
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

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Chapter 8: The Rage He Felt

(3 Weeks Later)

The man can be seen training both Nishiki and Kaneki, allowing them both to attack him. The man dodges whilst making observations about the combat styles of both men and correcting them where he can.

This scene has been playing out every night since the man had offered to train the young ghoul and the man has been enjoying it greatly. It has both allowed him to train his students and sharpen his own combat skills.

Martial arts are all well and good but he is a ghoul and if his skills in that aspect diminish then he will grow substantially weaker.

The man has also continued to visit Anteiku during this time, growing fonder of everybody there. Especially the likes of Hinami and Kaya.

Hinami due to the adorable little sister she is. She reminds the man of the Kaneki from his world, the curious little kid that causes him trouble all the time.

Kaya on the other hand is strange, they've rarely spoken often just sitting near each other in silence. The man feels strange about this matter, he has never felt that comfortable around another being. Even the beings he had had relations with had never allowed him to get comfortable.

The man after finishing his training with the two heads home. He had finally left Kaneki's house and had gotten his own place. He had started to invest again.

Once the man enters his house he makes his way to his room he stops to see his new mask hanging on the wall by the door.

The man still finds ot strange hiding under a mask. He had never needed to before, humanity had been the weakest race in his past world when he had grown up, the ghouls had never needed to hide from them.

The mans mask, symbolic of his life before, is a plain white face with two ege holes. Printed on the white mask is the symbol of Chaos Undivided (see the symbol here ---> https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Chaos_Undivided), the demonic star representing his family the Gods of Chaos. The man soon heads to sleep not expecting his peace to change.

(The Next Day)

The man has been going about his day as he usually does, breakfast, training, research and now waiting for Anteiku to open.

The man has managed to learn the Contonese, Tibetan and Mongolian languages during this time and has also started tutoring both Kaneki in both English and Mandarin.

The is let in to Anteiku and quickly takes a seat at the bar. He starts conversing to Enji who's shift it is behind the bar today. This continues for a few hour, only stopped by the door opening to show a hysterical Hinami and Ryouku.

The man quickly runs to comfort them and lead them to the back. He sits them down on the couch in the staff room and asks them what has happened.

What the man hears next shocks him. Asaki Fueguchi is dead. The man he had joked around with and shared stories with. Them loving father and husband, the carring doctor and the peaceful ghoul.

The man starts comforting the now crying mother and daughter waiting for Yoshimura to arrive.

He arrives not a moment later, quickly says his condolences and leaves the duo to grieve in peace. The man follows him out dying to know the answer to the only question on his mind.

"My friend, what are you going to do about this?" The man asks, staring his friend deeply in the eyes.

"Nothing! We will do nothing but comfort the two of them." Yoshimura answers, to immediately get punched by the man.

The man drags the older man up against the wall with one hand. The man slams his fist again, but instead of hitting his friend he hits the wall. He soon pulls his hand out, leaving a hole in the wall and says, "You are lucky I like you my friend." The man pauses.

"Because if anyone else had said that they wouldn't be alive right now."

The man drops the older man to the floor and slowly walks out of the room, back to the cry family of now two.

Before he leaves however he can hear a weak voice call out, "Revenge is not the answer, it's never the answer." Yoshimura is getting to his feet, continuously look at the man.

"Hahaha" The man laughs, slowly growing louder. The man turns his head back so that the older man can see half of his face and with a feral grin says, "No, no it isn't. But I'm not look for the answer, I'm looking for the person that asked the question."

The man laughs again as he finally leaves the room, causing Yoshimura to once again slump onto the ground.

The man, once he had entered the room can see Ryouku looking at him. The man pauses, seeing the guilt on the eyes that are looking at him.

He walks up to Ryouku and the little girl in her arms and slowly pulls them into his. The continue to sit there in silence, until he here's a faint voice from Ryouku, "Please don't. Please don't fight them."

The mans eyes look down to see a now sleeping Ryouku along with Hinami. He slowly sets them down and takes out his phone. He calls both Nishiki and Kaneki, he tells them that they won't be seeing him for a couple of weeks and to continue there training without him there.

The man leaves Anteiku knowing he is unlikely to come back again. He slowly makes his way home, he takes his mask, laptop and all the necessary items for a long trip and leaves, he heads for the one place that will know what happened to his friend, the Helter Skelter.

This was a bar run by another of the Clowns, Itori. A manipulative woman that the man has very little care for, but if there was one thing she was good at it would be information gathering.

She was so good at this in fact that she managed to go from the mans hit list to being recruited by him in a matter of moments just by listing off things she had found out about him. She had rose through the ranks quickly, helping his gather information about the Chaos God Eron, who would later fall to the man because of this.

She would go on to fight in many wars with the man and rise to the position of division commander, becoming the fifth ranked in fact. She also held the position of head of espionage in the organisation.

The man walks into the bar to the sight of three people drinking, they are Renji, Uta and Itori. They are all sat at the bar, Renji's head quietly sunken into his arms, Uta just sitting quietly sipping his drink and Itori chatting away in glee.

"Someone close to your friend has died! Be a bit more considerate." The man says as he begins walking towards the bar. He notices the three ghouls had all turned to face him in surprise.

He sits down at the bar and orders a drink. He turns to look at Renji and puts his hand on the mans shoulder.

Renji once again looks surprised, he looks down to the hand currently resting on his shoulder and looks down again.

The man smiles at this, he pats him twice before withdrawing his hand to receive his drink. Blood Wine, a lovely alcoholic drink invented by ghouls to allow them to get drunk with having to keep down that disgusting alcohol the humans drink.

The man takes one gulp after the next, quickly finishing the glass and asking for another. The man turns to Renji once again, "Yomo, I believe they need you back at Anteiku. It is more dangerous around the area after what has happened."

Renji is about to object, but seeing the murderous look in the mans eyes he thinks otherwise. He slowly rises from his seat and exits the bar.

The man then turns to look at Itori, "I'm here for information." The mans drinks down another glass on wine before showing her a feral grin, "and your going to tell me exactly what I want to know."