
The Misunderstood Saintly Life of a Villainous Scion

Sir_Smurf3 · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Kingdom of Ramdarb

A cloudless blue sky. Under the pleasant sunny weather with sunlight

pouring down, we were on a magic ship.

Powered by the magical power of magic stones and activating windattribute magic to move, this ship is currently transporting us to a certain


Two days have already passed since boarding, and now it's the third day's

morning. According to schedule, we should be arriving soon.

"Wow~, the sea's so pretty, Ouga!"

"Mashiro's as energetic as ever. No motion sickness?"

"Nope! Magic ships are amazing! More stable than carriages thanks to

magic power. And we can get lots of fresh air, so no issues it seems!"

"I see. That's good then."

"Won't dirty my clothes anymore so don't worry. Ah~, I'm glad I got

picked as representative~!"

This ship is headed to the island of Ramdarb – where the Magic Academy

Competition is held.

Those aboard are only the selected representative students, their attendants,

and supervising teachers. Looking at the size and amenities, it's quite a

luxurious trip.

"Lady Levezenka seemed really lonely. Since she's the only one from

student council taking a different route."

"I heard she's arriving earlier, so we can regroup immediately at the port.

Let's all go sightseeing and have fun after."

Despite being the competition venue for magic academies gathering from

all over, the schedule is surprisingly tight.

We're free to move only on the first arrival day. After that, matches are

definitely scheduled.

Even on that first free day, there's a lottery meeting, and we have to go to

the lottery venue by night.

If you lose midway, you'll have free time, but we're aiming to win so that

won't happen.

"I agree! Let's all go out for a nice dinner! "

"Lieche-san, I'm sorry. I wanted to decline…"

"Eh!? Was there some Student Council business!?"

"Hehe, no. Actually, the Ramdarb Kingdom is my hometown. So, I wanted

to go and greet my family."

"I see. I didn't know."

Reina's sudden presence became known to various parties after Flone

introduced her as her disciple.

The Ramdarb Kingdom is an island nation that encompasses Ramdarb


It has thrived as a tourist destination since becoming the host of the

Academy Magic Competition.

"I haven't mentioned it much, but… I really wanted to show you around…"

"Don't worry about it at all! That's more important! After all, it's been a

while since your family have seen each other…"

"Thank you. I'll be back in the evening, so maybe we can have tea then?"

"Sounds good. I'll prepare some Ramdarb specialty tea leaves for you."

"Yes, if my tea pleases you."

"Then, we should prepare lots of snacks too!"

"Isn't that what you're looking forward to, Mashiro?"

"N-no! I also love the Student Council President's tea!"

"Hahaha, my bad. I'll buy you plenty as an apology."

"Yay! I love you, Ouga-kun~!"

"Oh dear, Ouga-kun is quite loved, it seems."

We chatted like this, waiting leisurely for the ship to arrive.


"We've arrived~!! Ramdarb Kingdom~!!"

As soon as we jumped off the magic ship, Mashiro raised both her hands

and shouted.

Being an island nation, the port was bustling with activity, with ships

coming and going all over the place.

There are probably ships with students from other academies among them.


When I turned towards the voice, I saw Karen wearing a straw hat.

She was wearing a cute white dress with frills, and she waved and ran

towards us.

"I'm glad! You arrived safely!"

She hugged my arm and pressed her ample chest against me.

The sight of her pressing her breasts against my arm… Heh, Karen, you're

too perfect as a fiancée.


Oh, Mashiro's cheek puffed up a little.

But maybe she felt guilty about monopolizing me during the boat trip, as

Mashiro didn't say anything.



The Kingdom of Ramdarb is a small country surrounded by sea, with rich

greenery and nature in harmony.

It thrives as a sightseeing destination, and even royalty of other countries

come to play when wanting to escape the hustle and bustle, making it just

right for refreshing.

Incidentally, about 10 years ago the Magic Academy Competition venue

was changed to Ramdarb Island apparently thanks to Flone's suggestion.

The reason being Ramdarb Kingdom could construct exclusive competition

facilities and buildings for the Magic Academy Competition, allowing

students' skill to develop more – so it's said.

She's supposedly a hero who once saved Ramdarb Kingdom from attacking

demons, and has deep ties with the royal family.

"It seems so! "

"—Supposedly! That's all stuff Mashiro taught me after reading the tourist


She's checked everything – the shops with delicious food and places selling


Quite thorough. She must have been really looking forward to this.

And seeing Mashiro agonizing over what to buy with her limited money,

I'm weak and want to just buy it all for her.

We're currently taking a break, drinking cold beverages at a shop we

happened across.

