
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

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23 Chs

Chapter 13: And the Tree Falls Down

What happened next is to be expected, most of the Aogiri Tree members joined Chaos. A few of the more loyal ghouls tried to leave, only to be slaughtered by Shuu and Karren.

Most of the member were fine with the change in leadership, being forced to be here in the first place. The man left Nishiki in charge along with Hinami as backup.

The man soon moves on to his next target, Cochlea. Cochlea is the greatest of the ghoul prisons currently operating. It also houses four of the mans targets, three to recruit and one to kill.

Naki, the leader of the White Suits being the first, he is loyal to Yakumo but will change sides when it is the best move for his gang.

Then theres the man he was tasked to rescue, Matasaka Kamishiro. He is the adoptive father of Rize Kamishiro and one of the more powerful ghouls around. It is also to fulfill his promise to Gil, to hopefully gain there loyalty permanently.

The last ghoul he wants to recruit is named Fuka. He is a powerful ghoul and was another member of division commanders and along with Kinko could compete to being the most loyal.

Now for the ghoul he wants to kill, Donato Porpora. The man hates this ghoul with a passion, not only was he a member of the Clowns in this life but was also a Jester in the last.

He was among the more aggressive in the organisation to the mans rise and would do anything to stop it. From torturing civilians that join the man to eating the mans human followers alive. He even started a spree of slaughtering orphanages.

This was the ghoul that the man enjoyed killing the most and now he has another chance.

And he will take it.

The man and his remaining group members slowly sneak there way into the facility, using the camouflage ability of Jirou who had met up with them outside.

Once inside they go on a killing spree of the guards, whilst releasing and prisoners they could find to join there cause and any who refused died.

The man started to make his way further down onto Floor 2, leaving Shuu, Karren and Kaya with the new recruits to defend against any incoming CCG that manage to find out about the break in.

The man played it smart, he had told his subordinates in each ward to travel to a primarily CCG or Aogiri Tree controlled ward to cause havok. He made sure to leave safety protocols to allow them to escape when necessary.

The man along with, Karao, Kaneki, Jirou and Touka arrive on the second floor to a squad of CCG Investigators. The man charged forwards ripping into the flock, quickly followed by his companions.

In a matter of minutes all of the CCG are dead. The man continues releasing prisoners, sending them back up to Shuu to help defend.

He soon approaches the cell for Fuka, he moves to open it. He stops however, he gestures to Kaneki and moves on.

Kaneki opens the door and soon Fuka crawls out, they exchange some words and start following the others. This move of the man has made Fuka loyal to Kaneki, the ghoul who freed him.

Carrying on they arrive at the last cell left to open. The man steps forward and crushes the door with his bare hands.

He steps aside as Naki dramatically exits before he taps him on the shoulder, "I killed Yakumo." Is all he said.

Naki kneels down, questioning the mans words. The man just pats his shoulder and moves on, telling the ghoul that his gang is in the 15th Ward and that they would meet again soon.

The man keeps moving lower to the third floor, the floor with all the monsters. The first cell he walks to is Matasaka's.

Quickly opening the cell the man looks at the behemoth before him. Matasaka Kamishiro also stares down at the man who has freed him.

He thanks the man calmly, before starting to leave. He stops however after the man mentions one name, Rize Kamishiro.

This causes the hulk to rush back at great speeds to hit him, to which the man dodges with ease. The man tells Matasaka that she's been captured and he kagune used to make his subordinate, Kaneki.

The man then goes onto explain how he plans to rescue her and he'll need his help in the matter.

Matasaka turns to leave again as the man tells him that they would meet later with his gang in the 6th Ward.

The man moves on again? This time to the door he is looking forward to opening next. He opens the door and slowly walks inside to see a kneeling and chained Donato.

The man smiles and walks towards him, "Hello, its lovely to finally meet you Crown. Your friends have told me so much about you."

Donato looks surprised at this, Crown is name in the Clowns. He calms quickly however, believing the man is a new member here to rescue him.

This is confirmed for him as Jirou enters the room. Donato laughs and raises his chained arms, gesturing to the man to remove them. The man laughs back and does just that, he removes his arms.

Donato's face soon turn to terror, looking at the empty stumps that now make up his arms. The man walks forward and picks up the right arm, quickly taking a bite out of it.

"Your friends also send there regards." The man pauses, licking his lips. "It's too bad they're all dead." The man laughs yet again.

Donato turns to Jirou for answers, only getting a silent nod in return. He looks to the floor, contemplating his next move. "My friend, we have no need to fight. I'm powerful, powerful enough to help your goals."

The man starts to laugh harder, "That you are. That you are, but you misunderstand." The man puts his face close to the disarmed man, "You see, I like children." The man backs away with a grin on his face as it dawns on Donato's face.

"In fact I love them so much, I want to feast in there honour." The man takes another bite out of the arm. "Let's toast..." The man says lifting the arm in the air.

"A toast to one less villain in the world." The man approaches quickly and uses his kagune to de-scalp the older man.

Screaming in pain Donato bends forwards. This however gives the man access to his back, ripping of the prison jumpsuit and slicing even more meat of the man slowly.

He continues this for a few more minutes, consuming every piece of meat he cut off. "Disgusting! What should I have expected from a pedophile...." The man smiles at him, "and as much as I'd like this to continue, I've got to go, bye." The man slits his throat.

He slowly exits the cell, grinning from ear to ear. He looks around to find another cell, one that wasn't meant to be there.

He makes his way towards it and grabs the door off its hinges. He steps inside, followed by his subordinates. He looks around the dark room, noticing a figure in a corner look at him.

The man looks over, night vision working overtime. The figure he sees is a man, Blue haired and incredibly malnourished. The man walks further in, about to greet the man before he is interrupted by Touka.
