of patience and if Jane missed her phone call one more time! She was so going to make her regret that for the rest of her life!

The one thing that Savannah hated with her life, was having to stand hopelessly in one spot, waiting for someone!

She was a Brentwood for goodness' sake! No one should keep her waiting, not even her best friend!

Savannah dials Jane's number for the very last time. She made a promise to herself that if her friend didn't reply, she would go shopping on her own and never return any of her calls afterward!

Jane came running down the hall, trying to catch her breath, and she looked like a hot mess.

"I'm really sorry. I was trying to rush down here. There was a lot of traffic and my mom was…. It's a mess! My morning was a mess!" Jane said apologetically.

She knew how irritated Savannah got whenever she had to wait for something. She was more than sorry to have kept her waiting for almost an hour!

Savannah narrowed her eyes on Jane, but then she exhaled. It was only fair for her to understand where Jane stood.

She wasn't there, and she couldn't tell what the young girl had to go through that early morning.

"I'm not upset because you kept me waiting, I'm upset you refuse to answer my calls!" Savannah snapped.

"When you called, I was driving down here. I didn't want to risk an accident, or my dad would freeze my account. You know how crazy it was last time, right?"

Jane stood in front of the elevator, trying to run her hands through her hair and make herself look a bit more presentable.

After a few minutes of applying lip gloss and combing through her hair, she looked like the daughter of the prestigious family that she was..

"Your parents are way too strict for my liking! Goodness! You're not a child anymore. Why do they keep treating you like one?" Savannah said, feeling sorry for Jane.

Jane shrugged her shoulders, there was so much more to her family she wasn't telling Savannah, but she would rather keep her mouth shut instead.

"My father chose to run the family that way. It's either we accept it or we get out of his house." Jane said with a shrug of her shoulders.

The duo started heading towards the most luxurious store in the entire shopping mall.

Only the elite were allowed in here and access was granted only when you showed them your membership card.

Savannah shoves her membership card in their faces and the staff by the entrance moved out of the way, allowing the ladies to walk into the store.

"So what are you looking for in the dress? Something scandalous? Glamorous? What exactly are we looking for?" Jane asked, admiring the rack of lovely dresses.

Savannah's mind went to the service boy and a smile found its way to her lips.

"If I were to pick a dress then I would want to wear something scandalous."

Jane made a low whistle, staring at her friend with a teasing look in her eyes.

"Are we expecting someone to show up? Who are we trying to impress here?" Jane asked in curiosity.

"No one in particular. Besides, glamorous just seems over the top! It's supposed to be a dinner between family members, but I know granny is going to invite a few other prominent people from the city. "

Her eyes landed on a red scandalous dress, low back and a lacy mesh that would hug her body tight in all the right places.

She couldn't tell why she wanted to impress this service boy so much, but the way he looked at her and the way he would look at her in that dress, made her feel excited.

There was definitely something about the service boy, and she was just curious to find out what…

"I never asked. Where did you get that service boy from? He seems way too handsome to be into jobs like that," Savannah asked, casually.

"The service boy? Oh! I just told my assistant to run a few checks and she found the perfect match. Why? Did something happen?" Jane asked, a bit worried.

Savannah shakes her head, admiring the dress even more this time.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to know. I just hope he's able to play the part well, and we get to convince my grandmother about our relationship."

"I'm sure he will be able to play the part. You don't have to worry about him, he is a professional."

Savannah finally concluded she would be going with the red dress. She picked it off the clothes rack.

"We will see just how professional he is then! I should put a call through and remind him about our arrangement. The last thing I want is for him to show up in some tacky suit."

"You should definitely call him. And remind him as well. I will be going with this lovely blue shade over here. It's amazing!" Jane said, admiring the dress in excitement.

Savannah walks over to the counter and places the dress there, while she dials Alex's number.

It rang for a while before he finally picked up the call.

"I hate when people take so much time to respond to my calls." She said immediately she heard his voice from the other end of the line.

Elijah chuckled in disbelief. She's got some guts on her. Maybe that is why he's attracted to her.