"Sorry, Ouga kun, for making you buy so much…"

Whether that refers to the cakes covering the table, or the large pile of

shopping bags on the floor.

Well, it's fine as long as Mashiro is happy.

I know she didn't approach me for money. And this much requesting is no

skin off my back. At most it just feels like a father with his child begging

for sweets.

"Don't worry about it. I'm happy you're happy. Karen can feel free to ask


"Yeah. But I'm fine. Too many sweets and I'll…you know, right? Since

other nobles will be in the spectator stands too, it's formal dress code."

Karen's gaze goes down toward her stomach.

…I see. I get what she means.

Since she crossdressed until now, she probably wasn't too concerned with

others' gazes.

However, formal dress means some exposure is inevitable.

She's still a teenage girl. I decided to continue the conversation without

touching on it.

"Speaking of which, it's been a while since I saw Karen in a dress. I'm

really looking forward to it."

"Y, yeah! I think Ouga will like it too. I made it really pretty…"

"Aren't you pretty too, Karen?"


Saying that, Karen turns as red as her hair and falls silent.

"Ouga kun sometimes goes into prince mode, huh~"

"I'm just candidly voicing my thoughts."

"Then what about me now?"

"Cramming cake in your cheeks, puffing them out, you're cute like a little


"Ehehe~, thanks. Ouga kun is cool too."

"Oh? What parts?"


Pretending to think for a bit, Mashiro says that.

I see, everything huh. So I've finally become a wholly charming person.

"Me too! Kind, strong, cool…love! Ah, you think so too right, Alice!?"

"Yes, exactly as Miss Leiche and Miss Levezenka say. To me, Lord Ouga is

a light illuminating the world."

…Getting praised that much, I somehow feel…what's the word…itchy?

The unembellished honesty makes me inadvertently blush, unable to spin

words to gloss it over.


"Ah, Ouga is embarrassed~"

"Really. Rare to see him make that face."

"I captured it in a photo."

Why!? Your actions, Alice!

Mashiro and Karen are giggling happily looking at the photo Alice took.

That picture will surely make its way to them.

It's embarrassing so I want them to stop, but…accepting this must also be a

man's tolerance.

I wet my throat with iced tea to calm my flushed mind.

Lately, maybe due to Reina's influence, I've become quite the tea fan.

I feel I can discern the taste differences considerably now. And that's

exactly why the only impression I had for what Reina brewed was it's more


Local Ramdarb tea has unique and harsh smell.

"Oh yeah, there's one thing I wanted to ask Ouga kun."

"Hm? What is it?"

"Do you like the student council president?"


Ah, dangerous. I had iced tea in my mouth and was about to spit it out.

Why does she reach that conclusion?

I think back on my past actions. I haven't done anything weird.

I just had tea time alone with Reina, joined student council because she's

there, worked hard at my duties to increase time with her, went to invite her

for lunch at the student council room nearly every day.

Just that…


…Huh? Doesn't that seem exactly like an elementary school boy appealing

to a girl he's interested in…?

Looking at Mashiro whose sudden statement stabbed me, her eyes aren't


Ms. Mashiro? Where'd your pretty smile go?

This is clearly causing major misunderstanding. I need to calmly resolve it,

or it'll badly affect her favorability.

"…Let me ask instead. Why do you think that?"

"Because lately you've been all about the student council president… And

you told me about that thing too, right?"

"That's because I judged she's someone I can trust. Also…Reina's

atmosphere seemed precarious. As if she might disappear like this if left


"Ah, I think I get what you mean."

Karen chimes in on my side. She looks like a goddess, a halo shining

behind her.

"Since I interacted with her before anyone else, I understand what Ouga

means. Student council president softened just a little after getting involved

with Ouga. But lately she seems to be reverting to how she used to be…"

Karen has lived caring a lot about others' evaluations. Just like me in my

past life.

So she must have vaguely sensed Reina's changes too.

Hearing my words made her certain.

Reina is wavering in the gap now. Flickering between resigning from

Headmistress Milfonti and the deeply planted mission given by that guy.

"…So you were worried about that, Ouga kun?"

"Yeah. Mashiro's guess was off."

"I see. It's the usual Ouga after all. Ahaha, got worried over nothing. Sorry

for the weird question."

The light returns to Mashiro's eyes.

Th, thank goodness…! Welcome back, highlight! Don't you run away


"Best of all that the misunderstanding is cleared up. Now then, time we left

the shop. It's about time we headed back too."


The two give good replies, seemingly convinced.

Thank goodness…

"Hey…Miss Karen. Isn't this really gross?"

"I've…been prepared since becoming his fiancée."

