
1 ch.2 the hunt

4 years later...

"grandfather I'm home" a sweet voice called out. " well well well look who is here "prime minister Yun looked up and smiled at the direction the voice came from. his beloved granddaughter was finally home. she ha been disguised as a servant boy in the palace of the emperor if the enemy kai kingdom. the biggest one in the lower realm and the most powerful. it was rumored that their emperor had dealings with the people of the middle and upper realm. not only that but she managed to get valuable military information from the generals by giving them an effect enhancer in their wine. that's right his granddaughter was the best. although he hasn't seen her for five years he was sure that she may have at least a little beauty. the best thing was now that she was sixteen and of marriageable age, he would take her to the winter hunt where all the court officials children participated. if there was any talent that stood above the rest well they were lucky because of teachers from the famed number one dark heavens academy were looking for new recruits. although this may seem like a great thing the chance of death was high as on the hunting ground people steal others game and murder to take care of old grudges. mainly men participated in this hunt as only ten women have participated ever since the tradition begain...but none of which who have made it out alive.as prime minister Yun was thinking of this the sweet fragrance of cherry blossoms and pear blossoms entered the room. old man yun looked up and froze. the tea he was about to swallow gushed out of his mouth and into his robes but he didn't care. he simply stared at the creature person in front of him ....hypnotized.

{at the imperial palace}

"What is your highness?" asked third prince ming hao. " yea what is it old man I was in the middle of finding beauties to add to my collection" snorted seventh prince ming ya. the old emperor shook his head and sighed. " I called you here to speak of the hu-" before he could finish the second prince ming yao interrupted him." yea yea we know teachers of the dark heavens academy are going to be there. we are going to get in for sure so don't worry about this.'. the old emperor shook his head. "that not the case prime minister yuns granddaughter will also be attending the hunt... as a participant." the last phrase caught there attention. "as a participant?" repeated ming Yao questioningly. The emperor nodded. " yes she also signed up for the great sparing tournament to be able to take the test to be a general." "WHAT!!!!!!!!!" all the princes shouted." great test... a woman...become a general.... "hao repeated dazed "the world is falling apart .. if she manages to complete all these tasks then the people of the dark heavens academy won't leave her alone as the women who have activated there yang energy have dwindled to fifty and have all been taken by the other realms. also.. she is not even three hundred years old how can she activate it without years of cultivation" shouted eighth prince ming ju. "don't make an assumption there is a 1% chance she will be able to survive the hunt and an even less chance she has activated her yang energy." said fourth prince ming wu "your right" the other princes thought sighing they all went to there rooms without beig dissmissed.