
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

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23 Chs

Prologue Pt.4

(Khaines viewpoint)

Khaine can be seen walking through a land of grand arches and beautiful waterfalls. Even he a man of deep hatred can see the beauty that this realm represents.

Khaine has been travelling, visiting all the other godly factions and although disliking each other they hear what he has to say.

Khaine tells them of a great enemy. The man who singlehandedly brought both his and the Chaos factions to there knees.

He is trying to create an alliance, a united front against a common enemy and is currently walking through the land of the last faction he has to talk to, The Gods of Order. These are the mixture of gods worshiped by the forces of good in the time of the old wars. They include his old pantheon members, what remains of the great elven gods.

He is currently being led to there meeting room to meet with Ynnead the leader of this faction and her generals.

Ynnead a tall man, beautiful like all elves. He is a cynical man whom hates chaos to its core, so much so that he can sence the slightest touch of the chaotic energies on a being.

Ynnead had been prophesied to cause the end of the elves greatest enemies bringing them back to an age of glory.

Khaine, looking at his fellow gods begins to explain the threat of the man he had seen. A man of such terrifying power that he could corrupt his entire faction in a matter of minutes and how it was clear by his actions that he wouldn't stop with him.

He manages to convince them the necessity of an alliance with the other gods. An alliance to bring this man to his knees.

They agree, communicating with the other godly factions with Khaine acting as a mediator.

(Court of Covenant)

The man can be seen sitting on his throne alone. He looks deep in thought. Around him you can see large empty thrones, thrones to seat his many godly servants.

Suddenly a crackle can be heard, the warp around the room slowly start to gather at a single spot. This warp energy condenses until it forms a ball of pure orange light.

A few seconds pass before the light explodes, standing in its place are the remaining gods. Now having formed an alliance, it was agreed that they possessed the fire power to easily crush this man and the remaining chaos gods.

There are currently seven high gods standing staring at the man. These high gods are Ynnead, Triton, The Greater Good, Mephet'ran, Ulric, The Emperor of Mankind and Khaine.

Ynnead is the first to step forward, glaring at the Chaos God in front of him. The continues to ignore the gods that have just entered to room.

The man stands, causing the alliance gods to tense up. The man chuckles as he slowly walks towards the group. His laughter grows as he walks.

The man then welcomes the gods. He asks for there timely surrender, to which they scoff. The man just smiles and raised his hand.

Suddenly The Greater Good, whom had been towards the back of the group yells out in pain. The gods turn to the comrade, only to see a smiling Khaine with his sword stuck out of The Greater Good's back.

Khaine removes his sword a backs away from the group. The man then lowers his hand, to which seven Chaos Gods, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Khorne, Malal, Nagash and The Horned Rat emerge.

Now outnumbered nine to six the remaining allied gods begin to panick. The man moves forward again. Slowly making his way towards the group.

As he moves he explains there predicament. He tells them that the will serve him or die, but he is benevolent and would allow the high gods to start.

Ynnead is first to step up. Driven into a fury upon seeing Slaanesh, he demands a duel to the death. The man quickly agrees, allowing Ynnead to make the first move.

Ynnead rushes at the man, showing his divine prowess as the eternal rival of Slaanesh. Ynnead draws his sword and starts to slash at the mans vital points, looking to be slowly gaining the upper hand as the man is slowly pushed back.

This does not last however, the man suddenly stops. Seeing this as an opportunity Ynnead slashes towards the mans throat.

The man laughs again, causing Ynnead to show a shocked look. The man had stopped his blade, with one finger no less.

The man, tired of this fight rushes towards Ynnead at a speed that is a blur to even the high gods in the room. With one swing of his blade, Ynnead the most powerful high god has had half of his neck sliced open by the man.

The other gods show different reactions. The Chaos Gods show pure joy at the fact that there lords power his so dominant. Khaine has a similar reaction, he is believe that his choice was indeed the correct one.

The alliance gods on the other hand are different. Triton shows pure rage at his allies death, whereas The Greater Good shows sorrow. The Emperor of Mankind shows caution, whilst Ulric shows respect. Mephet'ran on the other hand has an unreadable expression on his face.