"Well, that's…Ouga kun for you, huh."

"Yeah, because it's Ouga."

"Uh huh."

"Tell me what those two are talking about, Alice."

"I apologize. It's surely nothing bad for Lord Ouga."

Geez. Alice occasionally takes the girls' side.

More than the bill amount, those two whispering together behind me

bothered me when paying.


"Whoa…! We can really eat as much as we want of all this…!?"

"Rishburg is all nobles, so the food standards are set high."

"I see! Ehehe, glad I got into magic academy!"

"…You just ate all that cake earlier. It'll be days yet, so don't overeat."

"Sweets are a separate stomach! I'll eat lots~!"

"You'll get sleepy if too full."

"Hehe~, don't worry! I'm bursting with energy today!"

A few dozen minutes later.

"Mm…I can't eat anything else~…"

"As expected."

After finishing sightseeing and parting with Karen, Mashiro whose eyes

shone at the dinner buffet proceeded to gorge herself.

Seeing Karen freely eat, Mashiro probably envies her to some degree.

I heard she has a constitution where her stomach doesn't get fat. I guess all

the nutrition gets absorbed into her ample chest.

Thank you, God. For granting Mashiro the breast nutrition circuit. I gave

thanks to God.

With her stomach bulging full, she had been playing card games with me

while waiting for the lottery meeting time, but…midway began nodding off

and was lured into the world of sleep.

I carried her to the bed in my room where she's now sleeping soundly,

seemingly having pleasant dreams.

"Heh…such a lovable sleeping face."

I return the hair fallen over her face back in place and gently stroke her


Her silky touch shows she takes good care of it.

"Alice. I need to go to the lottery meeting. Can you stay with Mashiro since

she's alone? It should be fine."

"Understood. Please take care on your way."

"I'm counting on you while I'm out."

Seen off by Alice bowing her head, I leave the room.

Looking from above, the lodging facilities of each magic academy are

arranged in a snowflake layout, with the lottery venue at the center. It

connects directly from the 1st floor entrance, so there's no worry about

being attacked or getting lost.

Since just one representative from each team attending is fine for the lottery

meeting, it's no issue for Mashiro to sleep in the room.

I could have enjoyed watching her sleeping face too, but I wanted to

directly feel the ability of students from other schools.

The participating player list had been distributed to each academy, and

naturally we have data, but that's only from last year. There may be rapid

growth ones.

Like with the duel against Arnia, my policy is to not use [Magical Burial].

But I wonder how far I can manage without struggling.

"Oh, Vellet. You came after all."

Arriving at the entrance, I happened to meet eyes with Reina about to go


"Yeah. I wanted to see what kind of guys are here."

"I'm glad you're enthusiastic."

If so, I wish she'd show a happier expression…but I probably shouldn't say


"Did you enjoy your family time?"

"Yes…thanks to you. Speaking of which, I don't see Miss Leiche or your

maid around…"

"Mashiro is sleeping with a full stomach. Alice is watching over her."

"Hehe, that's so like you, Lieche-san."

"That's cute too, but… standing around isn't great. Let's take our seats."

Yes. It looks like it's about to start.

The lottery venue was even more spacious than I imagined. On par with

Rishburg's grand auditorium.

The tournament brackets for each category were posted on the platform at

the back, and it seems the lottery is already over for categories besides

magic battle.

Looking around, students from other academies seemed to have arrived

already, and the only open seats were ours.

Whether because our members aren't all here or…somehow, we're

gathering a lot of gazes. As expected of Reina Milfonti.

Some even blatantly shot over feelings resembling jealousy.

In addition to her skill, Reina has charm that attracts people with her looks


It can't be helped they'd feel that way seeing the rumored [drop-out] sitting

beside someone like her.

"…Please don't mind it too much."

"I'm used to it. Rather, it's a medal."

Being jealous means I got the evaluation of suiting Reina by being next to


"It seems it'll start soon."

A man in a suit carrying a magical audio device went up on stage.

He gives a slight bow then starts his greeting.

"Everyone, thank you for gathering today. We're from the Magic Academy

Competition's executive committee. Now then, I'd like to begin the magic

battle category lottery meeting. As I'm sure you already know, I'll explain

the lottery method again—"

To summarize the content he spoke concisely:

Participating teams are nine teams, one per academy. One team is seeded by


Based on results from last year, they draw lots – magical notes set up on

stage that characters float up from when imbued with magical power – in

order of the best performing academies.

Two matches a day. Settling all placements means a total six day battle, and

magic battles are the final event each competition day.

Magic battles are made the last event simply because it's a popular


The chance to see first-hand magicians clash with top-class magic and

magic is rare.

