
The Misunderstood Saintly Life of a Villainous Scion

Sir_Smurf3 · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Starting Academy Life as a [Villain]

Who are the winners in life?

Those in the position to use others.

And I'm undoubtedly on the winning side.

Born as the eldest son of a ducal family, attending the prestigious national

Royal Rishburg Magic Academy next month is a given.

Naturally I'll be entering with top grades pounded into me.

My aspiration is to become an absolute archvillain.

Not some hero of justice.

Why should I spend my short life for others?

Doing as I please and living freely. Letting no one interfere.

I want to live like a demon king opposed to humanity.

"I'm flawless as always today."

My well-put-together appearance reflected in the mirror was satisfyingly


Finally I turned my gaze to the hanging scroll displayed in my room.

Written in my excellent penmanship were the Three Precepts of Evil.

One, live true to your beliefs without compromise.

Two, neglect no effort to polish your charm.

Three, let no one decide your future but you.

These were three points common to evil figures I considered cool in how

they lived.

Those who compromise their beliefs to suit the situation are pathetic.

Without charm, none will follow you.

My life belongs to me alone. I yield my path to none.

My way of speaking and thinking about things had changed considerably

from my past life.

All thanks to clinging to the belief of [living freely and doing whatever I

want unlike my previous life].

And today would likely be the memorable first day of my wonderful life.

"My apologies for the wait, Father."

"Good, my son. I know you've been diligently studying. Continuing to

refine yourself is important."

"Thank you, sir."

Seeing me bow, Father Gordon Vellett happily stroked his beard.

His stern expression gives off a strict aura at first glance, but he's a kind

parent devoted to family. Calling him doting might not be an overstatement.

He's readily provided top tutors for any lessons I've wanted to take.

The best environment given by the best father.

"Now then, let me explain my business concisely. Ouga will attend

Rishburg starting next year. You know dormitory living is mandatory at

Rishburg, right?"

"Of course. To focus magical training by spending as much time as

possible, correct?"

"That's right. And students can bring one person as an attendant to the

dorms. Ouga, choose someone yourself over the course of a month."

"Anyone I choose will really be fine?"

"Naturally. Consider it training to discern useful talent. One of the maids

here will do, or I can purchase a slave if you'd prefer. Just bring someone

you can entrust assisting your student life."

I'd been waiting for those words.

A chance to gain an excellent subordinate without spending my own


Whoever I pick here I intend to work under me not only during academy

life, but lifelong.

In other words, complicit in my misdeeds.

If I just wanted a usable servant, I could visit a slave merchant and buy one

with high intelligence.

But that would be boring. I want to see it happen.

A virtuous soul falling to evil.

I'd thought about it before. No matter how often heroes in stories are

deceived, they never lose their righteous hearts.

But if continuously exposed to evil, if made to participate in evil acts, what

would become of them?

Kukuku… They must squirm in agony. I want to watch that sort of

spectacle at my side.

"In that case, there's someone I already have in mind."

"Oh… As expected. I look forward to what sort of person you'll bring."

Father smiled wickedly.

"Then, I'll take my leave, Father."

Bowing, I promptly left the room and headed into town after tidying my



My time is coming.

My magnificant life.

"Let's go pick up my first accomplice."

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

The furthest edge of the capital. A filthy town virtually cut off from the


Drugs, human trafficking, gambling matches.

The place where everything I detest most in the world gathers.

Yet I was at the underground colosseum in this town, the capital's

condensed darkness.

"Yeahhhh!! Kill 'im!"

"There! Stab! Cut him down!"

Cheers lacking a shred of morals flew about overhead.

Before me was a man over 2 meters tall.

A helmet with horns. Huge axe. Thick iron armor.

My opponent for this match.

"Don't know your win streak, but don't get cocky, little girl."

The man with ragged breathing had been at the top of the colosseum

rankings until I supplanted him.

Must not sit well being passed by a woman.

He'd forcibly set up this match.

"Spare me the bluster. Just hurry up and come."

I thought I heard a blood vessel pop.

Taking the provocation straight on, the man swung his axe powerfully

relying solely on strength.

A foolish attack blinded by anger.

He'd likely pushed through everything on power alone until now.

That might have worked on inept opponents.

But I was different.

"–Lunging Sword Line!"


Power brandished against a foe is sure to rebound.

After evading the axe, It pushed his arm to add momentum.

Unable to control it, the axe easily severed the man's arm.


"Rest in peace quietly…"


I muffled the man writhing in pain by stabbing my sword through his


The blade pierced his throat, his blood staining the floor.

After wiping the blood from my treasured sword and sheathing it, I left the

excited colosseum and found the owner waiting by the entrance.

"Hey, Chris. You've got a customer."

"…I didn't have any appointments."

"Don't care, just come! Otherwise you're banned from here!"


His tone is very rude, but I had no choice but to obey.

Having lost my former glory and status, this was the only way I could live

—killing daily in this place, dying my sword with blood.

How bitterly ironic.

The evil I hate is sustaining my life.

Following the owner, I was led to the VIP room.

Gaudy decoration unpleasant to the eye decorated the room reeking of the

nouveau riche. Sitting in the leather chair at the center was…

"…A child?"

"Watch your mouth, Chris!"

"It's fine. I won't take offense at that much. More importantly owner, leave

her alone with me for a bit?"

"Oh, o-of course! Ah, I'll keep everyone away so feel free to take your

time, heh… Excuse me then…"

The owner clapped my back before promptly leaving the room.

…I'd never seen him so obedient before.

Did this boy have such high status?

As I turned my gaze to him, he sighed with a hint of exasperation.

"That fool. As if I'd debase myself in a place like this."

"What do you mean by that?"

"That man assumed I came to buy you thinking I was lusting for a woman."


I was shocked in spite of myself at the familiar form of address.

He knew it well even though it's been years since I held that role.

The boy urged me to sit before settling deeply into the chair himself.

"I'm Ouga Vellett. Eldest son of the Vellett ducal family."

"What?! Really?!"

"Yes. As proof, I have this dagger engraved with my family crest."

What he showed me was unmistakably the crest indicating the Vellett

family I remembered.

Falsely claiming a noble family crest was a serious crime. No child would

readily have a counterfeit.

If he was related to House Vellett, I could also understand him finding my


They excelled in intelligence and mainly handled diplomacy.

With that information network, even a person like me would be easy to


Though few idiots would use it for a fallen woman like me.

"…So what business does House Vellett have with me? Sorry, but I don't

intend to oblige. I detest you nobles. No need to explain why, right?"

"Of course. It was nobles who judged and expelled you from the Holy


"That's right! Those rotten nobles concealing evil and filling their own


As the leader of the order, I had condemned evil.

Because I believed that would bring the people happiness and peace.

In the course of my activities I noticed human trafficking was occurring,

gathered evidence, secured the scene, and immediately advised the king to

capture nobles.

The king would make no mistaken choice.

I believed that would purge one more evil from the country…!

Yet I was the one driven out!