Ulric is the first to move. He starts to make his way over to Khaine, the eyes of all the other gods on him.

As he moves forwards he keeps his gaze locked with Khaine. Khaine and Ulric continue to start until they are face to face. They both nod once to the other and Ulric moves to stand beside Khaine.

The causes other gods to act, Triton and the injured Greater Good both rush the man. Believing themselves to be able to take him down even with his display with Ynnead.

In the end however they were the same. Decapitated quickly by the man. The remaining two gods stepped towards the man and bent there knees. They were quickly followed by the remaining gods within the room, along with Khaine and Ulric.

The man moves over to Khaine and slowly injects his energy into him. He slowly move down the gods one by one, conducting them into his godly order.

The man waves his hand yet again and a new god appeares in his presence, Eron. The man asks Eron to take the remaining middle and lower gods to get used to the realm and explain to them the rules.

Before he can complete the order however the man turn to the middle god Throgg, the new Chaos God of Stupidity and Balance. He was once the smartest and strongest of the trolls, he became so revered by his subjects that he was risen to godhood, similar to the man himself.

The man calls Throgg towards him, beckoning with his hand. The beast moves towards his new master. The man then gestures towards the last throne beneath his own and Throgg went to sit in it.

The man turns to the four new high gods. He observes them slowly, one by one scanning them with his eyes.

He first speaks to Khaine, telling him of his pride at his job well done. He mentions his reward in the future and to take his seat along with the now seated seven gods.

The man then looks to Ulric, the second of these gods to join him. The man observes Ulric closely, as if looking into his very soul. The man smiles and gestures again to the other high gods for him to take his seat.

After this he moves onto the next god, The God Emperor of Mankind. The man glares at the emperor, the leader of mankind. His oldest hatred, his oldest betrayal.

Mankind is the race that put him on this path. They caused the pain that made him a daemon, that granted him godhood and eventually made him the leader of the universe.

The smiles at the being who should have been his enemy. The man stares at the being that he should have killed to satiate his thirst for vengeance, to pay for his kins betrayal.

The man moves forward, towards the being. All the while smiling, he walks. Once he arrives in front of the being, he again smiles.

His smile turns to his to a frown as he turns his gaze to the man next to the being. Mephet'ran, The Deceiver.

He was the greatest of the star gods, he is the god who tricked the necrontyr into selling there souls creating the Necrons. He then tricked his remaining star gods into fighting each other.

He is a god that betrays and steals. He lies and cheats. He is not loyal to anyone or anything and the man knows this.

The man asks him to reveal his greatest sins to him, to cleanse himself. The man looks into The Deceivers eyes. He uses his pure power of betrayal to have the being betray himself.

The Deceiver confesses to everything. He confesses to all of his betrayals. He even confesses to his plans to overthrow the man himself.

The man sees this and smiles. He thanks The Deceiver for his honesty, before slicing his head off. He then turns to The Emperor of Mankind again, still smiling.

The man turns around and walks back to his throne. He calls to the Emperor to take a seat, which he does.

The addresses his new high gods, he tells them the new ground rules. He tells them all about infighting, which he would not tolerate.

He explains that he would allow the re-emergence of the races of old. He would only expect fighting between the mortals.

They would rule through there subjects and play the great game together.

And this carried on for thousands of years. The man, ruling over his empire. The gods and mortals alike prospered, less war, no famine and massive technological advances.

The man however is not content, he believes more to be out there. He searches, he expanded his domain to encompass all of existence.

He had tried to push through the boarders, the barriers that he had found. But he had pushed to far, he had found something he shouldn't have.

He had found a being, a concept. Something unexplainable, Something more powerful than he could imagine.

He was touched by this being and was marked. He closed off the barrier, he ran back to his realm and he hid away.

But that didn't help, the unknown thing found him. It ripped away his power, it brought him to his knees.

It grasped the man and slowly dragged him through the breach, it dragged him to the unknown.

The man awoke, he could see feel nothing. He could see however, he could see a room full of objects he couldn't understand.

He stood, trying to get his bearings. He tired to move but was stopped in his tracks. He was gaining memories. Memories that were not his own, memories of another life.

The man smiles, this had changed everything.