Therefore it's the main event, and star representative players also have fans,

whose cheers supposedly get tremendously fired up.

"Who will go to tournament match drawings?"

"I don't have the best luck."

"Then shall I go?"

While we talk, the name Misona Magic Academy – last year's winning

school – is called, and their representative goes on stage.

"I'm Shuelba Anthem, representative of Misona Magic Academy. Pleased

to make your acquaintance."

…Hm? Did that guy glance this way just now…? My imagination?

…No, that man's gaze…I just received the same sort exactly last month.

Shuelba, who gave his name, takes the rightmost note without hesitation,

and the characters "1‐A" float up.

This settles Misona Magic Academy being the first match.

"Rishburg Magic Academy representative, please come on stage."

"Then I'll go up."

Reina stands and goes before the notes with graceful conduct.

She also shows no hesitation, taking the center note.

Written on it was—

"Le, Rishburg Magic Academy…1‐B."

Stirrings arise in the venue.

It can't be helped. The winning and runner-up schools from last year are

clashing in the first round.

Unable to conceal their excitement at the sudden big match, the executive

side and students from other schools watch developments that have strong

opponents crushing each other with sparkling eyes.

"It seems I also had bad luck."

Returning to her seat, Reina says.

"We'd have to defeat them sooner or later to win anyway. It's just a matter

of whether it's early or late."

"It's reassuring to have a stalwart comrade."

"That should be my line."

Despite her words, Reina shows no sign of tension whatsoever. She has

absolutely no interest in things like order.

Wherever we're placed, all that matters is continuing to win. That's the kind

of simpleminded thinking she has.

With an uproar from the turbulent opening that wouldn't settle down, the

lottery proceeded and all the academies were determined.

This information would be relayed within Ramdarb Kingdom via the

executive committee, and the venue will likely see great excitement

tomorrow morning.

"Well then, shall we head back too?"

"Yes. Right away we should…discuss strategy for tomorrow…"

Reina's words stop because three males and females are blocking our path.

One of them is Shuelba, who was looking this way earlier.

"Yo, Milfonti. Thanks for the cocky act."

Despite his intellectual appearance, quite the belligerent greeting.

A brawl right away…could every academy have guys like Arnia…?

If so, that would be dreadful. It'd wreck my external harem plan.

"Cocky act…what do you mean? At the very least, I formed a team aiming

to win, didn't I?"

"Hey now! Do you think that reasoning will work when you added a firstyear who just enrolled? There can't be many more irregulars like him!"

"Even if you say that…hmm. I believe he's far stronger than you all. Right,


…So you'll pass it to me huh.

Reina grabs my shoulder and pushes me out front like a shield.

Shuelba looks me over then heaves a belittling sigh.

"…Reina Milfonti has fallen too. After all, you're a failure unworthy of

Professor Flone."

"—Oi. Take back what you just said."

I also shoot back strong words at his attitude of looking down on Reina

however much.

I'm fine being treated like a fool.

But in front of this crowd, I'd be so ashamed I couldn't return home if I

stayed silent while a precious comrade is reviled.

That would truly become a "disgrace to the Vellet Duke house".

If you're going to do it, be prepared to receive it back.

"Hah? Why? She lost to us in the first place. That's fact."

"If you say that, it was a hard fought victory pushed to the brink by just one

person, right? It's amazing you can still act big."

"You mean it's the teammates' fault? Even more so then! It's even worse

this year! First-years as representatives are extremely rare in the long

history. The exception being her, but…even she couldn't win. Despite the

blessed position of being the renowned [Flone the Lightning Strike ]'s


The familiar sneering smile looking down on people, and gaze looking

down on them.

Nothing is uglier than people who look down on others, and it's


"Couldn't win despite receiving the hero's tutelage! Can't properly select

teammates either! What more can you say!?"

"Heh, spout too many strong words and it'll rebound back at you guys. In

just a few days, you'll be looking up at us who you ridiculed from below

the stage."

"Hah? Were you listening to me? So like I said, a first-ye–"

"Don't care. There's never been an Ouga Vellet before. So that data is


"Ahaha! You're right, data is irrelevant to you… Since you're that [dropout]!"

Shuelba, who realized my identity, lets out an especially loud laugh.

Not just him. The ridiculing laughter spreads to the other two behind him.

"Now I'm certain. Reina Milfonti has prepared sacrificial pawns again this

year, intending to survive alone. Because she realized she can't defeat us,

she chose members like this."

"Is that so? In that case, your eyes are blind holes."