The mountain of evidence was concealed, the human trafficking site passed

off as personnel lending, and through patching together lies I was framed as

a criminal guilty of false reporting!

Stripped of my holy knight status and place to live, I wound up at the


To think I now used the swordsmanship honed for justice for the prosperity

of evil, solely to earn my keep… Such humiliation!

I had no choice if I wanted to survive. Pitiful shame coiled around my heart.

"I also investigated that incident and know the story. But at that time the

current Vellett family head…my father was away visiting a neighboring

country. If Father had been present, you would not have ended up in such a


"Hmph, so what? Are you trying to comfort me? It's too late. I'm just

foolish Chris now…"

"…To be honest, I'm disappointed, Chris."


What did he just say…? Disappointed, he said…?

I slammed my fist on the table glaring at him.

Yet he didn't avert his eyes in the slightest, even as wood fragments from

the cracked table scattered about.

On the contrary, he just heaved sigh after sigh.

"You're letting your emotions rule and lashing out. What happened to a

Holy Knight's pride?"

"…Oh shut it! I'm not a Holy Knight anymore!"

"I loved you as you were, a Holy Knight."


"You encouraged your comrades, never lost hope against the Demon King's

army, never bowed your head."

"Ah…aah… Stop it…"

Don't talk about me like that.

What you describe is the me of the past. The me who already gave up and

discarded that self.

I left that in the past to admonish myself for who I am now.

"I…can't go back…! Chris Lagnika is dead…!"

"Then you can still start over."


"If she's dead, if you threw it all away, then begin again from here."

His warm hand cupped my cheek.

My downcast face turned up, toward him.

"Come with me. I'll cut a path where your justice can shine."

Tears rolled down my cheeks unstopping.

Endlessly spilling the filth inside me outward.

Despite my wretchedness and misery, he wouldn't let me stop crying.

He gently wiped the tears with his fingers and enveloped my hands.

"Show me that radiance at my side once more. My knight, Chris Lagnika."

In that moment, my life sprouted anew. My heart quivered with elation.

By instinct I understood. My lord was not the country, but this person.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

"I pledge my sword for you, Lord Ouga."

—My goal was accomplished. That Chris Lagnika had sworn her loyalty to


And this was the first mission accomplished outside by Ouga Vellett. I

couldn't help clenching my fist feeling the tangible sense of steering my

bright future with my own hands.

"Then Lord Ouga, may I take some time to prepare?"

"I'll provide everything you need here. Don't worry about it."

"No, to demonstrate my skill and ability, I'd like you to wait if possible."

I see. I had heard skill with one's weapon could measure ability.

Chris might bring a weapon to test on me.

Honestly, I'm not very knowledgeable about weapons' merits, but with her

skill she'd use only the best.

Has to be a great sword.

"Fine. But don't take long. Keep it brief."


With that, she left the room.

Once I could no longer hear her footsteps, I sprawled back heavily against

the chair.

"…Heh. Fuhaha."

Everything went perfectly!

She would now serve me for life.

Go ahead and demonstrate your sense of justice to your heart's content.

But when she realizes the man she believed an ally at her side is actually the

greatest evil, what face will Chris make?

Just imagining…kuku, it's delightful.

That wasn't my only reason for poaching Chris. This colosseum where we

bet would continue to grow.

Becoming its shadow leader would bring massive profits.

With perfectionist her that disturbed match fixing gone, things would also

become easier for the owner to manage.

Including that future agreement, negotiating with the owner over Chris's

price and concluding matters would be simple.

Ah, as expected I'm a genius…!

The goddess must be cheering me on to become the great Demon King!

Unable to contain my laughter, I waited for Chris to return.

I waited. And waited. …And waited.

"…She's taking quite a while, huh?"

Is she hesitating?

Honestly it's already decided I'm hiring her so any weapon is fine, but…oh


I'll go get her myself.

I'm in a good mood right now anyway.

Just as I moved to grab the door handle, the door on the opposite side

opened with a clack.

"My apologies for the wait, Lord Ouga….Did I make you wait too long?"

"No, not at all. More importantly, let me see a demonstration of your skill,


"Understood. Please come this way."

Oh. I thought she hadn't brought anything, but maybe it's just a very large

weapon. Easily displaying power with size would be convenient.

I followed behind Chris. Where she stopped was in front of the colosseum

that should be lively with matches right now.


"Yes. The purging is complete, so please take a look."


Before I could voice my question, Chris opened the door.

What leapt into view were countless dead bodies stacked atop each other.

Not just the fighters, the spectators had joined the piles.

Atop them was the figure of the owner I'd been chatting pleasantly with


…Huh!? Don't tell me they're all dead!?

"C-Chris, this is…?"

"Yes. I wished to quickly demonstrate my justice and skill to you, so I

carried this out."

What initiative…!

Carried out, my ass!

I wanted to milk them for juicy profits!

It's meaningless if you exterminate them all…!

Yet she looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for praise.



…I really don't want to praise her. But…

"You did well."

"Ah…! Thank you!"

Chris bloomed a beaming smile. Contrary to her image, her expression

changed readily, but it was easy to grasp so not bad.

Weighing this incident against the benefits she would provide, the latter

overwhelmingly won out.

She seemed likely to trust me unconditionally too, so feeding her false info

would let me easily crush opposing organizations and such.

I'm a genius. I can definitely handle her properly.

"Listen, Chris. I'm not satisfied with the present. I'm aiming higher."

That's right. A small underground colosseum in this worn-down town

wasn't worth mourning.

Something on a larger scale… Yeah, maybe something like the slave


Anyway, I'd gain enough power to not obsess over a mere colosseum.

"That's why I obtained you. You understand what I'm saying, right?"

"Of course, my lord."

Without caring about the filth at all, Chris knelt with one knee on the

ground and bowed her head.

"My power is yours, Lord Ouga. My accomplishments are also yours."

She swore this looking up at me.

If you understand, then it's fine.

Just work properly for my glory.

"Well then, shall we go back? I want you to meet Father too. There are

various other formalities."

Since Chris was officially branded a criminal, I couldn't hire her under her

real name.

It would damage the Vellett family reputation.

But that sort of engineering was our specialty.

Creating a new registry for her would be simple.

"Chris, do you have any preferences for your new name?"

I asked her as we walked down the filthy road, her one step behind me.

"Anything you bestow upon me, Lord Ouga."

That would anger mothers nationwide, Chris-kun. I'm not good with

naming either, so it's troubling, but…

"Then let's follow convention. Father adds [Ga] for sons and [A] for

daughters to their names. And twisting your name a bit… Alice. Yeah, how

about Alice?"

T/N : Ku risu -> A risu

It suited her golden hair nicely too. Perhaps it was rather good?

I glanced at her a bit smugly, awaiting her reaction.

"…Oh, thank you so much…!"

She's crying…! Her face is scrunched up with tears…!

Did I say something weird?!

[Alice] wasn't a name ridiculed in this world or anything…

Though flustered, I quickly passed her a handkerchief.

