

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
123 Chs

Chapter 118: Battle of Servants (2)

Chapter 118: Battle of Servants (2)

~Third POV~

[Evening, Forest of Trifas]



Splattering the remains of Homunculi and Golems Spartacus laughed joyfully taking the damage as blood fell from his body yelling out loud, "Pitiful puppets of the oppressors. I will at least put you all to rest with my blade and fists!"

In response, the forces of Yggdmillennia sent out more combat-ready Homunculi and Golems created by Caster towards Spartacus trying to kill or even slow the mad Berserker of Red down.

Spartacus ignoring the sensation of pain only pushed forward towards the fortress bashing and killing any enemy that stood in his way with glee. He destroyed his way towards the enemy carving his whole path through the forest.

From the outside view of the forest of Trifas Chiron spoke out in an annoyed tone witnessing Spartacus actions, "What a dreadful sight. That Berserker is a monster who slaughters his enemies using his prided strength instead of technique. A Heroic Spirit who needs no skill or tactics, born only for the sake of fighting."

Standing at the ready Chiron and the Rider of Black Astolfo, the [Twelfth Paladin of Charlemagne] with their forces of Golems beside them Chiron continued his explanation, "Perhaps he didn't become like that because of the Mad Enhancement of the Berserker Class, but Berserker from the start."

Astolfo soon spoke in an annoyed tone about how both of them are tagged with dealing with Berserker of Red, "Think he's capable of killing me and you in the same way?"

Chiron answered Astolfo's question in a neutral tone being realistic of the possibilities of it occurring, "It's possible. We must avoid receiving any direct attacks from him, at the very least."

Standing up from his spot Astolfo answered in an annoyed tone, "Yeah, I'll do my best to not get hit."

Chiron notices Rider of Black lack of attention as he speaks warning Astolfo to not be careless. But soon enough he gets reminded by Berserker of Red landing near him with a bloody grin on his face facing against Astolfo, "Now then oppressor, the time has come for your arrogance to be smashed and your conceit as the strong to be trampled."

Astolfo sighed seeing Berserker of Red up-close summoning his Noble Phantasm [Trap of Argalia: Down with a Touch] a shining, ornate golden lance that belonged to Argalia, a knight and prince of Cathay ready to do battle with Spartacus in a proud tone, "… Uwah… Well, it can't be helped. Let's do this! Those afar, listen to my words! Those nearby, look upon my visage! My name is Astolfo, one of Charlemagne's 12 Paladins! I challenge you to battle!"

Rushing forward against Berserker of Red clashing causing a shockwave that could be felt throughout the forest…


Meanwhile, Rider and Archer of Red observed the situation till Atlanta spoke in a serious tone, "We've been noticed. Black Servants are approaching us. Let's fight. Rider I'll retreat and provide the rear support for you and Berserker."

Achilles nodded as he landed down on the ground smiling happily at the enemies, "I suppose that'll serve as a light warm-up. Hello there, you two."

Appearing before Achilles was Vlad and Frankenstein taking a step back with Vlad in front clicking his tongue annoyed by the invasion, "Tch. You curs would dare sully my territory with your presence?"

Achilles seeing both Servants grinned twirling his battle spear in an excited tone facing a challenge talking to them, "Lancer and… Berserker is it? I'm Rider of Red. You're probably wondering why I'm not riding anything and using a spear – "

Before Achilles could continue Vlad glared at the man disinterested raising his hand upward in an annoyed tone, "Hmph! Just die already!"




Achilles quickly got away from the sudden spikes appearing below whistling seeing Vlad's main Noble Phantasm [Kazikli Bey]. Within a range of 1 kilometer, a maximum of 20 thousand pikes can gradually manifest over time, bursting from the ground to impale opponents.

Manifested pikes remain as a physical barrier that eliminates free ground, and evasion thus becomes less likely with time. The sight of the pikes imposes a curse-like psychological effect, destabilizing an opponent's mental condition with oppressive anxiety or fear.

Achilles dodges them jumping up to the tree branches as Fran takes the chance to attack using her Warhammer Noble Phantasm [Bridal Chest] targeting Achilles…


Only to be intercepted by Saber of Red clashing in the nick of time with Achilles whistling seeing the Saber of Red, "Whew~ Thanks for the save their Saber. So, you came after all to help us out?"

Swinging her sword to her back she curtly nodded eyes gazing towards Frankenstein and Vlad expressing a feral grin getting a good challenge, "Heh. Why not Rider of Red it's the first chance I can get beating the crap out of Frankenstein and Count fucking Dracula eh Vlad the Impaler?"

Both eyes narrowed with Vlad glaring at Saber of Red words being reminded of his infamous legend in an annoyed tone, "I will stake you to death Saber of Red for daring to compare myself to that false legend!! DIE!!"



Taking up to the trees above Rider and Saber of Red were now locked in battle with Lancer and Berserker of Black each determined to enjoy the fight except Vlad the III intending to kill them on the spot.


Returning to the clash of Astolfo and Spartacus clashing with each other Astolfo was forced back on the ground muttering at Berserker of Red's strength, "Ooouch… that was same attack. Now it's my turn!"