"Don't get cocky, [drop-out]. What kind of mouth are you running against


"I thought this much was enough against someone beneath me who can't

grasp the difference in ability… Was I wrong?"

The moment I say that, an arm reaches for my neck and grabs my collar.

I see an enraged expression past the lenses.


"I'll make sure you never show that face outside again."

"If you don't notice I intentionally avoided it, you'll never manage it in

your whole life."

"…Tch. At least your mouth is at Duke house level."

After glaring at each other for a few seconds, Shuelba leaves a parting shot

then leaves.

That man is quite fixated on Reina.

"Sorry, Ouga. For it to become so awful…"

"Don't mind it. More importantly, what's your relation? It didn't seem like

just students from different schools to me."

"Last year, he was rejected when he tried to become teacher's disciple. I

believe he directs that irritation at me who continues as her disciple despite


"I see. Then I'm relieved."


"Yeah. If I defeat someone who looks down thinking I'm beneath him, his

upturned nose will break too, right?"

"Ouga is quite hot-blooded."

"Isn't it natural to get angry when someone belittles your precious person?"

"Yes, just like Miss Leiche…"

"No, Mashiro and you too, Reina. You as well."

Hearing my words, Reina gives a little start.

Why's she so surprised? I think we've been together for quite a while now,

but my appeal still wasn't enough?

…But that's fine. I like her even more now.

She doesn't simply go along with it. That's also proof her sense of duty runs


Meaning she likely won't betray so readily once working under me.

"…Does Ouga say that sort of thing to anyone?"

"No way. Only to those special to me."

"…I think I can understand Miss Leiche and the others' feelings a little


"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing. May I intrude on your room tomorrow morning? I want to

confirm strategy, but…"

"I'd feel bad waking Mashiro too, so understood. Then after breakfast,

please just come to my room…is how I'll request it."

"Understood. Well then."

Having finalized tomorrow's plans, Reina heads toward her room. …But on

the way, she glances back here.

"…Good night."

Waving her hand unfamiliarly small, she says it in a tiny voice I'd miss if I

let my guard down.

"Yeah, good night. See you tomorrow."

"…Yes, see you tomorrow."

This time Reina truly turns her back and starts walking.

But her footsteps somehow seemed quicker than usual.

…Was she sleepy?

What a dutiful fellow to force out a greeting despite drowsiness.

Well then, I'm tired too after walking around all day.

There's probably fatigue I don't even notice from the unfamiliar

environment. I'll go to bed early to greet tomorrow in peak condition.

—Opening the door, Mashiro was dogezaing on the bed.


"I'm very sorry!!"

With the sun having revolved in a circle, the next day. The beautiful dogeza

from Mashiro last night was directed at Reina.

She also ate less than usual at breakfast, looking quite repentant.

"Fufu, it's fine, Miss Leiche. There's no rule all three of us need to come

after all."

"Uuu, Miss Reina is so kind~! Thank you so much~!"

"There, there."

Reina strokes the clinging Mashiro's head.

Just like a mother soothing a baby. Though part of the mothering is the


"…Ouga? You aren't thinking anything rude, are you?"

"It must be your imagination."

Why are girls' boob senses so sharp!? It's getting a little scary.

"I think it was the right call Mashiro didn't come last night. We met some

weird guys."

"Weird guys? Like with me?"

"Yeah. And our opponent today is a guy like Bourbon."

"Ehhh!? That's bad!"

"It'll be fine. Miss Leiche and Ouga are here this time. I have absolutely no


"Ehehe~, is that so~?"

Mashiro has completely been soothed by Reina.

That said, what she stated is fact.

"Then let's refine our strategy to reduce the chance of losing to zero now.


"Yes, I have prepared things here."

What she handed over were data with Shuelba and company's magical

compositions and strategic tendencies from last year recorded.

I also pass them to Reina and Mashiro and open my mouth after skimming

through them once.

"Let me review the victory conditions again. Team-wide fainting, surrender,

or the referees all three judging further battle is impossible means defeat.

That right?"

The two nod at my question.

"Good. Then let's get to the main issue. Reina. Does this data have any

inconsistencies with your memory?"

"No, it's as written. They're an offensive team that pushes through with a

lightning-attribute sneak magic attack and Shuelba's destructive flameattribute magic firepower. The members are unchanged too, so I believe it's

the same."

There are no others with multiple magical aptitudes like Mashiro among

Misona Magic Academy's members.

So their strategy likely can't be greatly altered either.

"Without a doubt, they'll first seize the advantage with [Lightning Flash]."

Thunderbolt is a lightning attribute magic spell specialized in speed.

Getting hit with it full on will send electricity coursing through your whole

body, paralyzing you and creating an opening.

