
The Mixed Feelings

Alicia Mendez, a fourteen-year-old, mixed girl, who faces a lot of difficulties, and it only gets worst when she finds herself tangled up in love. As things start to die down a bit, she slowly becomes aware of the sinister secret behind the school. Read to find out more…

PhantomWriterX · Adolescente
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11 Chs

Wednesday Worries!

It's Wednesday, I had a lot to think about yesterday. Wesley...honestly, I don't know what I should do. So, after contemplating my thoughts, I decided to look to someone for advice. Who better to go to than my friend and roommate, Lilith? She has been in a relationship, and dealt with a whole bunch of other things, I think. Anyways, I went to Lilith to ask her what to do.

"Lilith, I need advice, relationship advice," I said.

"Okay, you came to the right person, I know a lot about relationships and people. What's going on?" she said.

"Well, I found out Wesley likes me, but he wants to date in secret."

"What? Why?"

"He made a deal with the principal, to pay off his tuition here, Wesley would have to date his daughter, Sharon."

"Wow, this is a twist. So, how do you feel about him?"

"I like him too, but I don't want to have to date him in secret, I have nothing to hide, but he does."

"I think the best thing to do is to follow your heart. If you like him, date him, no matter what, because in the end, what matters the most is how you feel."

"Thanks, Lilith, you're the best!"

From there, I knew what I had to do. I needed to talk to Wesley, and tell him I feel the same way, and that I was being too harsh to him. I walk to PE in my gym clothes, where I see him, curly brown hair, but this time, in a man-bun, and his eyes looked bluer than ever. I start to get that fuzzy feeling again. I walk out onto the track where I see him beginning to stretch, he doesn't seem to notice me. I start to stretch with the class, and I take a glance at him once more and then we again, lock eyes. My heart flutters, and my stomach feels like butterflies inside. I'm head over heels for this guy. After the stretches, our coach tells everyone to take a couple of laps around the track. As we begin to run, I catch up with Wesley."

"H-hey Wesley. I have something to tell you."

"What is it? I thought you were going to stop talking to me."

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so rude yesterday, I was a little jealous, seeing you and Sharon. Please don't hate me."

"Hate you? How could I ever hate you? I like you a lot, Alicia."

"Me too."

We continue to run, then there is a moment of silence between us. I can feel my face becoming red again, it's getting hot. Maybe it's because I'm running, I can't breathe. I look at Wesley and he looks at me. We stop running, and I try to catch my breath, I feel lightheaded. When class is over, I drink some water to cool off. I use my phone to look at my face. My cheeks were rosy and red, my face and hands sweaty, and my heart is beating fast. Was it anxiety, or did I just manage to confess to Wesley? Does that mean we are together? I don't know. What I do know is that I need to take a shower and change into my regular uniform before my next class. I run back to my dorm and take a shower, nice, relaxing cold shower. I get dressed, spray a little perfume, I love White Diamonds, then I wear my favorite gold, hoop earrings. I have AP Calculus for my next class, I walk with Lilith to class, and we catch up. I tell her everything that happened between me and Wesley. She was happy for me. I'm happy that I made a good friend. When we get to class, I am stressed, I see these weird problems on the board, and the math teacher looks evil.

"I am Ms. Booth, your math teacher. Hurry students, we have a lot to cover today. No dilly-dallying." says the teacher.

Me and Lilith quickly sit down, and everyone else floods the classroom, taking their seats. The teacher is a woman, old aged, short, and pouty. She reminds me of the cat lady that used to live next to us in Florida. The woman smacks a yardstick against the board and begins to speak.

"Work on this problem for your Do-Now," she said.

I got out a sheet of paper and a pencil and wrote down the problem on my paper. "5x + 3y -4 =?" I had no idea what to do, there was no formula, just a problem with no answer. I thought and thought, but nothing popped up. It's been 10 minutes; shouldn't the teacher have said something by now? I look up from my paper, and over to the teacher's desk, she is sleeping. She remains asleep for over 30 minutes, and when she wakes up, the bell rings for the next class. It was finally over; I was doodling on the paper to pass the time. Lunchtime! I go to lunch, and me and Lilith are laughing over how Ms. Booth was snoring in class. We sit down at one of the empty round tables in the cafeteria, eating chicken alfredo. It's pretty good, very high quality. Lilith leaves early because she has a tutorial to go to before class starts, so I sit alone. Suddenly, a plate similar to mine hits the table, getting my attention. I look up to see Wesley, staring at me with those charming, deep blue eyes of his.

"Hey Ali, how are you? Do you mind if I sit here?" he says, eyes piercing into mine.

"Sure. I'm good, just had a little rough time in math last period." I say, heart pumping with ease.

"What happened?"

"There was this problem we were told to do, but Ms. Booth didn't even teach us. She fell asleep for the whole class."

"I can help you, I'm good at math, my mom used to be a mathematician."

"Okay! But used to be?"

"Yeah, she passed away when I was in middle school. It was a car accident,"

I could see in his eyes that he felt like crying. I couldn't bear to see those ocean eyes shed tears. I wanted to soothe him, and make him feel better, loved, and truly cared for.

"Wesley, I'm here for you whenever you need me, I'm sorry about your mother," I say holding his hand for comfort.

"It's not your fault and thank you. Let's leave that topic alone now, I wouldn't want to cry in front of my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Did you just call me your girlfriend?"

"Yes, I mean it, I couldn't keep you off my mind."

"Me either, I guess we do have a lot in common."

The bell rings, and it is time for literature. I say goodbye to Wesley and began to walk away, then, he calls my name, and I turn around. My lips meet his. It was like a dream.

"I forgot to ask you your number," he says, eyes locked into mine.

"Uh- XXX- XXX - XXX, that's my number," I say with a cheeky smile, then give him a peck on the cheek.

I walk away cheery, and excited. I have a boyfriend! There really is a first time for everything. You never know until you try. I finished all my classes for today, and now I'm lying on my bed in my pajamas. I hear the chime of my phone and pick it up to see the notification. It's Wesley! He sent me an attached file, and when I clicked on it, I couldn't believe my eyes. He shaved all his hair off! Just kidding! I got you there, didn't I? He sent a picture of his room. It was nicely decorated, rather elegant for a boy who plays football. I thought his room would be a little messy, but it was practically spotless. I responded with a picture of my room, and he started texting.

"You have a nice room!" He texts.

"Thanks!", I texted back.

We spent the whole night texting back and forth, just about random things, and a little flirting here and there, but I enjoyed chatting with him. I fell asleep at 2:00 am, I hope I didn't leave him on read.