
Chapter 30

"you said he only shifted once, how do you know he has another wolf?" Jupiter asked still finding it hard to register what she had just heard,

"this wasn't the wolf I saw when he was three" she replied the curious people,

"it's possible for a wolf to change while they grow" Olivia said in the woman in order not to get everyone confused about what was happening

"this is totally different, he can't quickly grow from a plain white wolf to a golden wolf" the trainer answered and they all stared at the child.

"from white to gold?" Seth asked, "is that even possible?"

"why not ask the child?" Kenny said, and Jupiter squatted in front of the golden wolf

"can you show us your other wolf?" Jupiter asked but he didn't reply "Dawn?"

"you can mind link me" Olivia smiled at him and he nodded before staring at Olivia "he said it comes occasionally and it's so powerful that he can't control it"