I've heard strong mages can knock a person unconscious with their


"In the early game, they rely on a high number of lightning attribute spells

to attack and overwhelm their opponent. Then when the opponent is

struggling to respond, they finish them off with Shuelba's powerful magic!

That's their go-to winning pattern,"

"Yeah yeah, question. Isn't it dangerous to use magic like that?"

"There are safety features so the power is suppressed. So feel free to use

your magic freely, Liiche-san."

"Yes, leave it to me!"

In magic battles, competitors are required to wear magic tools that suppress

the power of spells.

It's a measure to prevent any deaths, making it a competitive game within

safe boundaries despite the combat format.

In that sense, Mashiro won't be afraid of the enemy's magic either.

She has some experience from her fight with Aliban.

"Then how did you lose last year? It seems like you should have been able

to come up with countermeasures since you knew their strategy."

From what I saw in the footage, the other two members got taken out, and

the momentum carried over, letting the enemy dictate the pace.

But Shuelba's team had been winning with the same tactics. Someone like

Reina wouldn't have made no preparations.

Because she should be familiar with Misosona Magic Academy, and by

extension, the same lightning magic user as the Flone the Thunder.

"Embarrassingly…we simply lost in terms of speed."

"That wasn't Reina's loss. Her teammates couldn't defend against the

enemy's Thunderbolts. That's all there was to it."

"Even so, if my Thunderbolt was faster than theirs, I could have blocked it.

They must have focused their training on specializing in speed."

So that's what's causing Reina to feel so responsible.

She's been regretting this whole time that if only she hadn't lost the speed


"This past year, I worked on improving my Thunderbolt as well. But the

enemy must have done the same. To be honest, I can't say for certain that

we'll absolutely win."

If I'm to believe in her, the right choice would be to "leave it to her."

But that's just lip service, giving up on thinking things through. It's a


If Reina loses again, it will wound her even deeper. Potentially even trauma

involving her future.

In that case, someone else should shoulder the burden for her.

Luckily, there's me, an abnormality here this time.

The enemy's two biggest miscalculations.

One, we have Alice, a professional anti-magic user here.

And two, me, who's been coached by Alice.

"Then let's give up the first move and go with a counterattack strategy."

"…Is that alright?"

"Yeah, with me here I can guide the two of you to victory unharmed. …Will

you leave this important task to me?"

"I agree with Ouga kun. If he says so, there's no way we'll lose."

"'My words bear no second guesses.'"

"That's right."

"Hmph, you know me so well already huh."

I pat Mashiro on the head and meet eyes with Reina.


"Reina. Will you let me shoulder your feelings too?"

"Understood. I will also believe in Ouga-kun."

"Good, now that it's decided, next is coordinating our counterattacks."

"Just in case they use a different strategy, we should consider a few patterns


"Well, we don't need to think about what to do if Ouga-kun fails right?"

"…You've come to understand me well too, Reina."

"Yes. Ouga-kun has taught me all sorts of things hands-on after all."

"Reina, don't phrase it like that."

"Ouga-kun, could it be…ecchi?"

"Mashiro, don't get the wrong idea either."

"…I don't particularly mind though."

Huh, you don't? …No no, mustn't bite.

That would reveal my virginity.

I shake my head to dismiss the temptation.

"Alright! We'll solidify the plan before the match!"




After the obligatory long speeches from each academy's principal, the interacademy magic competition finally begins.

While the magic theory and practical magic divisions are underway, we

make our final preparations behind the scenes.

Surprisingly, some students who finished their matches even came to cheer

us on.

Along with how there were barely any complaints about our representative

selection, they must be feeling guilty.

Because even Mashiro got called out to, it seems human nature is to act out

of guilt indeed.

But thanks to them, Mashiro's motivation increased too.

And so, the battle that decides our future finally raises its curtain.

[Which academy will gain the title of strongest!? The elite chosen as

representatives from each academy collide in the practical magic battle

division! It's finally starting now!!]


[Is this fate's mischief!? It's become a fiery first round card right off the

bat!! A clash between the two favorites!]

Loud cheers erupt from the audience at the announcer's sensational lines.

Sorry to disappoint those looking forward to an intense battle, but what's

about to unfold will be a one-sided trampling.

I do feel a little bad for them who were excitedly anticipating this dream


"Last year's championship team has powered up and returned! Show us the

strength that caused last year's major upset! Representing Misosona Magic

Academy, Shuelba-Anthem! Boden-Holly! Marka-Mighty!"

As their names were called, Shuelba and the others appeared from the

opposite side of the venue.

Seeing their relaxed expressions as they waved to the cheering audience, I

was convinced.