After keeping her head lowered for several seconds and wiping her tears,

she had already reverted to the beauty termed Alice.

"Lord Ouga. Then, allow me to swear once more."

Alice took the same stance as minutes ago and made her oath under the

newly bestowed name.

"I dedicate everything to you, Lord Ouga."

"Very well. I'll be relying on you, my sword."

"Ah…! Yes…!"

And so, I succeeded in making Alice my pawn as intended initially.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

The blue sky! The white clouds!

I've arrived at last, the prestigious national Rishburg Magic Academy!

The foundation of my bright future, free of parental bonds…!

Since recruiting Alice, more time had passed and I was at the awaited

entrance ceremony.

My house's power had already investigated what sorts of talents were


Even the guys passing by me were immediately connected to information

drilled into my head.

Kukuku… It's not just seeing them on paper, being before the actual people

ignites an excitement like no other.


"You called?"

When I voiced her name, my right hand maid came to my side.

"Take pictures with the magic camera. This is the start of my destined path

of conquest!"

"Please be at ease, Lord Ouga. In my excitement, I've already captured the

moment on film."

The beaming Alice spread out photos of me from various angles.

They were all closeups of me with barely any background visible.

"I-I see. Well done."

"You praise me overmuch…!"

On one knee indicating deference, the maid uniform-clad Alice.

Even Father was surprised when I first brought her back…

"Father, this is the attendant I'm bringing to the magic academy, Alice."

"I'm Alice. I will devote my life serving Lord Ouga. Please treat me


"…Hmm. My son, there's one thing I want to ask."

"What is it, Father?"

"No matter how I look at her, she's the former Holy Knight Order

Grandmaster, Chris."

"No, she's the knight I found, my knight Alice."

"Ah…! Yes, I'm Lord Ouga's Alice!"

"…But still, Chris—"

"I'm Alice."

"She is Alice."

"…I understand. We'll take it as such."

It was settled with Father conceding reluctantly, unable to refute our united


After this we repeatedly conferred and reached an agreement to provide her

a new registry and name, allowing her to embark on her second life.

I'd obtained the powerful piece Alice, but…

"My, how embarrassing~"

"Seems quite elated. I wonder which family she's from."

"Uwah… Let's keep our distance from that guy…"

She really stood out. A maid clearly conducting herself inappropriately for

one on a day like this at the school gates naturally drew attention.

Alice was beautiful too, so even more so.

Yet she showed no sign of stopping. Rather, she seemed to be waiting for


And thanks to our dense month of interaction, I knew what she desired in

situations like this.

"…Keep devoting yourself to me."

Saying so, I stroked her neatly combed hair along its length.

She lowered her head slightly for a moment, but quickly reverted to


"Yes! I will dedicate everything, body and soul, to Lord Ouga!"

No, your voice is too loud… Looks like I wasn't the only one fired up for

the entrance ceremony.

But oh well, I'll take it as fine.

Having someone as strong as Alice swear her loyalty makes me happiest of


In the sense of not fearing for my life. And manly pride.

It would inevitably draw attention immediately anyway.

Because I'm the man who'll stand at the top of evil in this academy!

"…Hey, that guy just now was Ouga, right…?"

"Huh? So he's the fallen son of House Vellett? The one rumored to lack

magical aptitude?"

"Must be nice being a young noble who can enter through connections."

"…Kukukuku. It feels good to receive such jealousy, Alice."

"You truly have great composure, Lord Ouga. Perhaps it's best to simply

ignore such playful words."

However, judging from the reactions of the other students, it will be

difficult to find a harem member, I mean, a subordinate among them.

Not many people are curious enough to approach me–

"Oh, Ouga!"

–except her.

A girl with fiery red hair tied up in a ponytail emerged shyly from the


A girl, well, that's what I assume. She's wearing male clothing, but judging

from the slight bulge at her chest, she's probably a girl.

Emerald green eyes. The feather-shaped hairpin of emerald color… Hmm?

Wait, I think I've seen this girl before… No, I remember now.

"Ouga might not remember, but I…"

"Karen, right? It's been a while since we were five years old."

"–! Y-Yes! Karen Levezenka! Long time no see! You… you recognized


"You've grown, but you still have that familiar aura. Also, it's the hairpin I

gave you for your birthday. I recognized it right away."

"R-Really…? Yes, I treasured it because Ouga gave it to me…"

Karen scratched her cheek, looking embarrassed.

Her slightly slanted double eyelids and a straight nose. Even though she

wears the male uniform, she still fits the description of a beautiful woman.

We used to play together a lot when we were young, and she always stuck

closely by my side… But once it was revealed that I had no aptitude for

magic, our relationship abruptly ended.

I cared for her, and at that time, I was thinking about making childhood

friends. Even now, she's quite pretty, but it would've been great if she had a

bigger chest…

Apart from her appearance, I think her personality has changed a lot. If it

were the shy girl from before, she wouldn't have approached me so

proactively when I'm regarded as a sore loser.

I don't understand why she's dressing as a boy… I can guess, but it's not

necessary to dig into such topics that might dampen the mood on this

important day.

"It's a great opportunity. Would you like to come along?"

"Really? I… I mean, why not?"

"Why do you think it wouldn't be possible?"

"Well, um, it's just… I…"

She probably regrets cutting off all ties with me. From Karen's current

appearance, anyone can see that she didn't make that decision of her own

will. The Levezenka family is infamous for being bound by old-fashioned

ideals, even among the duke families.

"Your Ouga-Velet was never one to hold onto such small things, right?"

"N-No, it's not like that! Ouga was always… mine…"

"Hehe, you still get nervous just like before. I'm relieved. Well then, let's



With Karen's happy response behind me, I start walking.

While listening to Karen's explanation of today's program, we head to my

room, where we unpack our belongings. After that, a new student welcome

party will be held to foster friendships.

Once the long speech by the headmaster is over, it's time to head to my


"Well then, Ouga, see you at the party."

"Yeah. Looking forward to talking again."


Saying that, Karen walks to the dormitory, still blushing and shaking her


She does have a fiance, but such courtesy is probably just a social

convention. According to rumors, their relationship isn't that good.

Not that I'm planning to intervene.

After parting ways with Karen, Alice, who was handling procedures,

returns with the key.

"Ouga-sama's room is 1005 on the tenth floor. Let's use the automatic

levitation magic device."

"Sure, guide me there. I want to finish unpacking before the party. We still

have plenty of time until evening."

"Understood. I will handle it promptly."

We head to the room, and Alice efficiently places the delivered packages on

the furniture.

Most nobles would leave everything to their attendants, but I am different.

Time is limited. It's more efficient to do it together, and it's not wise to be

separated from Alice within the academy.

Seems like I'm being underestimated by those around me…though I don't

think it's the case, I can't help but imagine there might be some fools who

dare to provoke Alice…

"Oh, Lord Ouga. This should be the last of the luggage… Was it too cold

for you? I apologize. I'll bring your coat right away."

