
The Moon and The Stars (BL)

In the land of Octant, a distant place far away from human civilization, there exists a kingdom of werewolves. And in this magical kingdom, resides Orion, a Priest in training, practising for a very important occasion that is coming up, the coronation of their king. There, he meets a wolf who seems a little too familiar as pieces of his past gets brought back up as the days go by. Who is this mysterious wolf? Why does he feel such a strong attraction to him? And, what really is the story behind the incident that tore half his face off?

Moryoll · LGBT+
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155 Chs


Fortunately, after that, Comet did not ask me any other questions to me. I suppose he realised that it is a complicated topic for me to be talking about. 

No, I will not tell you about it either. I have no intention of telling anyone about that day or the one that I lost. People have always told me that I would be able to move on and I get annoyed at them the moment they say things like that. 

What if I do not want to move on? What if I want to hold onto this one person? Would that be a really bad thing? What if I only want them? 

Is it so wrong to be interested in one person? I remember thinking all these things as everyone around me made their best attempt to comfort me. 

'We just want you to know that it is alright to move on.' They said and I got even more annoyed at them, perhaps unreasonably so, to be honest. They were doing what they could and I was far too wrapped up in pain and distress that I was a little … annoying.