
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

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Chapter 3: Progress

(5 Months Later)

The man can be seen doing Tai Chi as he has just finished meditating. The man has been doing this routine for months now and has gained a breakthrough into how Chi works.

Like Warp energy from his world Chi is present in this world but to a degree that normal people wouldn't be able to control, but as a god the man can.

Using his techniques in controlling the Warp, the man has managed to control Chi to strength his body and recover stamina to a small degree. This is all he can do with the minuscule Chi levels present here. Chi like Warp is only present in small amounts, but unlike Warp the Chi is enough to at least use.

The man has been training. He has been travelling to different dojo's to learn their fighting styles or weapons techniques. Tai Chi is one example of this although not a combat technique.

So far his has grow to a master level in three martial arts styles in these five months. Mauy Thai, this style uses your four limbs to there full potential. Using not only kicks and punches but also elbow and knee strikes.

Next is Wing Chun, this is a derivative of Kung Fu that is built for self defence. It uses grappling with swift strikes and is a relaxed, flexible form of combat.

He also learnt a sword style called Niten Ichi-ryu. Also know as the two sword style, it is based on using a longer blade, the katana, and a short blade, the wakizashi, together in quick succession to overwhelm your opponent.

The man picked these three styles first because he needed the strong offence in Mauy Thai and the flexible defence in Wing Chun. He also has been extending his Koukaku kagune out to act as the blades for the Niten Ichi-ryu so that he has another combat form he can switch to mid combat.

How he payed for this training is a question however. During these five months the man has started to invest on stocks and he has been quite successful, although not to a degree of a millionaire but he has enough money to pay for what he wants with no issues.

Next are languages, the man has decided to focus on learning four at a time. This being three modern languages and one ancient language. He has found that he can become fluent in a modern language in two months and an ancient language in three.

So far he has learnt English, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean and Spanish. He is currently learning Hindi, Thai and Arabic. As for the ancient languages he has learnt Latin and is learning Hebrew.

The man is also now learning about the fictional writing of the different races from his world, like elves, dwarves and orcs which seem to be the most popular.

He has also found languages from these fictions and believe that they could be useful in communicating in code in the future.

(4 Months Later)

The man has once again improved, master two more martial arts styles and learning six more modern languages and two ancient ones. He has learnt Hindi, Arabic, French, Italian, Filipino and Thai, as well as Hebrew and Sanskrit. He has also learned Karate and Fencing to compliment his fighting style

The man has now also added fictional languages to his list to learn. There are many out there however so the man has shortened a list to races that have interested him in his reading. These include Klingon, Vulcan, Na'vi, Dothraki, Huttese, Ewokese and High Valyrian. He has also found interest in learning languages that are from the fictional versions of races he knows like the elves Elvish, both Quenya and Sindarin and the dragons Dovahzul.

The man has continued his research into Chi as well. The man has found that he can use Chi to strengthens his kagune as well as sustain him for a period of time.

The man is also researching economics, business and politics in depth. He is doing this so he can better understand ways to spread his influence to the masses of the world.

(3 Months Later (1 Year Total))

The man is looking around he new mansion with pride. Although not his grandest dwelling, it was one he worked to earn.

The man after learning what he need to from economics, business and politics decided he needed to change his image. The man found that although not only those who are rich do well in this society, it does give a massive leg up.

The man started to focus on increasing his wealth through stocks, eventually becoming a millionaire. He kept making money whilst slowly investing in small businesses around his local area to increase his reputation.

The man then started the construction on his new mansion and without the specifics is massive. It also has 15 acres of land in which it is placed in the centre, he has also built a 20x20 ft swimming pool with a hot tub and sauna. Lastly is the garage which can hold up to twelve large vehicles.

In the garage are seven vehicles, the first a Kawasaki Versys-X 300. The man likes the design off this motorcycle so he chose it over more powerful models.

Second is a the Ferrari 599, Third the Rolls Royce Silver Shadow, Fourth the Rolls Royce Phantom, Fifth the Bugatti Chiron, Sixth the Nissan Armada and Lastly the Tesla Model.

In addition to this there is a helicopter pad on the roof, with no helicopter. This addition is for the future if needed.

Now to the inside. First is the large kitchen, five bedrooms each with on suite bathrooms, two extra bathrooms, a gym including training mat for martial arts, a study, a living area, dining room and recreations room. This along with storage for clothes, food and personal objects.

For research the man has learnt six more modern languages which are, German, Urdu, Swahili, Indonesian, Vietnamese and Turkish. He has also learned another ancient language, Akkadian.

He has also manage to learn multiple mythical languages, one per month. The first being Dovahzul, second being Dothraki and finally Na'vi.

He has only managed to learn on new martial art however, that being Krav Maga during his brief trip to Israel to test a theory of his.

The theory was that he would have better access to Warp and/or Chi is he would be in a holy sight. Warp due to it being the energy of the gods and Chi due to it's almost holy nature in chinese mythology.

He has also start learning new subjects. After becoming a master in programming/hacking he started to focus of business, economics and politics quickly becoming a master of all.

His faster speed in those three subjects are not due to his gifts however, they are due to his past life. As both a mortal ruler and a god he is well versed in the internal politics of a country. Economics and business however is only from his mortal kingdom. He had made it prosperous quickly into his reign due to his forward thinking.

