
The Monsters Beneath Ops Part III: Will vs Smoove

Now taking place beneath the hospital, Smoove is now a zombie. Will, Davontay, and Drake must unite and fight against Smoove and some other past cadets from the undead. Get ready for an epic battle that you won't forget! Who will come out on top?

lacronwilliams · Acción
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5 Chs


The zombies are scratching, punching, hitting, and stomping Will, making him defenseless. The four-on-one fight between Will and the zombies lasts for quite some minutes. Within moments of the fight between the zombies and Will, Smoove roars and causes the other zombies to retreat. As Smoove is about to finish Will, Davontay slowly begins to wake up, although his vision is still blurry. As Davontay notices Will is in trouble, he slowly crawls and reaches for the medical scissors he sees inches in front of him. Davontay sees Smoove grab Will by the neck and raise him far from the ground. While Smoove is just about to bite Will, Davontay carefully aims and throws the scissors, stabbing Smoove in the head, then quickly shoots the rest of the zombies with his pistol. All of the zombies collapsed to the ground. Once Davontay knew the zombies were officially dead, he rose from the ground and ran toward Will with his gun in hand. Davontay now notices the bruises, scars, and cuts on Will's face and body, and his eyes begin to widen. "Dude, are you okay?! I nearly saw you die out here!" Davontay says while helping Will get back up on his feet. "No, not yet." Will begins to say as he is breathing heavily. Will then grabs the gun from Davontay's hand, aims at the zombies, then shoots them individually multiple times. Will hands the gun back to Davontay. "Now I'm good." Will says as he finishes them off. "What the fuck just happened?" Davontay asks. "I guess they just felt the need to jump on me because Smoove was losing to me." Will starts to explain. "Damn!" Davontay says as he still focuses on Will's wounds. "Obviously, they didn't care about my word when I explained the one-on-one thing." Will finishes. Davontay nods while still in shock. As the boys finish up their conversation, Drake begins to wake up. However, his vision is also blurry. After noticing Drake waking up, Will and Davontay rush toward him. The boys help Drake get back up on his feet. "Drake, you good?" Davontay asks. "Yeah, I'm okay." Drake starts to say as his vision starts to clear up. "My vision is still blurry though, I think I missed half of what happened." Drake finishes. "Well, you didn't miss much." Will remarks. "Except for the fact that I saved Will from getting his ass whupped." Davontay laughs. Will rolls his eyes. "I see now why you have marks all over your body.'' Drake says realizing. "What happened to you?" Drake asks Will, concerned. "Let's just get out of here, I'll explain everything in the van." Will says trying to avoid Drake's question. After finding their way out of the hospital, Davontay, Will, and Drake walk out the doors. "What now, Will?" asks Drake. "Drake, I have no idea." Will responds.

Meanwhile, in the morgue, Smoove, Cadet Elijah, and the two other zombies are dead on the ground. All of a sudden, there's a slight growl behind a table. In the darkness was a face with blue-green eyes and pale skin. Moments later, the zombie rises into the light. "They didn't think that was it." The zombie paused. "Did they?" Cadet Sebastion asks himself with an evil grin on his face. Seconds later, he walks out of the morgue.