
The Monster Monarch System

In a world teeming with dungeons and ferocious monsters, Rem's awakening brought forth the dawn of a new era. The Monster Monarch System surged within him, a power pulsating with untold potential. With each beat of his heart, he felt the resonance of a thousand souls waiting to be absorbed, their skills and essence ripe for the taking. Driven by an insatiable hunger for strength, Rem embarked on his quest, his determination unwavering. Armed with nothing but his newfound abilities and an indomitable spirit, he braved the treacherous paths of the mage world. Rem aimed for only one thing... He wanted to stand at the top of the world amongst the Monarchs and the Monster Monarch System would help him achieve that.

Izana07 · Fantasía
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213 Chs

Monster Army

There was a new function on the Monster Monarch System.


Rem tapped on the Summon and a small tab flashed in front of him.

[Keyword for Summoning]


'Keyword?' Rem pondered, it would be a certain word that would trigger the Summoning process.

After thinking about it for a while, Rem arrived at his final answer.


[Keyword 'Rise' has been saved]

[You do not have enough MP to summon]

Rem's expression became deflated.

"How do I build magical power?" Rem wondered. He had only gotten magic after devouring the souls of monsters.

Then an idea popped in his head.

"This house, they said the reason no one lives here is because it is Haunted," Rem said, "It's a really large mansion with 10 Floors but I only live on the 1st,"

The day Rem had attempted to enter the 2nd floor, he was overcame with a jittery uneasy feeling and ultimately decided against ascending to the top floors of the place.

"The ghost… might be a Soul!" He nearly cried out in alarm.

If it was a soul then he could be able to devour it, and it might give him more magical energy. But the problem was that how would he fight it? He wasn't sure physical attacks would work against the Ghost.

"I'll try anyway," Rem said.


The 2nd floor of the mansion was dark and crooked, each tile was loose and the floor was dirty and dusty. The walls left something to be desired as Rem could clearly see them in the Afternoon sunlight that glimmered through the broken window.

But it wasn't the room itself that shocked Rem but the fact that so many souls were floating around.

[Would you like to absorb 23 'Human' Souls?]

[Yes / No]

Rem clicked yes and he saw their white flickering aura shoot toward his body and merge with him.

'So not only can I absorb Monster souls but I can do the same to humans too,' Rem thought.

[23 'Human' souls has been successfully absorbed]

[You have gained 23 MAG points]

Unlike the other screens he had been seeing until now, He couldn't summon Human soldiers.

'I guess that would defeat the purpose of it being the MONSTER Monarch System,' Rem thought with a sigh as he spotted his Magic which was now at 33.

[You have gained the requirements to Summon]

[While Summoning, MP will be drained in order for the summons to keep taking shape]

Rem sweatdropped, There were no more souls on this floor which meant he would have to ascend to the higher floors to get some more souls.

"Rise," Rem said, he ultimately decided to test summoning out.

A ghostly aura filled the entire room as the ground lit up in a green hue, Rem's eyes let off a green glow as a hand shot out of the ground.

The sinister sound of Goblins could be heard as they soon emerged, There were 34 Goblins and Rem noticed they were wearing some kind of armor and their wooden bats had turned ghostly as well.

Above their heads were their names.




He was surprised as they bent their stubby knees forward and knelt to him, it felt amazing, like he was their ruler.

'I technically am,' Rem thought.

Rem thought about marching to the 3rd floor, there was always a chance of getting even more MP from another set of ghosts.


The ghosts on the third floor were different from the ones on the Second floor, despite them being souls, they rushed to attack him.

The Goblin soldiers recognized them as threats and rushed at them, as Rem stood behind them, he felt like he was being rapidly drained from with each passing second these Goblins stood on the battlefield.

'I guess that's why I couldn't summon the Death Wolves,' Rem thought.

[Would you like to absorb 5 'Human' Souls?]

[Yes / No]

Rem clicked on Yes and he received a notification that his Magic increased by five. The Goblins were quick and relentless to deal with the opponents, their bats went up and came down again and again, laced with Rem's magical energy.

[Would you like to absorb 10 'Human' Souls?]

[Yes / No]

Rem clicked Yes and he felt a burst of magical energy seep into his veins, the Human souls on this floor were far more plentiful than the souls present on the Second floor.

[Would you like to absorb 20 'Human' Souls?]

[Yes / No]

Rem clicked Yes and another burst of magical energy highlighted him, His MP was growing quickly and he didn't want to have it in any other way.


Rem leaned against a wall of the third floor, his black hair over his eyes as he grunted a bit.

The goblins quickly submerged into the ground, meaning their Summoning had ended but truly Rem didn't have enough magical energy to command the Squad of Goblins to the Fourth floor.

He was still happy though, He had gotten to increase his Magical energy by a lot and not only that but he was able to summon his Soldiers to do his bidding.

'I can't wait to see the Mounts and the Death Wolf King,' Rem thought.

His eyes flickered to the staircase which led to the higher floors and he clenched his fist in determination.

"Just wait for me," Rem said, thinking about the Souls that he would get to see on the higher floors.

As Rem prepared to walk away, A white hand reached for his shoulder and surely he could sense a soul behind him. He turned around quickly and saw nothing.

"Maybe I'm just sensing things," Rem said and went downstairs.

As he got to the last floor, He took the pouch of coins that jingled with his touch.

"I guess I should buy myself some food," Rem said as he left the room and went outside into the streets of the Town.

Onio Town was deep in Uttel Kingdom, it wasn't too noteworthy but it was a place where Merchants and the like gathered. Onio town was located near the sea and was miles away from the Capital City, Orion.

Merchants gathered in Onio because they could extract great amounts of salt from the sea and therefore, Prices of stuff here became inflated.

Rem lived in the slum areas where he barely got anything to eat, sometimes he had to pass the days without any food but this instilled a sense of survival in him, he was determined to survive his current financial situation and become a Monarch…

'I guess I'll have to sell those Magic stones tonight,' Rem thought.

The first part of his plan was to gather a considerable amount of money by partying with Magus and Cavaliers and gain strength himself.

But the Monster Monarch System had turned the tides of that plan, All he had to do was to continue Dungeon raiding and he would of course get stronger. He already had magic and was well on his way to being a Magus.

'But I don't want to limit myself,' Rem thought.

The problem with the Magus Rem had seen so far was that they remained Long-distance fighters, they could only attack from a long distance and were virtually useless in Close combat.

Cavaliers were more greater in this regard as there were not only Close combat Cavaliers but there were also Archers.

'I should focus on being a Cavalier and a Magus,' Rem finalized his thoughts as he bought a loaf of bread for 2 bronze coins.


Author's Note:

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