
The Mushroom Village

Welcome to The Mushroom Village! This is a story about Alice and Jane and their fun adventures in The Mushroom Village. This is my first story here and I am new to writing. I hope you like my story!

Isla_Nature · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Bring your creature day!

"Come on, Alice! We are going to be late for school!"said Jane. Then they quickly went to take their Pegasus from its room to ride it to school.

When they reached their school, they were already half an hour late. They quickly snuck to their classroom when Mrs Tania shouted while looking at the fairies,"Listen up, fairies. Tomorrow is bring your creature day, please do not come empty handed! Whoever comes to school empty handed tomorrow, you won't be able to participate in any contest." Everyone was worried that they would forget to bring their creature so they wrote it down in their mushroom book."Well, since tomorrow is bring your creature day, I can show everyone that I am the best student, especially Alice."said Olivia, confidently. "Ring, ring",rang the bell. Everyone walks out of the classroom while chatting with their friends.

When Jane and Alice were walking out of the classroom, Mrs Tania asked them to bring a creature leash tomorrow, just in case one of the creature escape from their owner. On their way home, they saw a fairy selling pink cuppy candies. They were so distracted with the super cute look of the candy, they bought themselves one each. The cuppy candy was covered with fondant and shaped as a cute owl.

"Hey mom!"said Alice and Jane, jumping around happily. "Hi sweeties! You girls seem very happy. What did you do in school?"asked their mom, curiously. They told her that they did many fun activities and also bought a cuppy candy each for themselves. They almost forgot to tell their mom that tomorrow is bring your creature day. "Oh sweeties, I'm so happy for you girls to be able to participate in your first ever bring your creature day!"said their mom, excitedly.

The next day, Alice and Jane woke up very early in the morning and got ready quickly. They also remembered to pack a creature leash. When they were feeding their creature, Alice's rainbow phoenix flew away from the food to drink some water and its food spilled all over Alice's clothes. Her clothes were stained with phoenix food so she quickly went upstairs to change her clothes. When they were ready, they took their creatures and rode the Pegasus to school.

Their Pegasus landed in front of their school. Alice and Jane were getting off their Pegasus when they overheard Olivia telling her friends that she will cheat in all of the contest today. Alice and Jane wanted to tell the teacher about this but they had an even better plan.

"All right, Alice. Follow the plan."Jane whispered to Alice. "Good morning, fairies! It seems that everyone brought their creature today. So, our first contest is...the fly obstacle! In this contest, only creatures that are flyable is allowed to join. The rules are simple, no cheating, no pushing other creature and most importantly have fun! All flyable creatures line up please!"said Mrs Amelia. All the flyable creatures including Alice's Phoenix quickly lined up as they can understand fairy language.

"Ready… Get set… GO!!!"shouted Mrs Amelia. Alice's Phoenix, Marshmallow, flew as fast as it could, they could even feel the wind when Marshmallow passed them. "Marshmallow takes the lead! Wait! Looks like Olivia's Pegasus, Sandy, is trying to take the lead! Now Marshmallow and Sandy are tied next to each other, WHO WILL WIN!?"shouted Mrs Amelia.

"The finish line is so close! Who is going to touch reach there first??? Oh no! Sandy is trying to push Marshmallow! If she continue doing that, she would be DISQUALIFIED!!!"shouted Mrs Amelia excitedly. Alice and Jane were on the edge of their seat and did not hear their mom talking to them.

"And here we have it, fairies! Marshmallow have won the obstacle!"said Mrs Amelia happily. "You did it, Marshmallow! Here is your treat."congratulated Alice, giving Marshmallow a treat. "Ugh, must that ugly creature win!?"Olivia shouted to her friends.

After many different contests, it is finally the last contest. "Now, the moment everyone have been waiting for! The last contest is the most toughest, weirdest and the best contest ever! It is...the...Jungle Topia! In this contest, your creatures will face the toughest obstacle course and a gigantic maze. All the creatures are allowed to participate and the rules are also simple, your creature must not cheat, no following other creatures and of course have fun! Now, all creatures please line up!"said Mrs Amelia excitedly. "I am so excited! I wonder who will win."said Alice excitedly. "Same!"said Jane.

"Now that all the creatures are here...Ready? Get set! GOOOOO!!!"shouted Mrs Amelia looking at all the creatures. Olivia went to seat next to Jane and said confidently, "You girls won't win because I am better- I mean my pet is better than both of you! HAH!!" Even though they heard what Olivia said, they didn't want to reply.

"Oh my! It is tied once again! Marshmallow, Sandy and Jane's unicorn, Eva, are next to each other! And even better, they are heading towards the maze! Who will finish first?"said Mrs Amelia excitedly.

Marshmallow went into the maze and immediately got confused! There was too many ways to go so she decided to take the road in the middle.

"All right, fairies. I see a creature coming out! Which creature could it be??"said Mrs Amelia excitedly. Jane and Alice were hoping that it was one of their creature. Olivia was confident that it is hers.

"The creature seems to be...MARSHMALLOW!!!! Looks like Marshmallow won! Congratulation, Marshmallow!"said Mrs Amelia. Olivia was so mad that she almost told everyone she cheated and still didn't win. Jane and Alice's plan worked. Their plan was to tell Mrs Amelia that Olivia is planning to cheat and Mrs Amelia will splash an enchanted potion on Olivia's creature. When Olivia's creature cheats, the potion will teleport it to where it started to cheat.

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