
the most unlikely murder

500 years ago the earth faced a new threat, transforming the world and unleashing new beasts upon the world. After 300 years of constant losses mankind finally got their chance in taming beasts, binding each other to contracts they worked together to push back, now 200 years later starts the story of Eric and the tale wpc 274 entry

whyshouldieven · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Crashing Tide part 2

The crow had finally lost it, no he was delusional from the start. His entire plan was nothing but a gamble or a form of creative suicide.

What is with these birds and them trying to get me killed? Eric had just come to terms with the last one, yet this crow wanted him to pull the same level of insanity off.

Time was running was running out, and yet their best option was Eric to throw himself at near death. The worst part of this entire plan is that everything relied on the crow.

"Zeus, why every time I do anything with you or Odin, I nearly die. When will you guys let me have a break?"

"You just came close twice, not every time we are together. But you've survived, and you were down for a while, but you seem to stand again. So, do you have a better plan?"

"I don't anything that would work, but can't Conor do it? He at least has a shield, and he is cray enough to enjoy it."

"HEY! I may enjoy fighting, but I'd rather not throw myself that close to death. Would you stop calling me crazy already?"

"Servant number two can't do it, as I can't channel my power to him. Eric, you are the only one that can do it."

Eric knew this was their best shot, but could he really pull it off? Even if Zeus could do what he said, could he do it without screwing up?

Doubt again plagued Eric's mind. Even though his mind regained its clarity, his confidence was still weak. A slap hit his back, dragging him away from his thoughts.

"I'm starting to think that you overthink and worry too much, Eric. Remember, that is only if you can't take it out before it gets to us. The worst case we die, so what?"

"You really are crazy, huh? How can you really just shrug off dying like that? At least you are right for once. We should get down to work, I guess. I'll leave my back to you then, Mr. Crazy."

"If we get through this, I'll have to think up a nickname for you, and would you stop calling me crazy? I guess I can also watch your back as long as you can take out as many as you can."

Both Eric and Conor got down to work, dispatching wolves. Every time Eric shot, a wolf fell, and Conor took out any that reached the pair with brutal efficiency.

For every wolf that fell, there was one more to replace it, forming a never ending cascade. Eric had run out of arrows several times now, but every time, something would mysteriously refill his quiver.

It mattered little to him, as he was completely focused on taking out as many as he could. No matter how many he killed, both he and Conor were being slowly pushed back.

After finally getting pushed back to the center of the temple, the hoard finally thinned. Now, with every kill, it got easier and easier to fight.

When the fight finally seemed to end, the temperature suddenly dipped. The alpha strode in from the door, rapidly closing the distance.

After it raced halfway across the room to the boys, an audible "thud" echoed through the room. A small black and white mass shot past Eric towards the wolf.

Unleashing demonic hisses, Fun stood before the alpha with her head up and tail glued to her back. She lunged at the massive wolf, becoming a torrent of bites, claws, and hissing, doing whatever she could to harm the beast.

The wolf attacked back with everything it could; it unleashed ice shards, bit, and tried to pounce on the swirling mass, yet nothing worked. It tried to turn towards the two figures massacring its pack, but every time it would, the bastard weasel would be in front of it again.

It was completely sick of the thing that stood in its way, and it froze the floor, finally trapping it. With a trapped target, the wolf pounced and bit down on its neck.

Eric looked over at the alpha, only to see it holding a limp Fun in its maw. It had killed Fun. He thought he now had to pull off the plan.

"NO! " Eric shouted, firing an arrow at the wolf.

Conor looked over to the alpha after finishing the final wolf, only to see an arrow embed itself into its shoulder and Fun held by her neck in its jaws.

Met by a scene anyone else would panic at, he had a massive grin on his face. He had no trace of shocked horror, and was smiling like someone had just told a joke.

"Don't worry, she's fine. Fun, would you stop playing around over there?"

The limp Fun suddenly resumed her torrent of attacks and hisses again. She ripped and tore at the wolf's neck and head, quickly taking out chunks and turning it into mince meat.

Fun fell to the ground and shook her fur like a wet dog drying itself, as the now dead wolf crashed onto the ground behind her.

"What the hell was with that?" Eric asked, glaring at the badger.

Conor walked over and picked up Fun, like one would pick up a cat. He grabbed the nape and gently pulled, extending the loose skin around her neck.

"Honey badgers have loose skin around their necks, making it a nightmare for anything that bites them there." Conor said, releasing the skin and scratching Fun's head.

" I see with that out of the way. Why the hell didn't you say anything about Fun being able to kill the wolf in the first place?"

"Like I said before, Fun is stubborn and lazy. If she doesn't want to do something, she won't. I can't plan her actions ether, she does what she wants, when she wants."

"What was with her pretending to be dead there, then?"

"Honestly, no idea, but she does it every time, like it's a game."

"On that note, I guess we should start heading back and get help before anything more gets through."

"That works for me. I would kill for a nap right now."

"I'm pretty sure what we just did would fit that statement."

"Look who can finally make jokes. Even though it was terrible, I'll let you have it this time."

With that, the group departed.