
The Mixed Feelings

Alicia Mendez, a fourteen-year-old, mixed girl, who faces a lot of difficulties, and it only gets worst when she finds herself tangled up in love. As things start to die down a bit, she slowly becomes aware of the sinister secret behind the school. Read to find out more…

PhantomWriterX · Adolescente
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11 Chs

Saturday Swims!

It is once again Saturday, and everything seems to be back to normal. Come to think of it, I took pictures of all the files, but didn't really get the chance to look at them. I pick up my phone, and lay on my bed, scrolling through my downloads to find the files. I finally find it and open it. I see IDs with the same person on them, but different names. I see an arrest record, and some other illegal documents pointing out the fact that the principal is indeed a fraud. I look over to Lilith who is reading a book, and I ask what I should do.

"Well first, we have to show the evidence to the police, but since we "illegally" got the evidence, we can't just turn it in. We would have to send the files through a private server, so they can't know our identities or track us."

"Okay, so do you know how to do that?" I ask.

"Most definitely, just send me the files." She says.

I send her the files, and I feel like a heavy burden has been lifted off my shoulders. She sent it to the police through a private encrypted server, and the police responded almost instantly saying that the case will be handled soon. Since it was the weekend, we didn't really have anything to do, so we took a walk around the campus. I remembered we had a gym, so we walked there.

"Hey Alicia, want to go swimming in the pool?" Lilith asks.

"Sure! Although, I only know how to swim a little."

We hurry back to the dorm, and change into our swim wear, they were black one pieces, and fit really snug. Finally making it back to the gym, and through the doors that lead to the pool, I was surprised when I saw how big it was. I didn't remember it being that big when Wesley gave me a tour of the school.

We sat our towels down on one of the beach chairs and got in. The water was perfectly warm, or not to cold, it was just right. As I moved around in the water, I could feel the ripples as I moved, then I began to float on my back, closing my eyes, and drowning in my own thoughts. I miss my family; it's only been the first week and so much has happened. I want to be able to stay at this school in peace, without interruptions like Sharron and the principal. My thoughts are suddenly paused when I hear Wesley's voice.

"Hey Ali, I didn't know you liked to swim!" He says, catching my attention.

Little did I know that I floated into the deep end, in which I could not swim well in. I looked up, and saw Wesley, then felt my body sinking, I thought my feet would touch the ground, but it was too far to touch. In a panic, I tried swimming up, but I kept sinking under, then I got a cramp. I realized I was drowning, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't reach the surface, and my eyes were slowly closing, all I could see was light, then everything went black. Before I was unconscious, I could hear voices calling out to me, it was Lilith and Wesley. After, I gained consciousness, and was awake, in the same room as before when I first met Wesley. He was sitting in the same spot, so I smiled, knowing that everything was okay. This was the nurse's office. He turned to me with a face of relief.

"Are you okay?" he said.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I said.

"You should head back to your dorm and get some rest."


I went back to my dorm, took a shower, and changed my clothes. I was exhausted. I think I should give my parents a call and see how everyone is doing back at home. I grabbed my phone which was charging on the end table beside my bed, and I turned it on. I video called my mom, but there was no answer. They are probably busy; I shouldn't bother them. I sit my phone down and ponder, I can't believe I almost drowned today. Then the noise of the room door catches my attention. I see Lilith, entering the room, she looks flustered.

"Is everything okay?" I ask with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yes, I'm just a little draggy."

"Well, you should get some rest, we still have tomorrow to relax before school starts again."

"True, I should relax."

As much as I wanted to relax, I couldn't stop this feeling of betrayal that I feel. I feel like something is being hidden from me. I lay back down and turn over in my bed. I stare at the blank, bare wall, remembering something weird from before. My dream. How did I know that code, how was it even right, and if it's possible, who made me have this dream. Maybe it was God. I believe in God. I I'd actually rather the dream be a sign from God, rather than something else, because if it was something else, I'd feel extremely creeped out. Once again, talking to myself in my head, until I doze off to sleep. I'm dreaming. There is a flash of light, then I hear familiar voices again. Wesley and Lilith. Maybe this was a flashback from the pool incident. Maybe this was another sign from God. As the light fades, I can see clearly, and it was indeed Wesley and Lilith. But, they were happy, smiling at one another, and holding hands. But in this dream, they looked a bit different. They had different styles, and hair, and just gave off different energy than now. Was this a vision of the past? Lilith had short blonde hair, and wore a baby blue and white striped t-shirt, and a pair of blue jeans and black Converse. Wesley had straight hair, it wasn't curly, and it was black, he wore a baseball cap, and had glasses, and he had a green polo with black jeans, and white Nikes. Then suddenly, they were looking into each other's eyes, and their lips met with a sweet kiss. I was confused, and kind of felt hurt. Why didn't they tell me that they dated. I wouldn't have dated Wesley if I knew about it, I wouldn't date my friend's ex. So then, what exactly happened when I came back to the dorm alone? Were they together too? I was running through all these scenarios in my head, then I decided to confront them both, at the same time. I woke up from my dream and took a glimpse at my phone. I saw messages from my mom.

Mom: "Sorry I couldn't answer your call Mija, I was making some food to send to you. I'll call back tomorrow, then you can tell me about how school is going."

Alicia: "No problem mama, I'll talk to you tomorrow!"

I closed out my messages and began scrolling through Instagram. I watched a few reels and fell asleep again. Today was truly interesting, maybe tomorrow will be a bit different, at least I hope it'll be.