
The Multi-Blooded

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." - J. Robert Oppenheimer.

RJ_Drewelow · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Fall

A Man is thrown from the Supreme Heaven through the Lower Heavens. As He passes scenes of Acid Jungles, Oasis of Mystics, the deepest oceans and Temples of Energy, He is fading in and out of consciousness.

This Man is about 7' 2" (About 2.2 meters) with Golden Honey skin. His hair is chest length and the base is black while the second half is shimering with multiple colors. He has strong yet slender features that are perfectly proportioned. With his wide and muscular build look like they could take on anything and win yet gold blood trickles out the corner of his mouth and the end of his nose.

He crashes on the Earthen Plain with enough force to shake the earth, erupted volcanoes and creating a crater the size of a continent killing millions in an instant. Yet not a grunt of pain or tremble from his figure.

As time seems to go on the Man seems to be loosing the color of his skin and his hair seems be turning more black.

Sometime later a heavenly voice shakes the air around the Man saying "I am sorry son but, you knew that you could not break the rules even though everything that has happened to you."


A woman with an intimidating aura around her rushes to see what causes this calamity in this plain. She flies at speed past destroyed cities, forests and even moutain ranges towards a massive crater at the center of it all.

When she reaches the center of the crater she fines an unconscious man who makes her uncomfortable just by being is his presence. She nervously goes to see if he is still alive. As she slowly reaches her hand to the man's neck to check his pulse a hand grips hers.

She looks at the man's face in surprise just to find his eyes slowly open. Those golden eyes pin her in place as they seem to rip through her soul and see everything yet behind those eyes seems to everything, life, death, creation, peace, war, love, hate, warmth, warning and nothing at the sametime.

The Man tilts his head straight up and roars releasing a enormous pillar of fire that is a myriad of colors with lighting the size of boulders zipping up the pillar in a clockwise fashion. When it ended it could be seen that all of it was collected in a orb of golden light. Just as everything seemed to be over the orb imploded turning the world white.