"Don't worry about it. It's just a little… shiver of excitement, that's all."

"I see. Would you like some tea then? We have enough time for a break

before the party."

"No, I'd like to walk around the academy. Join me."

"Of course."

I also wanted to familiarize myself with the structure of the academy.

But there was another important reason.

During my prior information gathering, I wanted to approach a particular

student who caught my interest.

Visiting someone's room out of the blue might be strange, and they might

be strolling around the school like me.

This person would be the only one who doesn't have any preconceptions

about me.

"This is such a huge school. Truly befitting the Kingdom's finest."

"Yes… Though, I can't say the same about the students' quality."

Despite walking around for a while, I couldn't find the person I was looking

for. It was almost time to head to the party venue.

When I turned a corner, I saw a scene of despicable bullying.

Three male students were intimidating a single girl…

"Hmm, that face…?"

"Lord Ouga."

Alice's gaze seemed to penetrate my skull.

I know what she wants to say.

I should just go and help, right? That's what she expects anyway.

But I won't allow such a selfish act.

Because the girl being bullied right in front of me is the very student I've

taken an interest in.

Mashiro Leiche.

The only commoner who managed to enter the elitist Rishburg School of


Kukuku, I'm quite lucky.

If I can swoop in and save her, she'll undoubtedly develop some favorable

feelings towards me!

"Of course. Let's go, Alice."


With Alice's happy response behind me, I walked forward.

I can't miss this golden opportunity to earn some goodwill.

"Don't you dare think a filthy commoner like you is on par with us!"

"You should feel grateful that we're teaching you some manners!"

"Stop giving us that disgusting look… Don't you dare look at us like that!"


Among the three bullies, one of them picked up a stone to hit Leiche.

Of course, I won't allow that to happen.

"Hey, what are you doing so early in your school life?"

"Huh? Who the hell are you?!"

I grabbed the arm of the boy holding the stone and twisted it.

I tripped him up lightly, causing him to fall to the ground.


"You! What are you doing?!"

"Shouldn't that be my line?"


One of the enraged boys rushed towards me, but I deflected him with my


He came in with such force that I used his momentum to deliver a swift

front kick, taking him and another one down.

I grabbed Luark by the collar and tossed him towards his friends, eliciting


"Wh-Who do you think you are…?!"

"Luark Bourbon. The second son of the Bourbon Earl."

The Bourbon family is a military family under the Levezenka Ducal House,

Marisro's family. Originally from another country, the Levezenka family

recognized their talents and brought them under their wing.

Such a guy is considered on par with the Ducal House? It reveals the

military's lack of standards. I can now understand my father's irritation.

Well, let's settle this with my favorite title, as we discussed.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Ouga Vellett. Does that ring a bell?"

"Vellett… You're from the Duke's family?!"

"That's right. So, don't you dare think a commoner-like earl's household is

on par with my bloodline, belonging to the Ducal House."

"Damn you! Remember this!"

With a bit of intimidation, the three boys hastily ran away.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; that's how it works in my world.

To be honest, they're no match for a first-rate villain like me. A third-rate

bully like them won't be any good against me.

"Well done, Lord Ouga!"

"Anyone could have done that. Anyway…"


When I turned my gaze, Leiche's shoulders trembled in surprise.

And in sync with that… her large breasts also jiggled.

Even through her uniform, it's evident that she has an ample bosom.

To be honest, that's the reason why I decided to get close to her.

Breasts. Breasts that can't be contained by my hands.

"Don't worry about it. I won't do such a silly thing."

"Um, well… I mean…"

"I'm a first-year student named Ouga Vellett, and this is my maid… No, my

sword, Alice."

I quickly corrected myself during the introduction, feeling an immense


What? From now on, do I have to say something like "my sword"

everywhere I go? It's embarrassing…

"What's your name?"

I already knew but this was our first formal meeting.

I had to properly hear her name from her own mouth.

"I-I'm Mashiro…! I'm Mashiro Leiche! Also a first year!"

"Good to meet you, Leiche. Can you stand?"


Helping the hand I extended, Leiche shakily rose to her feet.

Seeing her head-on again, her face and figure were top class.

Crystal aqua and emerald heterochromia eyes.

Her blue hair was bundled into a softly puffy bob cut.

And beneath that were her aggressively asserting breasts!

The buttons on her straining shirt looked about to burst off.

"Um, thank you very much. I was saved thanks to you, Lord Vellett…"

"Don't worry about it. I dislike that sortof things."

Insulting the weak purely to affirm themselves. I hear the Bourbon heir is

excellent, but no such talk about the second son. Meaning that's how it is.

They're trash unworthy of evil's wind.

"The party will start soon. This may help."

Saying so, I took a handkerchief from my pocket and passed it to her.

Specks of dirt from being knocked over were visible on her skirt.

Going to the party like this would draw attention.

"I-is it really okay…?"

"I don't mind. Toss it after using it."

"No! I'll properly wash and return it!"

"…I see. Well, don't be late. See you at the venue."


After confirming she was smiling, I turned my back and left the spot.

That expression… No doubt about it.

Her affection for me had skyrocketed!

For everything to go so smoothly…

This should place me in the kind people category in Leiche's mind.

If so, she was mine.

Surrounded by nothing but frightening nobles, she'd certainly rely on me.

Meeting her expectations would further raise her affection, naturally

shrinking the distance between us.

I saw it! The future of Leiche confessing to me!

"You seem in good spirits, Lord Ouga."

"Yeah, I feel great too. I got the result I hoped for."

"I'm also proud to have you as my master."

Alice also seemed extremely pleased that I'd helped Leiche.

Oblivious that there was any ulterior motive to my actions… I was truly

delighted to have also earned Alice's loyalty.

"Follow me, Alice. My path is the path of conquest!"

"Yes sir! Ever at your side!"

Exchanging our oft-used lines like that, we soon arrived at the party venue.

"Hmm… Rather spectacular."

The party venue was in a different location from the main school building.

It seemed to be used for events and celebrations. I nearly forgot I was on

campus grounds with how dazzling the decorations assaulting my eyes


Yet it didn't feel cluttered, retaining refined beauty—as expected of the

prestigious national Rishburg Magic Academy.

"Lord Ouga, I've brought you a drink."


"What will you do next?"

"If following the plan, there's someone I want to speak to but…"

I glanced around the area.

Several maligning gazes from students keeping their distance pierced this


"…Shall I stop them?"

"Don't mind it. Most are unrelated to our life anyway. No need to bother

with them."

They were also likely uneasy.

Whether their own skill would prove useful.

When minds are unsettled, if there's a supposed incompetent noble of

higher rank but no magical aptitude, looking down on them brings a

moment's reassurance.

I understand that feeling's not entirely unreasonable.

To fill the handicap of lacking magic, I'd immersed myself in research and

rarely showed my face.

Father also seldom mentioned family publicly. He knew it could become a


So they probably mistook it as abandonment by House Vellett.

