
the most unlikely murder

500 years ago the earth faced a new threat, transforming the world and unleashing new beasts upon the world. After 300 years of constant losses mankind finally got their chance in taming beasts, binding each other to contracts they worked together to push back, now 200 years later starts the story of Eric and the tale wpc 274 entry

whyshouldieven · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Coming Tide part2

With a quick ruffle, Odin woke.

Greeted by the mid-morning sun, it was quite pleasant.

But the situation he was in now was anything but pleasant.

He was now stuck with a host intent on destroying himself and a large beast tide.

After warning Zeus time after time, that they had to get moving because he knew this would happen if they stayed and waited for Eric to get better.

Odin never thought that the contractor he picked would be so weak.

After all, Eric only had the smallest peek and found what he needed.

How would he know Eric would break from a fraction of his power?

Was it so wrong of him to want to get somewhere safe before trying to help Eric?

That stupid crow never let him speak in favor of letting Eric get through this at his own pace, but unfortunately, they didn't have the time here and now.

Once again, opening his eyes, Odin looked out the window.

He enjoyed the view.

The straight and symmetrical streets were laid out, forming an orderly grid.

It was simple and efficient, both things he liked and strove for.

Despite differing completely from when he saw it last, he enjoyed it more.

The last time he watched, it was bustling with people and noise making it chaotic.

With the city getting ready for the impending battle, it had become quiet and fewer people were out giving a solemn but orderly feeling.

As much as he would like to watch this scene, he knew that there was little time to spare.

After turning, Odin looked over the simple room.

Two things stood out.

First, Eric had disappeared.

Second, a tan spike was jutting out of the wall like a cruel splinter.

Odin launched into thought once again, trying to find a single explanation of what was happening.

`Yet he could not come up with a single reasonable answer.

No idea had made sense.

Landing on the bed and examining the spike; it had a sharp groove running down what he could see, yet it was recognizable but he couldn't place it.

Eric's bow, that's what it was, but if that is his bow, where were Eric and the other half?

Odin couldn't help but panic slightly.

Eric had an unhealthy reliance on that bow and if it broke, what would it do to Eric?

Finally deciding on what to do, Odin flew to the door.

The door slid open, and he collided with something.

Eric was lying on his back, staring into the sky.

It was somewhere between blue and grey today; he thought to himself.

It was empty, yet the wind still danced in sudden bursts, almost as if to give a message.

The wind continued to dance, but before it could get stronger, it would fade and die.

As if trying to form a storm, only to be once again subdued.

The sun continued to shine but gave off no warmth, as if looking down with icy indifference.

Eric often enjoyed looking at the sky.

It was always there, but never the same day to day, never remaining the same.

Almost as if was a person it could speak, but it never said anything.

It always left it to the person watching to decide.

Yet today, something felt off about it.

Something not quite right, but hidden from sight.

After some time, Eric got up and stretched, thinking about how he felt rusty.

He wanted to get some practice in, reaching for his bow.

Closing his hand, he seemed to miss the bow.

"How clumsy of me." He laughed, finally grabbing the bow.

About to reach for his quiver, he stopped himself.

He was in the city.

Maybe it was better to do shadowing and form practice.

Eric made a pattern of forms in his mind and moved through them.

Yet on every shot, his grip slipped, and the draw felt wrong.

Everything felt wrong, but something told Eric everything was perfectly fine, and he was merely rusty.

Eric grew tired, so he once again choose to watch the sky.

Zeus woke up and opened his eyes to Odin at the feet of Conor.

He watched Conor pick up his counterpart and looked around the room.

Eric was gone.

All the worst possible situations flooded into Zeus's mind.

Panic overtook his mind.

Until a calm voice hit him like a blast of cold air, bringing him back to the present.

"Calm down you moronic crow, there was no sign of struggle. We may also have bigger concerns than your overactive imagination right now." Odin said, landing on the tray next to him.

"Oh, and what would those be? Other than Eric missing, if that's it, you might miss everything altogether." Said the crow.

"His bow is completely broken. It seems part of it is on the wall over there." Said Odin.

Conor walked into the room and looked at the two birds in shock.

"You two were just talking, right?" He asked, dumbfounded by what he had just seen.

"Well, that cat is out of the bag. Yes, we can speak, but we don't like others knowing. Considering what is happening, we have little of a choice right now." Zeus said to Conor, looking directly into his eyes.

Conor had heard of animals speaking before, but he never thought he would see it in person.

"Look, since we have no time, you are going to help us. You already know about us speaking, so that will make it easier for us to work together." said Odin.

"What will you have me do?" Asked Conor.

"Well, right now there are three things we need to do; first find Eric and make sure he is alright, second get more people to help look, and finally get him a new bow for the upcoming battle. Zeus, do you still have the bones of that bear?" Asked Odin.

"I do." Zeus said before some bones dropped onto the bed.

Thrown back once again, Conor questioned what monsters Eric had contracted.

"Then I'm guessing my job is asking people and getting this new bow?" Asked Conor.

"Despite you being an idiot, you catch on pretty quickly. I would gladly take you as a servant." Remarked Zeus in a prideful tone.

"Please ignore him. He honestly doesn't know what he is talking about half the time. I will ask you to bring him with you to make the bow. Despite him saying random things, he has an eye for craftsmen." Said Odin.

"With that, can we start?" Asked Conor, still catching up from being called an idiot by a talking crow.

"Yes." Said Odin.

I think this is the first time I've let you guys see what's going on inside the head of either of the birds, but yes, both do care for Eric. So far, Odin wasn't really involved because of the fight, and after coming back out, Eric kinda wanted nothing to do with him, and he looked like an ass because of his nature. Both birds have a role to play but how they work is different forming a kind of two sides to a coin and I hope to continue to see them grow, also I somehow went through a chapter without harming my boy although he wasn't really in it. But with that, I've come to the end of my thoughts for today. Once again, thank you for reading and I hope I see you tomorrow - why

whyshouldievencreators' thoughts