─ Our victory is an undeniable outcome.

"Facing them, from Rishberg Magic Academy, Reina-Milfonti has

chosen… what, what, what, a pair of freshmen! What kind of power will

they show us?! Representing, Reina-Milfonti! Ouga-Vellet! MashiroLieche~!!"

"Well, let's go, both of you."

"Yeah! We're definitely going to win!"

"Hehe, you're both full of determination."

With me in the lead, we stepped onto the stage that would become the


For me and Mashiro, this would be our glorious first appearance on such a


I'm sure those who witness this match will be happy.

But they'll be able to witness firsthand the first steps of people about to

carve their names into history.


That voice is unmistakably Karen's. Looking in that direction, she's in the

front row waving her hand wearing a red dress.

She's leaning over the railing so her breasts are smushed dangerously

against the bars.

Since Karen rarely has chances to wear dresses, the gaping valley of her

chest has destructive power far exceeding necessary limits to torment me.

…Thank you, Karen. Now I can do my best.

I thrust my fist at Karen to convey that meaning, and she smiled back


And there was another thing that caught my attention.

An amusing group over there.

Young ladies waving around flags with my name and a caricature of my

face drawn on them. And next to them, instructing them is Alice.

"Crush them! Overwhelm! Ouga-sama, light of the world!"

"Your voices are too soft! Roar Ouga-sama's name louder for the whole

world to hear!"

"Crush them!! Overwhelm them!! Ouga-sama, light of the world!!"

Arghhhhhh!! She's doing it again, Alicccccce!!

I want her to stop since it's so embarrassing! See, we're gathering so much


And this time there's more than just her…she even got other people


The girls going along with Alice, I think one of them was…Sattia? The one

who challenged me to a duel, why is she in a place like this?

If she hated it she wouldn't be cheering so enthusiastically…

Probably feels guilty about going along with Alice's antics…Well, I'll wave

back just in case.

"Ahhh!? Vellet-sama waved back at me…!? Is, is this a dream…?"

"Sattia-sama!? Get a grip!! The match is about to start!!"

For some reason Sattia collapsed and had to be supported by another girl.

What an interesting girl…I'm taking a liking to her. I'll ask Alice about it


Anyway, pushing that aside for now, I focus my mind on the match.

"Those confident faces huh, Vellet."

Shuelba sneers with a villainous grin.

I might be a little envious of how naturally he can make that expression.

"Of course. There's not even a one in ten thousand chance we'll lose this

match. It's only natural to have this kind of face."

"I like it. I love guys like you. Though I think the biggest fool is the one

who chose you as the representative over there."

Shuelba changes his target from me to Reina.

"Say, Milfonti-san the [God's beloved]. If I win against you, tell Professor

Flone-Milfonti for me. To take me on as a disciple. Having an excellent

disciple would be better right?"

"Why yes, I don't mind at all. The professor loves talented individuals too.

If you can defeat me twice, I'm sure you'll catch her eye."

"…Tch. As hard to deal with as ever."

Shuelba clicks his tongue at Reina who smiles back completely unfazed.

She handles this well as expected.

"Somehow the atmosphere feels really hostile huh, Ouga-kun. Is the

tournament always this antagonistic?"

"No, probably just this time. Mashiro shouldn't worry about it too much."

"Got it! I'll give it my all~ "

Adorable. Her smile is enough to purify even the murderous atmosphere.

[Then contestants, please take your positions!]

Following the announcement, we line up at the designated spots.

I stand at the front, with Mashiro and Reina hiding behind me, forming a


Our opponents line up horizontally across from us.

[Which side will the goddess of victory smile upon!? The inter-academy

magic competition first round match one, begin!]


The enemy's lightning spell Thunderbolt fired the instant the match started.

It's a spell focused on speed, paralyzing you with numbness if hit directly.

An effective magic against other mages in magic battles.

A borderline surprise attack. But that much polished skill.

I see, so they have more than just talk.

However, it still won't reach us.


"They evaded it!?"

I had been watching the flow of mana from the beginning and caught the

activation timing.

If you can grasp the triggering timing and trajectory, avoiding it is no big


Same as with guns. If you can grasp when the muzzle points your way and

when the trigger is pulled, you can dodge it.

We had planned beforehand that I would read their opening move, evading

the magic with Mashiro and Reina following my lead, invalidating their


Likewise, the two dodged the Thunderbolt.

Now it's our turn to go on the offense.

"Go get them, Reina!"


"So fast!?"

The flash of lightning Reina unleashed is just as fast as the enemy's

Thunderbolt, scoring direct hits on all three.

