
The Mortal's Challenge: Against The Gods And Fiends

Harris, a notorious high school delinquent who prowls through the shadows of the night, has long emulated his favorite hero. But today, he finds himself doubting the virtues he once held dear. Overwhelmed by a surge of restlessness and regret, his eyes bear the weight of a haunting emptiness. In this moment, he resolves to forsake the hero's most sacred rule, shattering the boundaries that have restrained him. Agitated and consumed by remorse, Harris yearns for the solace of death—a release from his burdens of responsibility, sorrow, guilt, and the unquenchable thirst for vengeance. Just as he believes he has found liberation from the shackles of existence, a voice, tender and nurturing, pierces through the darkness—an unexpected beacon of hope urging him to forge ahead. This voice, a maternal whisper, carries with it the potential for rebirth and a path towards a brighter future.

LordRaphael · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Unveiling the Hidden Power: A Breakthrough Shakes the Winterhaven Palace

Few Weeks before the rumble that shook the entire Winterhaven Palace:

As weeks turned into months, Alex's perception continued to sharpen, granting him an extraordinary level of awareness. He could sense even the faintest sounds, deciphering conversations and whispers that echoed throughout the palace. This newfound ability provided him with invaluable information about the people around him and the dynamics within the Winterhaven household.

During his meditation sessions, Alex delved deep into the mysterious energy he sensed within himself. He would close his eyes, focusing on the energy's presence, trying to feel its flow and essence. However, despite his efforts, he struggled to manipulate or control it in any significant way.

Each day, he attempted different approaches, drawing from his knowledge of cultivation novels, martial arts training, and fantasy stories. From breathing techniques to visualizations, he experimented relentlessly, hoping to discover the key that would unlock the full potential of this energy.

At times, he felt a glimmer of progress, the energy responding to his intent with a faint ripple. But those moments were fleeting, and he found it challenging to reproduce the effect consistently.

"Maybe I'm not trying hard enough," he wondered, questioning his dedication to the task. But the memory of his resolve and the potential benefits of mastering this energy kept him going.

His persistence earned him a sense of admiration from the maids who watched over him. To them, the sight of the young infant diligently practicing meditation seemed endearing and "kawaii".

However, Alex couldn't help but find the situation slightly frustrating. He longed for solitude to concentrate fully on his training, yet the maids' constant attention made that difficult to achieve. Still, he managed to keep his annoyance in check, aware that the maids meant well and were only trying to care for him.

His observations of his family's abilities provided clues about the nature of the energies they wielded. Richard and Elena used a powerful and aggressive energy, most likely associated with the physical prowess of knights.

On the other hand, Cynthia, Myrine, and Seraphina utilized a more subtle and mystical energy, indicative of their magical abilities. They displayed the power to conjure elements and perform healing, suggesting a deeper connection to the world's arcane forces.

Alex's investigation led him to speculate about the existence of distinct classes or professions in this world, each associated with a unique energy type. Mages or witches were likely practitioners of magic, while knights harnessed the physical energy of haki or qi. And with the limited data he had, it seemed that both genders could access either type of energy.

He couldn't help but admire the diversity of abilities within his family. His mother and grandmother's magical prowess fascinated him, while his father and sister Elena's knightly combat skills ignited a sense of awe. And his sister Myrine, despite being in a wheelchair, displayed her strength as a mage, proving that power came in many forms.

With these observations, Alex felt more determined than ever to unlock his own abilities. He knew that understanding and mastering the energy within him would be vital for his future.

As Alex pondered over the mysterious energy within him, he came to the realization that it could be either haki or magic, or perhaps even a third type of energy unique to this world. Despite having observed his family using these energies, he had no in-depth knowledge of either haki or magic, leaving him uncertain about his own abilities.

"I've only experienced these energies when my family used them," he thought, trying to make sense of it all. "But there is one common factor—whenever they used haki or magic, the energy around them responded. It's like there's a connection between what's inside and the external energies."

A spark of insight illuminated his mind, and he considered the possibility that the energy within him might serve as a catalyst, enabling him to interact with and manipulate the energies in the environment. This newfound theory gave him hope and purpose, but he still faced the challenge of learning how to circulate this energy effectively.

"I can't harness the full potential of this power if I can't control it," Alex thought, feeling both intrigued and frustrated by the enigma before him.

Despite his limited knowledge, he remained determined to uncover the truth. Alex recognized that mastering this energy was not just about gaining power but also about protecting his loved ones and making a difference in the world.

In his pursuit of understanding, Alex studied his family's usage of haki and magic, observing their techniques and trying to discern the underlying principles. He watched his father and sister, Elena, practicing their haki during sword training sessions, admiring the intensity and ferocity of their fiery aura. In contrast, he marveled at his mother and sister Myrine, gracefully conjuring magical elements and performing their enchanting spells.