"Proving myself with skill will be enough. In time, they'll be the ones

twisting their faces. Right, Alice?"

"Yes, I believe you're absolutely correct, Lord Ouga."

"That's good. Just believe in your lord."

"Lord Ouga…! Serving you makes me happy!"

Yeah, we were drawing even more gazes.

If your loyalty is that staunch, be a little more considerate of how I feel.

…I'll take it as endurance training starting now.

"Alice, we're going to greet Karen and her fiancé."

Facing the succession of young ladies arriving center stage with contrasting

expressions were two people.

One was my childhood friend, Karen Levezenka.

And the other was her fiancé, first in line to inherit the throne, Arnia


"A pleasure to meet you for the first time. I am Ouga Vellett, eldest son of

the Vellett ducal family. Please accept my apologies for the late greeting."

When my turn came, I briefly introduced myself.

Then he looked at me with strong crimson eyes and sneered.

"Oh, so you're the rumored one lacking magical aptitude who passed."

The students in the hall were all chatting away. So only Karen beside him

and Alice heard the Crown Prince's disparaging remark.

Understanding that, he deliberately brought up my handicap needing no


I plastered on a grin and continued speaking as if it were his joke.

"Even the Crown Prince has heard of me? I'm honored."

"Of course. You're famous after all. I wonder what means you used to enter

the academy. Please teach me if there's magic for that—I'd love to know."

"O-Prince Arnia! What do you mean?"

"No deep meaning, Karen. I'm just praising him for passing by skill despite

lacking magic."

Aristocrats often have arrogant personalities like this.

Why? Because nobles in this world are clear [winners]. They look down on

others because they live in higher positions. They don't question the act.

But he should have been taught how to behave with nobles… Seems this

Crown Prince was raised quite freely.

"Indeed, as you say, I passed by skill, Your Highness. I'm eager to

demonstrate that knowledge, but tonight is a pleasant party. Surely delving

into stiff topics would be a waste of such a time?"

"Ah, true. What a waste of time."

Crown Prince Arnia chuckled.

He probably misunderstood I was avoiding the issue and looked down on

me as some connections student.

He apparently didn't really believe Rishburg uses pure meritocracy.

No wonder the likes of those three fools are born with this guy as the top of

the generation.

It would be simple to humiliate this idiot prince here, but that would go

against the Three Precepts of Evil. Abandoning my own beliefs would be a

terribly uncool way to live.

Therefore I also merely smiled.

"Well then, I'll take my leave. Until we meet again, Miss Levezenka."

Bowing, I promptly left the spot. From the corner of my eye, I saw Karen

waving slightly low by her side, so I waved back with only my hand where

the Crown Prince couldn't see.

"…Well done, Lord Ouga."

"You endured well too. The world will know me in time. Wait a little


"I'm certain that day is not far off. And my place will always be at your

side, Lord Ouga."

"Heh, it makes me happy when you say pleasant things."

While Alice's recklessness was frightening, I could honestly take joy in her

unwavering loyalty.

Having such an outstanding woman acknowledge me bolstered my


Now that I realized direct contact would be difficult, there was no need to

remain at this friendship deepening party but…

"…She's not coming."

I was checking the entrance but there was no sign of Leiche arriving at all.

Was a handkerchief not enough?

Then again, giving her a brand new skirt might seem creepy.

No no, she must just be changing clothes.

"Lord Ouga, I'll fetch you a refill."

"Yeah, thanks."

Killing time like that, I noticed the three fools from earlier enter grinning

about something.

I couldn't hear their voices from this distance, but they lacked the timidity

from before.

Dealing with them here would be troublesome.

Nothing for it then.

"Let's go, Alice. Any more would waste time."

I chose to leave the venue without facing them and return to the dorms first.

At the entrance the superintendent stopped me.

"Pardon me, Lord Vellett. I'm holding a letter for you."

"A letter? From who?"

"From the female student Mashiro Leiche."

"…! I see, thank you."

Taking the plain envelope, I opened and read it on my way to my room,

unable to wait.

[Lord Ouga Vellett,

Thank you for helping me earlier.

There is something I wish to discuss.

Could you please come to the courtyard before first period tomorrow


Please allow me to indulge in your kindness.

Mashiro Leiche]

"Lord Ouga… Could this be…"

"…Yeah, no doubt about it."

A love letter…!

Kukuku… To think I'd made her fall for me already…!

Was it my overflowing charisma?

Parts were hard to read since she seemed to have written again after the wet

ink dried, but no mistaking this wording.

I'd definitely get confessed to tomorrow morning.

"Alice, morning will come early tomorrow. Sleep immediately tonight."


"…Looks like fun times ahead, doesn't it?"

"Y-yes, I suppose so!"

Exchanging looks, I and Alice laughed aloud before entering my room.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

The next day after the moon set and sun rose.


Called out by Leiche, I headed to the courtyard feeling great but…

Waiting there grinning were the guys from yesterday—for some reason

Leiche was also there, pale-faced beside them.

These guys don't learn. To think they'd try another scheme today…

"What're you guys doing here? Harassing again?"

"No no, we came to support our buddy here."


"We got done in yesterday but… You're the rumored useless son of House

Vellett, right? Abandoned by your father for lacking magical aptitude."

"The Vellett family itself has an infamous reputation as evil feudal lords."

"Bootlickers of foreign nobles, bleeding their territories dry to live indolent

lives. Good-for-nothing layabouts only retaining the royal blood!"

No point saying they're wrong.

They know nothing of how Father concealed me to prevent exposure to

malice as a child. How he publicly feigns incompetence because it works to

our diplomatic advantage.

How he deliberately spreads ill rumors to lure out truly rotten nobles.

Clearly they're uninvolved in politics.

"So what if that's true?"

"Well, we just thought it sad the girl got caught up with a guy like you. Hey,

say what you called him out for."

Prodded from behind, Leiche faced me one-on-one.

She was gripping yesterday's handkerchief in her hands, trembling all over.

Her eyes were also restlessly moving about, completely unsettled.

"Leiche, are these guys really your friends—"

"Hey! Say it already!"

Luark yelled, cutting off my words.

Tch, these guys are annoying.

There's no way the docile Leiche could confess publicly like this…!

I stepped forward to make them leave like yesterday, but this time Leiche

spread her arms to block my path.

"Um! I-it was a misunderstanding!"

Head lowered, she looked up.

"Don't involve yourself with me anymore! I don't need trouble from an

incompetent like you!"

Leiche's eyes as she told me this were missing their shine…their vigor.

"I-it was just you misunderstanding yesterday so… S-so you're a useless

fallen son!"


"I-I'm returning this too… That's how it is so…"

She practically shoved the handkerchief at me and left the spot.

As we passed, her soft words reached my ears.

"I'm sorry."

I somehow swallowed the urge to fall to my knees.

The evil I aspire to must not expose such an unsightly form.

Seemingly delighted at dejected me, Luark and company laughed raucously

as they walked by my side.

"So don't ever associate with me again! Don't misunderstand again, useless


"Ah, a masterpiece, a masterpiece!"