Slashing his sword Spartacus didn't intend to listen when slashing his blade creating a shockwave with his power. Astolfo managed to avoid the swing scolding his enemy in the battlefield in a playful childlike voice, "No, no. I said it's my turn remember? You have to respect the proper order."


Rushing forward with his Noble Phantasm lance [Trap of Argalia], he pierced Spartacus's body in glee announcing his attack seriously, "Here I go… Argalia! It's time to show off your power! Down with a touch [Trap of Argalia]!"

Rider of Black's Noble Phantasm [Trap of Argalia] According to legend, this favored jousting lance of the prince of Argalia of Cathay made all it touched fall. For heavily armored knights, falling means death on the battlefield even putting that aside, it's not hard to imagine how using this lance could bring much success and prestige in showy jousting matches.

When this lance is used as a noble Phantasm against Servants, it reenacts this legend by forcefully changing everything below the enemy's knees into astral form. With just a single touch anywhere on their body even the surface of mana-formed armor the lance forcefully cuts the flow to all body parts below the knees. It temporarily makes it impossible to maintain their physical form…


Managing to stay standing using his sword Spartacus grinned wickedly moving forward and surprising Astolfo charging at him, "Merely erasing my legs isn't enough to stop me."

Astolfo merely smiled pointing his finger at the downed Berserker of Red in a cheerful tone as the Golem forces rushed after him, "… Well, I can't deny that, but that's what this is for, all right, get him!"

Every Golem is marching forward after towards the fallen Berserker of Red. However, despite the numerous Golems stopping them he raises his sword announcing in a proud tone, "Ahh, this… Is precisely what makes singing and rejoicing at the moment of victory worth it!"

Astolfo sighed annoyed seeing Avicebron appear asking in a curious tone, "Huh? Hey Caster, this is too dangerous – "

Before Astolfo could warn Caster of Black of the danger Avicebron spoke in a neutral tone snapping his fingers, "No worries Rider. I'm merely sending the signal for Lancer to debut his attack."


A small golem on Avicebron's wrist activated as suddenly stakes soon appeared piercing Spartacus in place as Caster explains in a neutral tone, "No worries, Rider we made sure this was planned. With Berserker of Red captured we can from this point on, are our Masters with some tinkering. Wouldn't you say Berserker of Red?"

Spartacus's smile vanishes and what emits from his mouth instead is a frown with Caster summoning more Golems to detain Spartacus in the process.


[Trifas, Fortress of Millennia]


Standing at the front side of the forest section of Trifas Chiron shot his arrow blocking Atlanta's from a far distance with his Master nearby scolding her to leave, "Master, please have Berserker withdraw. Her presence there is meaningless in the face of three Servants of Red at once with Lancer defending her at the same time."

Fiore nodded, understanding the delicate situation in this Holy Grail War in a respectful tone, "… Understood. I'll tell Oji-sama."

Chiron nodded his head as he explained how dangerous the situation was becoming in a stern tone, "There's a danger of this place coming under fire. You should withdraw from here as well. Summon me with a command spell if there's an emergency."

Fiore nods her head granting her Servant Archer of Black the best of luck, "…. I wish you good fortune in battle. I believe in you. You're the world's most famous Archer, after all."

He grinned as she left leaving her Archer to handle the situation. Maneuvering around the Fortress of Millennia she moved till she finally stopped seeing a person's eyes widen in pure shock as Mash waved at her.

Immediately she began to use her Mystic Code [Bronze Link Manipulators: Coupled Reinforcement Mystic Codes] at the ready when the Servants of Red attacked their home activating her weapons.

Fiore is recognized by Darnic as the only Magus within the clan with any true talent, and there is likely no Magus throughout the generations of thickening blood in the clan with greater aptitude than her. She is a genius in possession of a terrifyingly deep wealth of talent in a single field, of Spiritual evolution and human engineering.

That was what Mash saw grinning using his [Observe] skill on her as she was about to attack, he spoke faster activating his Authority, "Sorry but nope! Authority of Envy, [Jealous Possession]."

A shadowy hand soon latched onto Fiore gritting her teeth as her whole being was forcibly under control with Mash lightly touching her face using his Authority of Gluttony, [Gluttony] to 'share' a meal with genuine praise laced in sarcasm, "Hello brilliant talent Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia? What a fine day it is today no?"

Fiore merely sent a glare towards Mash but couldn't do anything or think because of the Authority of Envy, [Jealous Possession] restricting her movements as he finished gaining her skills in a calm tone, "That would be all miss. But please turn back and forget everything that just occurred okay sweetie?"

Tilting his head acting cute Fiore's eyes slowly turn blank as her body forgets the memories permanently returning to normal leaving the other way with Mash sweating how scary his Authorities could be in a serious tone, 'Phew… talk about scary. Now then where to go from here searching the other Masters…'

Wandering around after taking care of Fiore he soon paused seeing a Servant. Rider of Black Astolfo went to find the Homunculi with a will to live froze seeing Mash Bastion the Master of Red wander inside as they both thought in a frantic tone, 'WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?!!'

Quite the surprising turn of events when the Homunculi steps outside standing between the Master of Red and Rider of Black flinching making Mash confused about the situation occurring…