"I wish I could wield these powers like they do," he yearned, the desire to become stronger burning within him.

Days turned into weeks, and Alex's perception of the energies around him grew sharper. He could now distinguish between the distinctive signatures of haki and magic, but that didn't bring him closer to grasping the energy within himself.

"I'm like a puzzle missing a crucial piece," he murmured, deeply immersed in thought. "There must be a way to unlock this ability, and I won't rest until I find it."

Armed with determination, he experimented relentlessly, combining various techniques from stories he had read and watched. Alex would visualize cultivation methods from ancient legends and mimic the movements of fictional magicians. Each attempt was a step in the journey, even if they resulted in temporary failures.

Within a few weeks, an incident occurred that proved to be the breakthrough Alex needed. While relaxing in his crib, a maid approached with a large stack of sheets and cleaning instruments, attempting to tidy up the room and replace the bedding. However, the sheer number of items she carried caused a problem—the gates of the room weren't wide enough to accommodate her and the load. She became stuck, uncertain how to proceed.

Amused by the situation, Alex's mother, Cynthia, stepped forward with a solution. "Why don't you bring the items in one by one?" she suggested, "It'll be much easier to pass through the gate that way." The maid's cheeks turned crimson with embarrassment, realizing she had overlooked the simpler approach. Alex couldn't help but chuckle playfully at the scene, but in that moment, a spark of realization ignited within him.

He saw the similarity between this situation and his struggle with the energy inside him. Instead of trying to manipulate the entire energy all at once, perhaps he could focus on a smaller portion of it first. "I've been going about it all wrong," he thought. "If the energy within me is composed of smaller strands, then I should try to mobilize and concentrate one strand at a time."

The simplicity of the solution astonished him, and he couldn't help but chide himself for not seeing it earlier. "How could I have missed such an obvious idea?" he wondered. "Perhaps my brain turned dull after reincarnation."

With this newfound insight, Alex's determination was reignited. He began practicing his technique, channeling and directing smaller strands of the energy within him. At first, progress was slow, but with perseverance and focus, he noticed subtle improvements. It was like untangling a complex web, one thread at a time.

As days passed, he became more adept at manipulating the smaller strands of energy. His perception of the world around him grew keener, and he sensed the energy responding to his commands. He could now shape it, mold it, and even extend it beyond his own being.

Each small achievement filled Alex with a sense of fulfillment and excitement. He realized that he was gradually piecing together the puzzle of his unique abilities. He was no longer overwhelmed by the vastness of the energy within him, but instead, he began to comprehend its intricacies.

Throughout his training, Alex remained discreet, ensuring that no one observed his progress. He knew that unveiling his abilities prematurely could lead to unintended consequences. His family's safety was paramount, and he didn't want to attract any unnecessary attention.

As the weeks passed, Alex's proficiency with his newfound technique grew exponentially. The energy that once eluded him was now a tool he could wield with precision and control. He felt a sense of empowerment, knowing that he was one step closer to fulfilling his potential.

One day, as Alex continued his practice of energy circulation, he decided to take a bold step. He wanted to try manipulating the energy in the atmosphere, just like he had seen his parents and sisters do. The idea of harnessing this mysterious power excited him, and he believed that if he could control it, he would be one step closer to understanding his true potential.

In his room, he carefully selected a spot on the floor and focused his gaze on it. With determination, he channeled all the energy within him, gathering it like a swirling vortex. He could feel the raw power coursing through his veins, waiting to be unleashed.

His plan was simple: to create a small bump or tear on the carpet. It seemed like a modest goal, but it would be a significant achievement for him. He knew that successfully manipulating even the tiniest piece of the environment would be a step in the right direction.

With a surge of energy, he concentrated on the floor beneath him. In the heat of the moment, his imagination ran wild, and he envisioned the colossal tectonic plates deep within the Earth's crust shifting against each other. It was as if he were commanding the very forces of nature itself.

Unbeknownst to Alex, his efforts had unintended consequences. The magnitude of his visualization far exceeded what he had intended. As he focused intensely on his task, the ground beneath him began to tremble and shake.

In an instant, the entire Winterhaven Grand Duchy capital was engulfed in a sudden earthquake. The palace quaked, and the city felt the violent reverberations. Panic and alarm spread like wildfire as people rushed to find shelter and safety.

Amidst the chaos, Alex was unaware of the havoc he had unintentionally caused. In his elation at feeling a slight vibration in his crib due to his energy manipulation, he was oblivious to the fact that he had triggered a significant seismic event.

"Finally!! Now I am one step closer to my goal!" inwardly screamed Alex.