"Got some amusement first thing in the morning!"

Their vulgar laughter faded into the distance.

I-it was a misunderstanding…I see…

The affection I thought was rising was my misunderstanding…!?

Was my attitude yesterday somewhat neurotic?

What was the right answer if even a handkerchief didn't work, damn it!

Do rowdy guys really become popular…!?

"…Lord Ouga, I can still catch them if we go now, but how shall we


Nothing I can do even if I catch them.

I'm the idiot who misunderstood and thought it was a confession.

Pestering persistently might get me reported for stalking or being creepy.

I seek evil but have no need of such unsightly rumors.

But…but…! I can't give up those breasts…!

Then it's time to change plans.

I'll observe for now.

"We'll make our move when the time comes. Leave it be for now. But don't

miss the decisive moment."


◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

My name is Alice.

The woman picked up by Ouga Vellett to walk a second life.

Lord Ouga is literally a [genius].

Lacking magical aptitude is an utterly hopeless handicap in this world,

especially for one of noble birth.

But Lord Ouga did not despair, and stood tall.

In time, he even completed his own theory and gained the means to live in

this world despite being unable to use magic.

And he seeks to use the power gained not for himself, but to aid others.

I wept countless tears hearing of this from Her Ladyship.

I was appointed to support my magnificent lord's student life, permitted to

be at his side constantly.

The head maid's spartan training was intense, but it was all for my

venerated Lord Ouga.

Now able to properly brew tea, the me from those days engrossed in battle

could scarcely conceive it.

"Heh… What a pointless thing to consider."

Rather, I currently have a grave duty.

I was ordered by Lord Ouga to monitor Miss Mashiro Leiche.

He didn't explicitly say so, but reading between the lines is also a servant's

role at times.

Lord Ouga said [Don't miss the decisive moment].

In other words, secure evidence of Leiche being threatened by those


Lord Ouga's wisdom must have realized it long ago, but yesterday's letter

It had traces of tears.

What reason could there be to shed tears simply writing one letter?

Together with Leiche's behavior yesterday, concluding she was coerced is


But accusing without evidence would just be brushed off.

Therefore I received instructions to seize them red-handed.

"Lord Ouga…"

Recalling his distressed form…

He must feel strongly responsible for making Leiche cry.

Even now.

From the horrible rumors spreading, the entire class looks down on Lord


Yet he doesn't seem concerned, maintaining utter composure.

He's persevering stoically.

This must be another of Lord Ouga's schemes too.

The source of the rumors is almost certainly those maggots.

They're hotheaded—Lord Ouga's attitude will surely anger them quickly.

If so, the possibility of them contacting Leiche again rises.

He's whittling away at himself to obtain decisive evidence.

"I wish Lord Ouga would take better care of himself… He's sure to one day

guide the world to peace."

There are methods to stop this, but forcing matters excessively would only

damage Lord Ouga's reputation.

Uprooting the source is final recourse.

Above all, it's unthinkable for me as his sword and servant to show less

patience than my lord who endures.

"…I'm lonely."

Being apart keeping watch like this, Lord Ouga isn't at my side.

I take a locket from my breast.

Opening it reveals Lord Ouga's gallant figure captured just the other day.

…Yes, this should alleviate my loneliness a little.

Gazing at Leiche—

"Ah…! That's…!"

I caught sight of the maggots surrounding Leiche so she couldn't escape

and taking her somewhere… In that direction… The old school building!

I was glad to have grasped the academy's layout with Lord Ouga on

entrance ceremony day.

"…Could it be he even predicted this…?"

Possible for a champion of justice like Lord Ouga.

It made sense if he'd investigated in advance places suited for misdeeds.

"…No, this isn't the time to be moved."

I hurriedly raced toward the trace of my lord's presence.

Please wait, Miss Leiche.

Lord Ouga will surely rescue you from despair.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Why must I suffer this?

I enrolled at the magic academy encouraged by the solid promise of hope

and faint expectations for my own talent, seen off by my parents.

But all that awaited me was oppression from differences in status.

"Here, get in quick!"


Pushed from behind, I was forcibly shoved into the room.

An empty classroom in the rarely used old school building.

Sitting on my rear after stumbling, I glared at the ones who'd brought me


"Ooh? What's with that attitude? Someone like you has no right to defy


The leader of the group, Luark Bourbon , sneered arrogantly down at me.

The Bourbon family is said to be the right hand of the Levezenka dukedom

holding the military's highest position.

Thus he arrogantly resorts to misconduct, believing it can be swept under

the rug.

And against a mere commoner, it would be easy.

"This wasn't the promise…! I was told to vilify Lord Vellett in exchange

for you not touching him…!"

After that day Lord Vellett helped me, they were waiting for me to be alone,

faking retreat.

Then they made that threat disguised as a deal.

[Ridicule that useless idiot who shamed me. Or else, I might just directly

blast you with magic.]

[S-such a thing…! Magic use outside of class is prohibited at the


[There's plenty of ways, right? Like accidently overdoing it a bit in mock

battle class. We're still first years. It can't be helped if our magic control is

clumsy, yeah?]


They say he has no magical aptitude, a "dropout" who can't use magic, that


Unbelievable. But if this is true…?

No matter how skilled I am in physical combat, I can't compete with magic.

As someone from a different social status, I had no choice but to respond

right then and there, even if I wanted to confirm it.

So, under the promise that they would never lay a hand on Vellett again, I

did something terrible.

It was heart-wrenching to write that letter to deceive Vellett.

Instead of repaying the favor of being rescued, I hurled abusive words at

him, and it's only natural that he would hate me.

But I believed that with this, Vellett would be able to have a peaceful school


However, these people spread baseless rumors about Vellett, causing him to

be isolated within the academy, just a few days after starting.

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything to him. We just had a

little chat with everyone around."

Without a hint of remorse, he laughed heartily.

"But it's weird. The plan was to make him lose his temper and attack,

leading to immediate expulsion! Yet, he just ignores us. It's really

frustrating. Does he not care about us at all?"


"So, you, call him out again."


"Call him out again. We'll beat him up this time. Then, you testify that he

almost assaulted you."

Expulsion from the magic academy…? If that happens, Vellett's life will be


The life of such a kind person… will it come to an end?

For nobles, commoners are insignificant beings with no significance.

Yet, that person didn't want anything, but still came to my aid when I was

in trouble.

The curious gazes and mocking sneers directed at me from the moment I

entered the academy.

But Vellett treated me as an equal, the only one who did so.

He showed me that there could be someone like that.

…I can't do it.

I can't betray him again…!

"I… won't…"


"I can't… do it…!"

"Don't you dare irritate me!"


He slammed me to the ground.

And then, he forcefully ripped off my buttons, exposing my underwear and


Seeing it bounce, Bourbon licked his lips.

"I've been irritated enough, so why don't you soothe me with your body?"


"Hey, you guys. Watch at the entrance later. I'm going to have some fun

with her."

