
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

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23 Chs

Prologue Pt.1

It's in a humans nature to be evil. They are sick, twisted, greedy, depraved and jealousy runs rampant in there society.

The other creatures are not better. There are the ghoul. Powerful beings, perfect predators. They however have a tendency to be arrogant and condescending.

The Vampires are similar in this aspect too. They are noble, stylish and beautiful. But they have a stronger jealousy than even the humans themselves.

The Spirits that live in the warp are diverse ranging from the kind protectors in the shinigami to the dark hunger of the hollow. They fight an eternal battle to break the balance of death.

Lastly the Daemons. Dark twisted beings of the warp. The serve the Dark Gods. Khorne, The Blood God. He is honorable but ruthless.

Nurgle, The Lord of Decay. He brings forth death so new life can grow.

Tzeentch, The Changer of Ways. His lying and deceitful ways are dwarfed only by his pursuit of knowledge.

Slaanesh, The Princess of Excess. Loves pain and pleasure, no matter the severity.

Hashut, The Lord of Darkness. From the depths of his lair comes not only the promise for great treasures but death aswell.

Horned Rat, The Lord of the World Bellow. He will sneak, stab and betray you if you lose purpose in life.

Karthog, The Beast. Leader of the hordes, lover of nature.

Nagash, The Supreme Lord of Undeath. He is the master of death, he brings no peace but eternal undeath.

Ereth Khial, The Pale Queen. She tortures the souls of the damned but helps the love of all mortals.

Kweethul, Bringer of Destruction. He breaks the foundations so that life can build anew.

Malal, The Renegade. Brings forth true chaos but also freedom.

Necoho, The Doubter. Brings protection through denial.

Zuvassin, The Undoer. Turner of both mistakes and successes.

Yerix, The Great Hunger. He devours, to fertilise the land.

Eron, The Assassin. He kills all, whether good or evil.

These were not all however. There was one being greater than them all. He was the man who conquered the ghoul, earning his title The Greatest of the Ghoul. He brought the arrogant vampires to their knees, earning the title Lord of Blood in the process.

Despite his fearsome nature he held compassion. He helped the oppressed humans and joined the shinigami in their war against the hollow. He was well respected, gaining the faith of them all. He eventually because so respected they would die for him.

This would not last however. The humans, who had grown conceited during there time under his protection start to show their true colours. They showed there greed, killing each other or enslaving each other. He grew angry at the humans, trying his best to stop their sin.

They however refused to listen. Going further, declaring a rebellion against the man.

The humans were losing, the armies of the man made up of vampire, ghoul and shinigami, along with the remaining loyalist humans.

When all thought done, the man made a mistake. He trusted his back to a human, a man who had served him since the start. This man drove his long sword through the back of the man, fueled by greed and arrogance. This man made one error, he didn't go straight for the kill, his arrogance made him want to humiliate his old master.

What he didn't know was that the man wasn't just a ghoul anymore, he had become a shinigami aswell. The man's anger grew ever larger, he tortured and killed the man and ordered the slaughter of all humans no matter who's side they're on. No more would he be betrayed.

Due to this anger he started to change. Half his body transformed into a dark form. A daemon, the first natural born for millennia. His spirit slowly transformed into hollow, but unlike all others he still remained a shinigami.

He declared himself Emperor, gain his final race, the vampire. What he didn't know however was his new form brought him the attention of a great evil. The Chaos Gods.

At first it was just the lesser gods. The likes of Kweethul, Zuvastin, Necoho, Eron and Yerix. They unleashed their twisted servants onto the world. Kweethul brought forth his Carvage Lords, hulking beasts that could rip a man clean in half.

Next were Zuvastins, The Chronomancers the would reverse the success of there foes and the failures of there allies.

After was Yerix. He sent through his Devourers, they ripped and teared the flesh of all in there path.

They were not all direct however. Necoho sent his Liars of Woe to sow deceit in the enemy ranks.

Lastly the most troublesome, Eron. His Glaives (Name of his Daemons not the weapons) ripped through important targets, killing hundreds of nobles, generals and businessmen.

The fighting was brutal, both sides enduring heavy losses. This was not the end, the man had been fighting. He had made his way through the enemy ranks into the lair of Yerix.

To this day no one knows what went on in the lair but when the man emerged, he had taimed the beast. This brought great change to the war. The Devourers suddenly turned slaughtering there way through there past allies.

The next god to fall was Zuvastin, who's spirit was slowly pressured until he became full subservient.

Kweethul was persistent requiring a glorious battle, consisting of 10 days of bloodshed before the man had brought him to his knees.

Eron and Necoho had become wary of the state that their great invasion was heading. They both agreed that action need to be taken so Eron retreated to call the higher gods to join the fight. Meanwhile Necoho believed himself able to cheat his way into the man's inner circle.

He succeeded, only not in the way he had hoped. He had not realised that the man through all this fighting had become something more. He had become a god. A true God of Chaos, through the acts of past friends. This has shaped him into the Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty.

Necoho was discovered by the new Greater Daemon that the man had created. They are the Judges, beings who are loyal to the man, The Law.

Necoho when discovered did what he did best, he lied. However this time his lies couldn't help him escape. The man asked his other godly servants to leave the room. What happened next is unknown, but what is known are the screams of terror that were displayed by Necoho.

The man now had a target. Eron, the only remaining god who did not come to serve him. The man marched his forces to the Gates of Chaos, the entrance to the Realms of Chaos and the base camp of the chaos forces.

