
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

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Chapter 4: Heaven Awaken World

Disclaimer: If you haven't guessed already, this novel is based on a novel called 'The Lord's Empire' and I would highly recomend reading it aswell. There are also elements from Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Tokyo Ghoul and Bleach. I would also recommend looking into these aswell.

That's the end of the boring bit. Back to the story!!

"Ding! You have two imperial bloodlines within you. One is the Great Tang Imperial Family's bloodline, and the other is the Great Qin Imperial Family's bloodline. Please select which bloodline you would like to take the Legacy Trial for."

"Warning! The Legacy Trial can only be attempted once, and upon failure, all qualifications to inherit a legacy will be made void."

The man calmly analysed his situation. He first thought about what was said before. It told him that he was both a Godly Lifeform and a Basic Intelligent Lifeform. The former he can assume is to do with his past as a god. It can be said that although he can't use his powers he is still a god. The latter is most like die to his new mortal body.

The man then starts to think of which legacy he should trial for and although he doesn't know what will happen, he knows that a legacy generally refers to items passed on from generation to generation inside a family.

First there is the Tang Legacy, the thought of this one gave the man a strong sudden feeling of hatred. This confused the man, not once has he shown the emotions that this mortal would have felt since he had taken over. The hatred for the Li Family must be deep for then emotions to stick through a change in consciousness.

This however is just another reason why the Tang Dynasty is the lesser choice. First due to the Li Family, knowing how fathers thoughts about him he has no doubt the man would kill him to gain said legacy. Although the man was powerful, both socially and physically, he can't take on an ancient family that has been around for generations just yet.

There is also the fact that the legacy of the Qin Dynasty is great than that of the Tang Dynasty. It was the fourth dynasty to unite China after all.

Qin along with Xia, Shang, Zhou and Han Dynasties, make up the five greatest dynasties in Chinese history. Qin being the fourth after Zhou but before Han. This is the reason for him choosing Qin. It also helps that he has at least a friendly relationship with the Ying Family, this bodies grandparents to be specific.

"Selection Complete!"

The man looks around to find an alter slowly forming in the room. His room is changing, turning into more of a temple like structure. The alter is at least one hundred meters tall and is made of black stone.

The man steps forward towards the alter, still studying the structure. It gives of a familiar feeling similar to the thrones of his Hall of Chaos. Its majestic and dignified.

The man stand on the first step, he immediately feel pressure start to weigh down on him. He begins to think of uses of this weight. He could use it for training with his enhanced healing speed and stamina regeneration.

He decides against this however, there is a high chance that even if it works he would lose out on the true prize, the legacy. He may be confident but he has no delusions that this was only happening to him.

If he continues to delay he may lose to another member of his distant family. The man continues to move up, the pressure slow building as he goes. The man himself begins to channel his Chi into his body, invigorating it into more action.

The man makes it half way up the steps, sweat dropping from his brow. The man is smiling, it had been a while since he'd had a good workout.

Once he had passed half way the man started to see illusions of beautiful women, grand riches and even his own subordinates. The man ignores this however, as the God of Betrayal how could he betray himself.

The man slowly reaches the top of the alter, more and more sweat dripping down his body. Once he reaches the top, the man sees images. These images are similar to the memories he saw during his first few weeks in this body. But these however depicted the rise and fall of an empire, the Qin to be exact.

The scenes started from the first Qin noble 'Qin Feizi'. He was a simple horse breeder who gained the respect of the king of Zhou.

There were many scenes of conquest, as Ying Zheng the king of Qin conquered all the other ten states. Unifying China once and for all. It also shows the end, the surrender of Ying Ziying to the warrior Liu Bang.

The man was surprised, like the memories he had experienced these scenes were causing him to feel emotion. The pride that the first Qin felt, the glory of the battles that were fought and the disappointment of the empires surrender.

The man, reveling in the long lost emotions, emotions he hasn't felt since he was mortal. A time before he gained his godhood. Suddenly he feels an unknown energy invade his body.

The man panics, using his Chi to fight off the unknown energy. Whilst doing this however the man notices something strange about this energy, it was healing his Chi as they fought.

Deeming it to be innocent after witnessing this the man stops channeling his Chi. The man feels warm as the energy strengthens his Chi channels and leave a small orb of energy inside his body.

The didn't notice however during this he had stopped being alone. He looks up to see a man similar to himself, an emperor.

The man looks at his new company, he is wearing long flowing roads with black dragon patterns weaved into it. He stands at ease, looking towards the man with respect but with clear arrogance visible aswell.

The man slowly comes to recognize the emperor across from him. He was the first Qin Emperor, Emperor Ying Zheng.

The emperor smiles and slowly moves towards the man. He reaches a distance of two metres away from the man before leaving him a line, "I'll leave Great Qin in your care!"

The man is confused by this but decides to wait it out to find and explanation. The emperor soon disappears and the man starts feeling dizzy. He can hear only one thing before his vision goes dark.

"Selection Complete!"