After these subjects though the man started to think about his bloodline, on how it would benefit him to learn even further into the history of china and even the larger world. He knows of the descendant families like the Li and Ying, he has discovered through a mixture of research and "research" (hacking), that there are many from most countries. Such as the descendants of the Pharaohs of Egypt, the Emperors of Rome, the Kings of England and France, The Great Tribes of the Native American, The Great Arabian and Mongol Khanates, The Shogunate of Japan and the Rajs of India.

As such he has started learning history and mythology in more detail. However this is not all, he has also started learning the basics of biology, chemistry and physics. The man had a thought one day that if he gained the kagune of both his parents through his bloodline, maybe his could also gain his grandparents of even great grandparents. As such he started learning science so he could start to study his race in depth.

(1 Year Later (Last Time Skip I Swear))

The man can be seen in a lab. He is wearing a lab coat and read through a note book. Through this year he has managed to become a master multiple different science studies, such as microbiology, neurology, evolutionary biology, genetics, chemistry and physics. He has also become a master in mathematics to help with this.

Through his research he has found that it is indeed possible to inherit the kagune from you grandparents but any further back than that is impossible. Although he found it possible he is yet to achieve this feat.

He had also studied into the biology of his diet. He has found that ghouls can only consume conscious life, or more like there life force. He has found that the increase of RC Cells in the blood stream is related to this, the more life force you consume the more RC Cells enter you body and as such practicing Chi, also known as life force although it doesn't increase his RC Cells it does lower his hunger to a low level.

He has also tried to research into the formation of Kakuja but as he has no ghoul to consume he cannot find and Kakuja related cells in his body.

His history and mythology are also progressing quite well. He has learnt in depth into the histories and mythologies of many civilisations of the past such as Rome, Ancient Greece, Egypt, China, Japan, Aztec, Mayan, Incas, Ottoman, Russia, England, Holy Roman Empire, Mongol Empire, Mamluks, France, Spain, Portugal, Songhai, Carthage, Denmark, Poland, Umayyad, Fatimid, Aksum, Persia, India, Malaya, Timurid, Gokturk Khaganate, Sasanian Empire, Rashidun Calaphate, Macedonian Empire, Abbasid, Austria, Prussia and Venice. This along with every major mythology has given him an insight into a lot of the modern culture of the world.

The man has also built a company from nothing into one of the top two hundred and fifty in the world. He started with the capital he gained from investing in stocks and opened his own real estate business. Soon he started to raise this business along with some his new parent company Chaos Subsidiaries, he soon branched out into entertainment, such as movies, TV, books, graphic novels and video games from around the world. He has also jumped into genetics research finding the first cure to Cystic Fibrosis which kick started his medical business. Now he is one off the leading companies in china for medicine and treatments.

The man is surprised however that neither the Li or the Ying families have contacted him to fulfil some familial obligation to share what he has worked for.

The man is now decently famous, famous enough that he would be a household name in most first world countries and because of this he rarely leaves the house outside of social gatherings and charity events. He had built a state of the art lab inside his house so he can research in peace.

He hasn't stop training himself through all this however, learning seven new styles of martial arts. These are Boxing, Wrestling, Judo, Taekwondo, Archery, Silat and Jiu Jitsu.

He has also learnt eighteen new modern languages which are, Danish, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Greek, Egyptian Arabic, Romanian, Cree, Yoruba, Javanese, Dutch, Polish, Marathi, Bengali, Zulu, Western Punjabi, Hausa and Afrikaans. He has also learnt Sign Language and with another three ancient languages, Coptic, Sumerian and Anglo-Saxon.

He has also learnt another twelve fictional languages. Which are Huttese, Ewokese, Klingon, Vulcan, High Valyrian, Quenya, Sindarin, Black Speech, Furbish, Lapine, Simlish and Parseltongue. (Au// Can be learnt IRL apparently!? Who knew?)

The man finishes his work in the lab and heads back to his room when suddenly he hears an explosion. Before he can do anything he sees a bright light, crash on his front lawn.

He halts, seeing the rainbow coloured rock. He slowly makes his way outside, making his way towards the rock. Suddenly another bright light erupts from the rock.

When the light clears the man can see a small crystal floating above where the rock was just positioned. The man notices an unknown but strangely familiar form of energy emanating from the crystal.

The man slowly moves forwards and grasps the crystal. He hold the crystal and makes his way back towards his lab. Once there the man hears a strange voice.

"Host has been detected to be a Basic Intelligence Lifeform, Soulbinding commencing…"

"Error!! Commencing Full Diagnostic of Lifeform."

The man looks confused. He waits for a few more minutes before the voice calls again.

"Full Diagnostic Complete."

"Host has been detected to be a Godly Lifeform, Soulbinding commencing…"

'Error!! Commencing Advanced Diagnostic of Lifeform."

The man again waits a few minutes, now with an intrigued look on his face.

"Advanced Diagnostic Complete."

"Host has been detected to be a Godly Lifeform and a Basic Intelligence Lifeform, Soulbinding commencing…"

The mans vision starts to darken as he falls to the ground.

"Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World."