
Team Undead Assemble

After Faramis Joined the Team Undead he was really good defeating enemies and then

Team GoGo was challenging them.Team GoGo was really confident.

Faramis was with Vexana in the Middle Lane.

Guinevere jumped but Vexana killed her which means she is now a slave.Guinevere killed Lancelot.Meanwhile,Moskov use his Ultimate and it hit Harith but harith is still alive.Team Undead won Team Gogo was removed in the Top 5 best teams and it was replaced.

The Top 5 team is Team Boom

Members:Balmond Minotaur Layla Esmeralda


Team Undead Celebrated.they cooked and Eat

3 days before this day.

Lancelot and Guinevere bullied Layla and Martis saying that they are so ugly and evil.

And then Martis almost sliced lancelot.

Then,Guinevere challenged them 2 days after they bullied Martis and layla