
The Most Powerful Family Of All

One family to dominate, One family to subjugate, One family to end it all, And that Family is the Storm. Dominic Lucas, the son of Mafia clan head, Rojas Lucas is killed in a betrayal and reincarnated into the world of Pallos, a world of magic and cultivation. He is reincarnated into the body of Dominic Storm the son of Paul Storm, the family head of the small Storm family. Unfavourable circumstances lead to the Storm family being forced into hiding but it is up to Dominic to bring his family out of the pit and establish the Storm family as the greatest family of all!

Mothempire99 · Fantasía
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6 Chs


Damian Lucas' soul left the mortal realm and was drifting aimlessly in a void with endless grey. Damian did not know how long he spent in that void; hours? days? years? He was still clueless about it. Then he noticed something peculiar in the grey void. A piercing bright light was shining directly in front of him. Before he could react, it flashed over him and everything went dark...

When Damian regained his consciousness, he found himself lying on a weather worn path. Beside him was the carcass of a dead bull which was the size of a small truck. It was purple in color and an occasional spark of electricity passed around its body. Nearby were the bodies of two men; one a muscular red haired and the other a short dark haired. Both had a hole burnt in the left side of their chests, directly on their hearts. "Where am I?" Dominic whispered as he felt his body. There was a slash on his neck and the body he was in was that of a twelve year old. As if a fountain had been opened, memories flashed into his head. He was in the body of Dominic Storm, the son of Paul Storm, the family headof the small Storm family. The family run a business in Jopern City by selling potions, prominent among them the Storm potion. They were supposed to deliver a pack of this potion to the city mayor but they got ambushed by the Wagell family and then Dominic was killed. He was in the world of Pallos which is smaller than earth. It has five great kingdoms and a lot of cities, towns and villages. There was something called magic in this world and those who could use it were called mages. There was some Mage Association which regulated the use of magic and Churches, Families and other Associations which dealt with magic in their own ways. Also, the body he is in currently had this magic and mana. In his mind, he could see four different colours of some form of energy floating around. One was white with a breezy feel, one was purple and crackling with electricity, one was blue and felt like water and the last was silver which continuously moved around. "Haaa, reincarnation huh? I might as well make the best out of this situation," said Dominic. A certain man in blue robes and blonde hair was rushing towards him. He recognised this man as Albus, Dominic's uncle who was sent flying away. "Dominic! Are you okay?" said the man in a strange language. Surprisingly, Dominic understood. "Yes uncle," he replied in a similar tongue. The man was relieved until he spotted the bloody mark on Dominic's neck. "What did they do to you?!" he cried, rushing near to examine the wound which had long stopped bleeding. "The man in front slit my throat with his claws but he missed my windpipe. They hurried away in that direction," said Dominic, pointing east. "Thank goodness you're okay. Come, let's return quickly, this place is not safe for us anymore," he said taking Dominic's hand. He lifted Dominic unto his shoulder and took of at top speed towards the Storm family house.

Paul Storm had his eyes closed in cultivation when his brother rushed in. His eyes flew open immediately and looked at Albus who had a trickle of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth and his blond hair disheveled. He was holding Dominic in his arms, startling Paul. "Albus, what happened?" he asked. "Ambush, from the Wagells. They said our product is a direct interference with theirs so they want to end us. They sent some assassins. Matt and Friedl are dead, they had a Super Mage who suppressed me and they almost killed the boy, it's a wonder that he's still alive," replied Albus. Paul Storm immediately got up. "Inform the others quickly! We have to leave now before it's too late," he said. Albus nodded and they both left the room quickly.

"We're leaving now! everyone start packing immediately!" came a loud voice. Elaine Storm looked up in worry. "What is happening? Why now?" she asked herself.

Meanwhile Paul Storm had rushed to a secluded area of the house where an old man was cultivating. "Father, we have to leave now, the Wagells want us dead," said Paul Storm. The old man sighed and rose to his feet.