
True Friendship

Jamie Benson and Rachael Smith had a friendship like no two people could have. Rachael adored Jamie's long black hair, her lovely smile that could turn any head and her goofy personality.

Jamie was also one who loved a good party and loved to have fun. Rachael on the other hand wasn't a party person. She was raised in a very strick Christian home and Rachael never wanted to disappoint her father and mother.

Jamie and Rachael grew up in the small town of Rosie Alabama and all though Jamie's family wasn't wealthy they were well known in this small town. So well known that a street was named Benson Dr. after their last name.

Rachael's family wasn't wealthy and also wasn't well known. They were a Christian family that feared God and always were in church on Sunday mornings. Her father worked overnight in a factory in the next town over and he could hardly put food on the table for his family. Her mother was the housewife, making sure Rachael and her oldest sister were taken care of. She also made sure the laundry was done and the house was cleaned and supper was ready when Rachael's father got up for work.

Rachael met Jamie in elementary school. They were in the same 4th grade history class together and they got paired up for a project and ever sense they were inseparable. Even though they came from different backgrounds and cultures, they had so much in common in so many things that both didn't care how different they were.

One Friday night Rachael's father and mother let her stay at Jamie's house for the night and that was the first time Rachael tried marijuana. As they sat and smoked in Jamie's room, Jamie leaned her head back then she looked around the room and told Rachael that she was seeing clowns dancing around her room. Rachael had a fear of clowns and she didn't want to experience any clowns dancing around.

Jamie and Rachael were very close and although Rachael loved her friend so much, she wouldn't see her friend after the summer of 1997 when thier friendship ended all of a sudden.