What was waiting for him was not the weakened forces of Eron however, it was a new army of daemons. These daemons were from the middle gods. Hashut, who had great war machine and his K'daai Destroyers who burn there way through the frontlines.

There is also The Horned Rat. His Verminlords sneak through the undergrowth looking for a chance to strike at the heels of there foes.

Karthog, The Beast. His droves of beastmen rush towards his enemies under the lead of his great Beastfiends, these horrifying mutants bring nightmares to whoever is stupid enough to step in there path.

Nagash sends his Legions of Undeath, their unending hordes constantly moving forward. All the kill join there cause. The Morghasts are the greatest of Nagash's dark creation and the leave destruction in there wake.

Finally the Haemonculi, Heralds of the Pale Queen Ereth Khial. The sick beings torture and corrupt creatures into monstrous beast that cause havoc on the battlefield.

Seeing this new enemy ahead of him the man laughs. The man had predicted this all along. He had come up with a plan, a plan to bring Chaos to its knees. Unlike what most thought his first godly servant was not Yerix but it was indeed Eron.

Eron had grown loyal to the man. He had witnessed the beauty of killing that the man had shown and they had worked together to bring the rest under his command. He had told his master the location of Yerix's lair. He had tricked Zuvastin into battling head on with the man. He had led Kweethul to a brutal battle and he had sent Necoho to a trap.

When he was sent into the Realms of Chaos he was tasked once more, he would seek out the five middle gods and plot there end. He told Hashut of a man of such martial prowess that only he would be worthy of a weapon forged by him.

He told The Horned Rat of the man, a being cunning and ruthless. A man who already had an eternal horde under his command when he was but a mortal.

He told Karthog about the man's feral beast like nature. He was a man worthy of challenging for his title.

He told Nagash about the faits of his old servants the vampires. On how they now serve the man.

Finally he told Ereth Khial of the betrayal of the great man by those close, showing her his form and the hatred that dwells within. The Pale Queen was entranced with what she saw, he was a man as dark and cold as she was. She needed him, she wanted him and she would do all to be by his side.

She asked Eron where she cam find the man, Eron smiles and asks why she wants to know. She claims she wants him, to which he replies. Telling her the man's location she slowly sneaks her way there. She enters his bed chamber where the man is waiting. They stare into each others eyes and neither were heard of for the rest of the night.

The armies of the middle gods and Eron stood across from the armies of the man. The atmosphere was heavy. This was a battle between gods.

The Chaos started to move, slowly at first, but soon picked up momentum and clashed with the mans forces. All was looking lost to the armies of the man, that is until it happened. The man living up to his new title, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, manage to coarse the betrayal of two of the five middle gods, Ereth Khial and Hashut. The Pale Queen after there night spent together had come to love the man as she once had he late love, her Haemonculi turned there twisted creations on there once allies causing chaos in there ranks.

Hashut on the other hand was turned to serve the man who had come to be known a The Deadliest Killer, the only being truly capable of wielding one of his great creations in battle.

And wield he did. He had commissioned the creation of two short-swords made to attach at the handles to create a deadly whirlwind of blades, these would later become known as The Blades of Balance: Justice and Truth.

The man also commissioned the creation of his own armour, it was full plate armour with the weight of cloth. It could block even the blows from the gods themselves. This armour was later known as The Protection of the Law.

Hashut also sent in his daemon along with the Haemonculi's beasts. He then turned his devastating hell cannons into the back line of his ex-allies cause great destruction in his wake.

The remaining gods knew this was a lost cause and each began looking for a way out. However there was something the each wanted from the man that caused them to stay. Nagash wanted his old servants back under his command, The Horned Rat want the mans power to rule the world and Karthog want to know who the true beast lord is.

First to step up is Karthog. With a loud roar the armies begin to separate. Karthog remains, staring at the man who has met his gaze. The both begin running towards one another with feral earth-like grins on there faces. The battle is quick however, the man making short work of Karthogs offence and moves on to the defence. The man overwhelms Karthog who, once he's regained his consciousness slowly kneels to the new beast lord.

Now that three have joined the mans new empire, Nagash and The Horned Rat feel threatened. The man slowly walks towards them gesturing to the rat to come forth next. The Horned Rat steps forward, much to the surprise of Nagash. The Horned Rat approaches the man in an almost trance like state.

When in front of the man he kneels, weeping on the floor. He exclaims the beauty of the vision he just saw, a vision of glory for his children under the mans leadership.

Lastly Nagash. He looks at the man, slowly raising his hands. He fires a Wind of Death spell at the man, who doesn't move to block or avoid. Dread starts to fill Nagash as he can see the mans dark red pupils underneath his helmet.

Before Nagash can continue however he feels a tugging at his leg. The man who has now become a higher god, due to his many subordinates at the god level, slowly raises his hand. Chains erupt from the ground tightly binding Nagash. The man coldly looks at the bound rags of Nagash and calmly asks for his service. Nagash, being the most powerful of the middle gods had his pride. He refused the request causing the mans voice to grow cold. The man then raises hand yet again and tightens his grip. The chains around Nagash bind him tighter cause him great pain.

Nagash screeched in agony, he thrashes around trying to break free. Slowly the pain he was feeling increases, until suddenly it stops. The man once again asks him.

Nagash feeling the pain of his binding from before gives his answer. He agrees to join.

The man then turns to the portal to the Realms of Chaos. He walks forward, his army trailing behind him, through the portal. To begin the true challenge of his conquest.