
The Mixed Feelings

Alicia Mendez, a fourteen-year-old, mixed girl, who faces a lot of difficulties, and it only gets worst when she finds herself tangled up in love. As things start to die down a bit, she slowly becomes aware of the sinister secret behind the school. Read to find out more…

PhantomWriterX · Adolescente
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11 Chs

Tuesday Trip!

It's the next day, Tuesday, and today, my physics class has a field trip to the California Museum of Physics. I don't know why, but I am especially excited because Wesley is in my class. We have most of the same classes, just come at different times. From what I know, we only have Physics, PE, and Spanish 3 together. I think it's best we don't have all of the same classes, because I don't want to get distracted. He is the first person to talk to me. I'm kind of an outcast, being mixed in an all-white school, but I will try my best to ignore that, and just enjoy my time here. I'm dressed in my school uniform, and I fix my hair, putting on a matching headband that matches my black and preppy clothes. I put on lip liner and lip gloss, then help Lilith. I got up early, so I could help her with her glow-up. I curl her hair and do her makeup, and we do our nails together in black. We grab our bags and walk to class.

"So, Lilith, how do you feel?"

"I feel empowered and beautiful."

"As you should, let's show that boy that he hurt the wrong person."


We make it to class, I am urged to look down at my phone when I see how big our class is, but I remind myself that I am going to be a confident person. I take a deep breath in and exhale as we enter the classroom. We walk in and sit at an empty table. All eyes are on us as we sit down. Lilith turns to me with a grin.

"Did you see his jaw drop? It was hilarious!"

"Yeah, it was. You did great."

I was glad. She was happy and got her revenge. I sat down, satisfied. Then I turned around and saw him. It was Wesley. His curly brown hair bounces as he turned to look my way. We locked eyes again, his deep blue eyes staring into my brown. He lifts a hand and waves at me. I smile and wave back. I could feel my face getting hot and turning red. I turn back around, and Lilith is staring at me.

"Oooh someone's got a crush," she says.

"W-what, no, not me," I say embarrassed.

"Girl, you got it bad. Wesley is the most popular boy in Oakley Hills Private School. He also has a girlfriend."

"What? Who?" I say, heart dropping.

"Her name is Sharon Crabapple," she says.

"No, don't tell me she is related to the principal."

"Yep, his only daughter."

"Well, my chances are low..." I say unconsciously.

"So, you do like him, Alicia." She says with that same grin.

"I don't know. I never felt this way about someone before, so I don't know if I like him or not."

"It's a crush. Everyone gets them, especially if it's a curly brown hair, blue eyes boy with charm."

"I guess so."

"Whatever you do, just don't cross the principal's daughter, she can get you kicked out of the school, so be careful if you are going to try and date Wesley."

"I'll be careful."

The teacher walks in and announces that we are going to leave for the field trip now. Everyone makes their way to the bus area, and we all get on. I sit next to Lilith, and right across from us is Wesley. He sits alone until I see a girl enter the bus. She has long blonde hair and light blue eyes, and she is wearing the school uniform with pink lip gloss. She walks down the aisle and sits right next to Wesley. I see him look at her and say, "Hey babe", then kiss her cheek. I don't know how I feel, but I get annoyed and turn away. I turn to Lilith, and we began to talk for the whole ride. When we arrive at the museum, we are divided into groups. I am in a group with Wesley, and some other guy I don't know, and Lilith gets put in a group with Sharon. I feel a little relieved, but still annoyed at the thought of Wesley already having a girlfriend. As we walk around in groups, I stop to look at an interesting display. It is a ball floating in the air, with an air vent making the ball float. I sit my phone down at the exhibit and forget I left it there, then I head back to my group who are at another exhibit. After a while, as we walk, I reach into my skirt pocket to find my phone gone.

"Oh no," I say in a panic.

"What's wrong Alicia?" says Wesley.

"M-my phone, it's gone!"

"Where did you last have it?"

"At the exhibit with the floating ball, but I don't know how to find it again, this museum is enormous."

"Let's go look for it."


We walk around the museum for a while and finally find the exhibit. I found my phone and felt relieved that it was still there.

"Wanna go get a drink from the vending machines?" he said.

"Um, Sure!" I said.

We walk to the vending machines, and he buys me a sweet tea. I smile, happy as can be.

"So, are you single?" he asked.


"No reason."

That was a weird question for someone who has a girlfriend to ask. I sipped my drink, and it felt like someone was staring at me, so I looked up. Wesley was looking at me, with an innocent and amused face.

"Is there something on my face?" I ask confused.

"Beauty. You are beautiful." He says.

I stare at him in shock. I blush. Did he just say that? Am I dreaming? Was there something in the tea? I was at loss for words. He has a girlfriend, why would he act like this toward me? It's almost as if he is flirting with me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

We head back to the group, and everyone is boarding the bus. We get on and I sit in the same seat as before, next to Lilith, and he sits next to Sharon. I look at him, and I see Sharon kissing him on the cheek. I flinch in disgust and confusion. Why is he doing that, he just flirted with me, and he is acting as if nothing happened. If he liked me, wouldn't he tell me? When we get back to school, I go to my next class, Spanish 3. I sit down, next to Lilith, and Wesley walks in behind us. During class, I am working on a worksheet when I get a note passed to me. I slowly open it and it reads "I have something to tell you, meet me at the lockers during lunch." I shiver, confused as to why he wants to meet me. I fold up the piece of paper and stuff it in my pocket, then I finish my worksheet. After about twenty minutes, the class was over, and it was time for lunch. I walked to lunch with Lilith and told her I had to use the bathroom. I went to meet Wesley. He was standing by the lockers with a worried look on his face.

"Hey..." I said.

"Hey, Alicia...I wanted to tell you something..." he said.

"What is it?"

"I like you."

"But you have a girlfriend."

"I know, but I don't feel the same way with her as I do with you. The truth is, I am being paid by the principal to date Sharon, and if I didn't agree, then I wouldn't be able to get into this school. So, if you feel the same let's date in secret."

I was shocked. Who knew the principal wasn't that nice after all? It was too good to be true. I looked up at his worried face and said,

"I feel the same, but I'm not going to date you. It is wrong. If you like me, you will call off the agreement with the principal."

I walked away, ignoring anyone or anything that spoke or even looked my way. I was kind of pissed off at the fact that he would try to date me in secret. I'm so done, I will focus only on myself and people who are truly good to me. I went to lunch and acted as if nothing had happened. For the rest of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about what I did. Did I hurt him? Did I go too far? I made my decision, maybe if he does call off that agreement, I would agree to date him, but for now, we should keep our distance. I went to sleep that day with so much on my mind, I forgot to do my homework.