A Day Later in the Morning at Dagoba Municipal Beach Park
"HAAAA!" Jin screamed as he tried to pull a fridge with All Might on top. "People move these every day even without super strength! You're not ready for my power yet." All Might said while taking pictures of Jin. "What must I do then, All Might?" Jin asked as he let go of the ropes.
Seeing this All Might jumped off the fridge and put away his phone. "You're going to have to clear this beach." All Might said before continuing. "You must train or else your body will explode from my power. As well this beach used to be beautiful before all this trash came here."
"Okay, then I'll succeed no matter what!" Jin said as his eyes shined with determination. "Good, don't you want to attend to UA as well?" All Might said as he looked at Jin. "Well yes but that's a bit of a problem." Jin said as he twiddled his fingers.
"Why? If you put in the effort and with my help, it should be a breeze, I even have an Aim To Pass American Dream Plan! If you follow this to the letter you can clean up the beach just in time, it also details every other aspect of your life." All Might said as he brought out some papers.
"That's not the problem, the problem is I don't attend school." Jin said as he scratched the back of his head. "What? Why? It doesn't matter anyway I'll assign you to a nearby school if need be, in fact, I know just the one." All Might said before instructing Jin what to do next.
One may think that school was a waste of time, but Jin needed the applicant Id and he needed to know the theory, so to attend UA this was a must. 'Naturally, I don't know what I am meant to do as the Lesser God didn't really explain, but first thing should be getting into UA.' Jin thought as he began to clear up the beach.
After that morning of training, Jin went back to Izuku's house. "Oh, where were you?" Inko asked with some concern on her face. "Ahh don't worry I was just doing some morning exercise with my friend." Jin explained as Inko simply nodded.
After that Izuku woke up and they chatted a bit before Izuku rushed off to school. After this Jin did some housework before Inko also left. He spent the rest of the day till Izuku arrived back cleaning up while thinking of how to use One For All.
"Wow, it's so clean!" Izuku said as he admired Jin's hard work. "It's nothing." Jin simply said before putting his cleaning equipment away. Jin had already cooked as well so once Inko arrived they all began to eat.
"You've been such a great help." Inko said as she ate Jin's food. "Don't mention it's the least I can do, by the way from tomorrow onwards I'll be attending school so I'll clean up afterward." Jin said before continuing "I can still make dinner though and lunch if you arrive back a bit later."
"Don't worry, don't worry, even if you did a tenth of what you did today I'd be over the moon." Inko said as she continued eating. "Okay then." Jin nodded before chatting with Izuku about heroes.
The next day Jin woke up early in the morning and went training with All Might after he handed him a student card along with a uniform. What surprised Jin was on the card was written Jin Jahan. "Wait why is there Jahan on the card?" Jin asked with confusion.
"Well isn't that your family name? I had a look into some of your records and that's what I found. Sorry for prying." All Might said as he scratched the back of his head. "No, no it's fine don't worry. You're already doing me the greatest favor in the world, how can I complain."
"Either way you'll be attending a nearby school everything is written down on your student card." All Might said before walking off. "Well anyway, I have to go patrol now so I wish you luck at your new school. Piece of advice though, go take a shower before you go, you smell like beach trash." All Might said while Jin got a bit embarrassed.
'This is an important piece of information though, the Gods have even given me an identity, meaning they might not have expected me to do all these things such as taking OFA and following staying at Izuku's so maybe they left me some money.' Jin thought as he also left for Izuku's house.
After he arrived he washed, dressed and cleared up the house a bit before eating breakfast. At some point through all that Izuku had gotten up and gotten ready as well.
"Wait that uniform?! Are we going to the same school Jin!?" Izuku asked in excitement as he gazed at Jin's uniform. "Ya, it seems so." Jin said before realizing something. 'I have no books, no bag, no nothing. So how am I going to even learn? It seems I really am going to have to check if I have money in the bank.' Jin thought before waiting for Izuku to finish eating and then leaving.
At school, it was pretty weird for Jin. At first, it was fine as Jin talked to Izuku and some people were curious about him so he made some small talk and explained that he was a transfer.
When it came to introducing himself though and he said he was quirkless everyone started laughing at him. "No wonder you've been talking to Izuku." They laughed as they nearly fell out of their seats. 'Trash.' Jin thought before sitting down.
"Calm down children, that's not how you speak to someone, especially someone new to the school." The teacher scolded but the students still had grins on their faces. 'Hoho, don't worry in a couple of years you'll all be attacking each other to get my attention. Bottom feaders.' Jin thought before sitting beside Izuku.
Immediately Jin put up his hand. "Yes, Jin." The teacher said. "May Izuku share his books with me as mine haven't arrived yet." Jin said seriously. Hearing this the teacher thought it was pretty normal so he simply said "Sure."
After that school went as usual, soon the day was over and Bakugo came up to Jin and said "Remember I owe you nothing you bastard, and I suggest you stay away from Deku!" With that explosions went off in Bakugo's hands. "Don't worry I don't need anything from you anyway, and who I choose to hang out with is none of your business." Jin waved him off.
Hearing this Bakugo was sufficed to say, very annoyed but he simply walked off. "Wow, you actually managed to repel Kacchan." Izuku whispered as Jin simply chuckled. "Don't worry, with me around nothing will happen to you Izuku." Jin said as he helped Izuku pack up.
After that, they began to walk home when Jin realized something. "By the way where's the closest bank?" Jin asked and Izuku simply pointed him in the direction. "Thanks, Izuku, tell your mother I am going to be a bit late." Jin said as he ran off. 'What does he need to do at a bank?' Izuku wondered as he simply walked home.
A few minutes later Jin had arrived at the bank and after going through some process, Jin found that he had 10,000,000 yen stored in the bank. He immediately withdrew it all, and for some reason the bank simply gave it to him.
'Hmm so if I convert this to euros it's only about 83,000 which is still quite a lot but not too much.' Jin thought as on the way back he bought some ingredients and the books which he required for school.
By the time he made it back to Izuku's house 3 hours had already passed since the end of school and Inko wasn't very happy. When Jin explained what he was doing though she understood and simply scolded him for coming back so late.
'Well it's not that late but nice to know that she cares.' Jin thought as he organized his stuff. Currently, he only had 2 sets of clothes so tomorrow morning he was going to go buy some cheap clothes after training.
With that, the days passed. Jin attended school cleared up the house, cooked, trained and studied. Seeing his determination Izuku was also influenced and ended up training and studying hard as well. Not only that but Izuku began to train and study too along with him now taking Judo lessons.
Soon it was the morning of the exam, February 26th. Jin was standing on top of a pile of trash as he gazed at the sunset. "All Might, I have done it!" Jin shouted with resolution as he raised his fist into the air.
"Indeed you have, holy crap you did even more than I expected, you exceeded my expectation!" All Might said as Jin said: "Ehh how am I going to get down from here?"
"Don't worry just jump down you've done well kid." All Might said as Jin simply complied. Immediately All Might caught him and said: "You've done well kid."
After that, All Might plucked a piece of hair from his head and said "You've earned this! Now for your reward."
As he stretched his arm out he continued "Don't forget you earned this gift with your own valiant efforts. Now eat this!"
"...Sure." Jin said as he grabbed the hair and ate it. 'It's funny in the series but just weird in real life.' Jin thought as he tried to swallow the hair. "Well, I'll take my leave now, see you later kid." All Might said as he walked off.
"GULP!" Finally, Jin managed to swallow the hair but then something weird occurred.
'So my cheat has arrived?' Jin thought when suddenly he saw a screen in front of him.