"Uhihi! I've been curious about those breasts!"

"Understood, as expected of Luark!"

I couldn't escape; he was on top of me, pinning me down, rendering me

unable to move.

Our physical differences were too great, so resistance was futile.

…Aah, Mom, Dad, I'm sorry…

You went out of your way to get me into the academy to fulfill my


At least, I'll close my eyes so that they won't see me bringing them


But then, the scene of that day when Vellett saved me came to my mind.


"Too bad, huh? Nobody hardly comes here, and there's no way he'd come

here, either."

That's right. He won't come anymore.

He pushed me away, after all.

…Thank you, Vellett.

Meeting you was my salvation.

"Now then, let the fun begin─"


Suddenly, the screams of his lackeys and a loud crashing sound echoed.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

Bourbon's voice, flustered.

…Could it be? No way, no way, no way.

"…What are you all doing?!"

Unbelievable, but I indeed recognized that voice…

"Ah… Aah…"

Why… are you here, of all people…?


Calling his name, Vellett turned his gaze toward me.

And then… anger filled his eyes.

"…Rest assured, Leiche."

"I've come, so I won't let these guys lay a finger on you…!"

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇


This is quite comfortable.

Since the incident this morning, Alice has been spending less time by my


Thanks to that, I have some free time and can enjoy my school life without


I need some alone time to plan for the future.

"It's nice to see Alice understanding my feelings… It's heartwarming to see

her grow."

I can tell that her change in attitude doesn't mean she's disappointed.

So, I'm enjoying my tea alone like this…

It's lunch break, and I've moved from the classroom to the cafe terrace.

Not many students use this area since it's far from the main building and

closer to the old one.

"At least there are no impudent stares here."

Being called incompetent is something I got used to from my previous life

working in a black company.

The boss's favorite phrase was exactly "incompetent."

I've learned some skills to handle that kind of situation.

I don't care what some nobody I don't even know says about me.

"Rather, the issue is Leiche. How do I get closer to her…"

"─My lord Ouga!"

A shriek interrupted my elegant teatime.

"As expected of Lord Ouga. You already have your sights set huh…!"

"Hmm…of course. Did something happen…?"

Lies. I have no clue.

But she seemed panicked, so I decided to go along with it.

"Lady Leiche! She was taken by those three to the old school building!"

"What! Let's talk while moving. Guide me!"

" Here it is! "

I follow behind Alice who leads the way.

I don't know the full story, but judging by her hurry, Leiche's situation

doesn't seem good.

An unpopular old school building. Three rowdy guys and a girl with big


The conclusion I'm drawing is…

"There's a high chance they're screwing around…?"

"I concur."

No way! That would ruin my plan of adding Leiche to my harem!

I won't let those punks have their way…!

"Good insight, Alice."

"No, I was just keeping an eye on Lady Leiche per your orders after the last



"[Don't miss the decisive moment.]"

"Wonderful, Alice. As expected of my sword."

…So that's why Alice disappears sometimes!

I didn't really mean it when I said that…

Just some flashy words to maintain the status quo…

But thanks to Alice overthinking it, I have another chance to get close to


I won't let them freely mess with those breasts.

I laid eyes on them first.

Once I desire something, I'll obtain it by any means. I absolutely won't give


Heh heh, a despicable method fitting for my evil aims!

If I save her from trouble twice, she won't be able to refuse my demands.



I definitely heard Leiche's scream.

In an instant, we dash towards the sound's origin.

"─Found you."

"Huh? Why are you here…!?"

I meet eyes with Luark's goldfish turds through the door.

Kicking down the frozen stiffs and door, I enter inside.

I have no use for the fainted lackeys. The only trash I need to deal with are

the ones in front of me.

"W-Why…Why are you here…!"

"Just what are you all doing?"

"Lord Velett…!"

What enters my vision is Leiche with her ample bosom exposed and a

bewildered looking Luark straddling her without his belt.

This is different than what I imagined…? The mood doesn't seem like that

at all.

Rather, it looks more like she was forcibly assaulted…Don't tell me Leiche

was bullied again?

If so, there is only one thing I should do.

"Don't worry Leiche. Now that I'm here, I won't let them lay a finger on


…It's settled!

Leiche's absent-minded expression undoubtedly shows it.

Her favorability towards me is skyrocketing!

"D-Don't get the wrong idea! We had mutual agreement!"

"You think that excuse will work? "

"O-Of course! She's the one who came onto me so I just went along!"

"N-No! He forced me…!"

"She says the same right? And I have evidence too."

Alice holds the magic camera I point to.

"Perfectly captured from the start."

"A magic camera! Shit…!"

He finally seems to properly realize he's been driven into a corner.

Luark shakily stands up.

"Why…why is this happening to me…It's all, all b-because…"

…This might be going too far.

"Alice. Don't lay a hand on him. ─I'll do it."

"Yes, as you command!"

I signal to Alice with hand signs to help Leiche.

If my guess is right─

"It's all your fault!!"

─He'll lose control and use magic.

Luark holds out his palms towards me.

"Oh spirit of fire, burn my enemy to ashes! [Twelve Fireballs]!"

The number of fireballs shot out is twelve.

Since the average controllable is eight, he must be quite skilled.

He can control it well despite not attending magic academy classes.


"I was mistaken about you, Luark Bourbon . Seems your only weakness is

your head."

"It's too late for apologies now! Curse your ignorance and die!"

"Lord Velett!!"

I don't have the magical aptitude to counter him with magic.

And there's too many to dodge, the old building would become an ocean of


So what should I do?

"Die! Hahaha!"

I just need to erase it from the origin of magic.

"Magic Burial Rites"

I speak the words to activate the technique I devised.

In that moment, the fireballs struck me directly.

"A clean hit! You were a fool to oppose me!"

"Well, is that all?"


Luark lets out a pathetic scream.

Can't be helped. That reaction makes sense seeing it for the first time.

Even Alice was shocked when she sparred against me.

"Why!? How are you unhurt!? I'm sure they all hit…"

"Oh they hit alright. But it has no effect on me. That's the plain truth."

"How…how can this be…! There's no such magic that can negate


"Now then…"


Luark lets out a miserable shriek at my lowered voice.

That overflowing confidence from earlier can't be sensed at all in his

composure now.

"Now that you know magic has no effect, you understand what happens to

you now right?"

"No way, no way! You must have some magic tool or trick…I know! Cut

the act already!"

"Go ahead and try if you think so."

I wave my hands carefreely, proving I hold nothing, then shove them in my


I slowly approach Luark completely defenseless.

"D-Don't screw with me…! You incompetent worthless deadbeat!"

The fireballs fly at me along with his curses.

But I remain unharmed. My knees shall never touch the ground.

With my Magic Burial Rites active, I take step by step toward Luark.

The creaking floor sounds like a countdown to death.

Luark's paled face says it all.

"What's wrong? Zero distance away right? Fire point blank and don't



"Go on, I'll stand still for you."

I grab his hands and press them against my chest.

