
The Moon and The Stars (BL)

In the land of Octant, a distant place far away from human civilization, there exists a kingdom of werewolves. And in this magical kingdom, resides Orion, a Priest in training, practising for a very important occasion that is coming up, the coronation of their king. There, he meets a wolf who seems a little too familiar as pieces of his past gets brought back up as the days go by. Who is this mysterious wolf? Why does he feel such a strong attraction to him? And, what really is the story behind the incident that tore half his face off?

Moryoll · LGBT+
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155 Chs


"Orion, can you hear me? No, good. He's losing too much blood!"


"Hey, look at me! Orion, open your eyes!"

My whole entire body seems to be screaming at me with every attempt I tried to make to even move around. My joints ache and my nerves are pulling at me. 

I am just a big bundle of a mess at the moment and I don't know what to do about that. 

Goodness, who could have predicted that everything would go horribly wrong? Certainly not I. 

In all seriousness, there was not much else to tell about the visit of the two. They were by my side, incredibly nervous about everything and growing even more worried as the days passed by. 

Oh, there is one interesting thing to note. The next day, Comet came to the room, looking a little bit disturbed and Nova looking a little sheepish. 

I suppose he also told him with he knew was going to happen. Though, out of everyone, the calmest was Altair.