"Show me your resolve to kill me."

"…Kh! Not yet! Hey! Is it really okay if this guy…huh!? She's gone!?

Where did she…oh!?"

Alice already retrieved Leiche.

My approaching was also to pin his gaze on me, allowing Alice to move


"As if I'd leave the hostage alone."


Strength leaves him as Luark crumples down miserably.

He has no moves left. You're finished.

"You're the one who made the life staking gamble first."

I take a step forward. Each time he takes one back.

"Surely you had the resolve to be hunted when you did right?"

He shakes his bloodless face left and right.

"As you are now, you're just a pathetic pitiful pig."

"Ah!? Eek!?"

Luark bumps against the wall and tries crawling away right but I block his

path with my foot.

"How's it feel to be looked down on after looking down on others?"

I pull back my fist largely.

What's flashing through his mind is what a miserable state he's in.

"I'll make the pain instant, you deadbeat."


A shrill scream echoes through the room.

Luark foams at the mouth and faints rolling his eyes back.

My fist hadn't actually hit him.

I struck the floor right before his nose.

In other words, he just hallucinated being punched from the air pressure and

passed out.

"…He wasn't even worth hitting."

I brush off the wood chips on my hand.

"Um, just now…the magic disappeared?"

"Magic Burial Rites. The technique I developed to invalidate magic under

limited conditions."

"It erases mag─"

I place my finger on her lips, not letting her finish.

This is still an undisclosed technique I'm keeping secret.

"Keep what you saw a secret, okay Leiche?"

"Ah…Yes! I'll take it to the grave!"

Leiche nods her beet red face over and over.

Magic Burial Rites. An occult art I devised to survive in this world without

magic aptitude.

In this world exist invisible beings called spirits.

By supplying spirits with magical power, they exert their strength and cause

supernatural phenomena─that is magic.

Magic aptitude indicates whether one has magical power suited to spirits

with attributes.

In other words, it's like spirits activate magic as thanks for giving them

their favorite foods.

And I don't have any magical aptitude.

For spirits, my special abilities that I've created is akin to poison.

So what happens when interference from a magically exceeding amount


Tormented spirits cancel the magic activation, making it as if the magic

never happened at all.

"With this it's fine now…"

I tie up Luark and his group tightly so they can't move using their uniforms.

After shoving the photos to the academy, they'll be expelled and become

eternal laughing stocks.

They'll never show their faces in public again.

I'll buy the fight they picked fully. I'll crush them even if I must use the

Velett family's power.

"I should report this to Father later too."

"Is your body okay?"


Leiche's shoulders jolt when I call out to her.

That reaction is understandable.

she called the one who saved her a "deadbeat".

It's only natural she'd feel guilty.

"Um, I…said terrible things to Lord Velett…"

─But too bad. I'm the nasty guy who'll take advantage of that guilt.

Leiche has no luck with men.

Being stuck choosing between Luark or me, geez.

But I'm not nice enough to hold back out of sympathy.

I'll pretend to be kind instead.

"Don't worry about it. More importantly, here. Cover yourself with this."

I drape my blazer over her body.

Carrot and stick. I'll slowly ingrain gratitude into her, making it so she can't

refuse my requests.

One day, I'll mold Mashiro Leiche into one who'll listen to everything I


Heh heh… My quick opportunistic thinking conjuring such a nasty method

is frightening.

"…I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…! I don't deserve…Lord Velett's kindness…"

"You don't need qualifications to get along with others."

"But I betrayed Lord Velett…If I had just believed, I could've avoided

hurting you…!"

Geez, this girl…is a pain!

I already said it's fine, so that settles this matter.

It must be the difference in thinking from our class disparity. Or Leiche just

has a strong sense of responsibility.

…No, it's both.

"I have to be punished…!"

"Then live by my side, for my sake."


"You said it back then right? That I was a 'deadbeat'."

I gently wipe her tears with the same handkerchief I lent her that day.

Light dwells in Leiche's eyes that had been dark and muddy.

"So your punishment is staying by this deadbeat's side forever. Don't ever

leave. It'll be tiring dealing with an incompetent. ──That is your penalty.

No objections allowed."

I decisively end the conversation and stand up.

"Follow me, Mashiro! Our path to supremacy begins now! Muhahaha!"

I'm surprised at my own smooth words but…not bad!?

Casually slipping in the ["You're mine"] declaration, if Leiche consents I

can obtain a pledge too.

Alice can be witness, and Leiche surely won't refuse.

Now then, how will Leiche react?

"Lord Veleett!!"


Suddenly pounced on, caught off guard I'm knocked over.

W-What!? Is this a sudden revolt!?

I won't take it back even if you cling and uh, push your chest against me!

But I want to enjoy this a bit longer, so stay like that for now!

"…Lord Ouga is so kind."

Huh? Where?

If anything I'm the scumbag who stole Mashiro's life.

I think Alice is really missing a screw.

She must have a different mindset from normal people.

And so I happily indulged in the pleasant sensation until Mashiro stopped

crying and pulled away.


Let's summarize the aftermath of the incident that occurred later.

Luark and his gang were all expelled from the academy.

A natural consequence, indeed.

It seems that the Bourbon family tried to intervene, but my father shut them


They will forever carry the disgraceful title of "[Pervert]" with them in their


They may even be despised as a blemish on the Bourbon family's


They brought it upon themselves, so there is no room for sympathy.

Alice's loyalty seems to have grown even stronger, and in the end,

everything turned out to be for the best.

But above all, the best reward was… oh, what they say is true.

There was a girl waiting at the entrance of the dorm, playing with her hair.

"Good morning… oh, no, good morning. O… Ouga-kun!"

Upon noticing me, Mashiro rushed over.

My… life with an adorable childhood friend is like a dream.

So, no more using honorifics. No more "lord" or "-sama" either.

It's still a bit awkward, but we'll get used to it gradually.

Starting with small favors and gradually accepting bigger requests.

Kukuku, she's smiling so carefree, unaware that she's being tamed.

I wonder how long this peaceful time will last…?

"Good morning. Did I keep you waiting?"

"U-um, no. I just got here too…"

This exchange is so nice!

Yes, yes! It's truly wonderful!

It makes me want to smile at how this development never happened in my

past life.

These moments when hard work pays off feel so good.

"U-um, Ouga-kun, I thought I should return this to you."

Saying that, she took out a familiar handkerchief from her bag.

Come to think of it… I lent it to her that day when her face was all messed

up from crying…

As I tried to accept it back, I pulled my hand back.


"It's better if you keep it, Mashiro."

"Huh, but this is a precious handkerchief with the Vellett family crest

embroidered on it…"

"It's okay. I want you to keep it, Mashiro."

Every time she sees this handkerchief, Mashiro will be reminded of that


Her guilt towards me will be ingrained in her daily life.

What a wicked thing to do…!


Mashiro pressed the handkerchief tightly against her chest.

"Thank you."

Her cheerful voice sounded genuinely happy.

"I'll treasure it forever!"