Her efforts didn't betray her, reaching their targets as well.

"Blast Blow!"




Seizing that opening without hesitation, Mashiro activates her wind magic,

blowing them into the sky from below.

Splendidly splitting them apart, making coordination difficult for them now.

Brought to this point, we've seized the pace.

They're no match one-on-one.

"It's pattern one! I'm taking the leader, Reina!"

"By all means. Then Liiche-san, proceed as planned."

"I'll try not to disturb your posture! Blast Blossom!"

Blown from behind by Mashiro's wind magic, Reina flies straight ahead

just like before. But this time in a straight line. With the wind's assistance,

she closes in on one of the scattered students at astonishing speed.

She plans to strike them all before they can regain their footing.

With last year proving Reina's overwhelming advantage in magic over them

besides their quick-draw Thunderbolt.

The strong make the choices to demonstrate that strength.

"Hey! Reina Milfonti! I'm over here!"

"Too bad, Shuelba. Your opponent is me."

"Tch! Screw you! Fire Bullet!"

"Choosing offense over defense. A good choice."

The Blast Blossom assist is certainly powerful, but mid-flight after being

blown away, it's impossible to evade enemy attacks. At best you can

counter their magic.

In other words, since I can't use magic, I can't receive Blast Blossom's


So it takes some time for me to reach Shuelba.

He fired the flame magic to obstruct my path, buying time.

"Not bad. Using your head a little."


To impede my approach, he didn't fire the bullets concentrated in one spot,

but spread them out.

With me deciding not to use Magic Burial, I have no choice but to evade

them, naturally creating losses trying to reach him.

Shuelba had also switched to defending, re-establishing his posture before I

could close in.

"Too bad! With no magic, your freedom is limited until you can land the

finishing blow! That plan failed too!"

"No, this is still going exactly as calculated."


"Crushing your perfect state with sheer power head-on. That will make

things clearer no?"

"You…don't mess with me! Firebomb!"

Shuelba points the eight firebombs created between his fingers at me and

hurls them my way.

"Just blow away!"

"Can't let you have your way."

I take out a bundle of iron coins from my waist pouch and fling them ahead.

Colliding with the advancing coins, the fiery bombs explode.

They do explode, but all miss me.

Smoke obscures our view between us, but…it's my turn now.


"There you are."

I scatter the remaining coins around and they make sounds hitting Shuelba,

telling me his location.

Lowering my stance as I approach, Shuelba is there with his face twisted in

frustration and irritation from the smoke.

"Bastard, where are you!? Come out!"

"Behind you."

"Shi-! Flame Sh– !"

"Too slow for magic at this range."


My fist plunges into his stomach with a satisfying sensation.

The launched fist carries Shuelba into the air.

He falls to the ground with a heavy thud.

Getting close reveals his eyes rolled back, knocked out unconscious.

"Fists are still the best after all."

I mutter while looking at my fist.

The hard work and time invested into these muscles won't betray me.

"Now then, how's it going over there…Haha. Looks like it'll be over soon,

this one."

Glancing at Mashiro, the battle situation was obvious at a glance.

"No fair having dual-magic casting!"

"That's just how I was born though."

The female student rolling on the ground had her hands and feet chained by

ice shackles.

She must have been wary of wind magic and got hit by ice magic instead.

Even understanding that, properly responding to two attribute magics is


"Okay. Stay quiet now."

"Mmph!? Mm…! Mmm…!"

Mashiro stuffed a handkerchief in her opponent's mouth to prevent them

from using magic.

With that state, it was pretty much game over.

Now then, Reina is…

"Shit…! Lightning Sword Dance!"

"Lightning Pillar Descend"

The six blades of lightning dancing in the air come raining down to cut

Reina apart, but pillars of lightning rising from the ground block them.

The difference in pure magical power was clear. Sharing the lightning

attribute, Reina's magic seemed to be absorbing the opponent's magic.

Just like a predator beast devouring its prey.

"Sorry about that. It seems Ouga-kun and the others are done too, so I'll

finish this up."

"N-no way…"

Her words, as if she had only been entertaining a child's play until now,

dyed the opponent's expression in despair.

"—Lightning Whip—"

A whip appearing in her hand, cracking with electricity.

She swung it with practiced motions, cutting through the wind with a loud

snap as it struck the ground.

"Don't worry. Even if it hits, it'll just sting a little."


"Let's have some fun!"


Smiling as she swung the whip, she looked for all the world like a queen of

the night…is all I'll say.


The three students rolling on the floor.

Shuelba with his glasses cracked from the impact. Marca writhing like a

caterpillar. For some reason, Borden presenting his butt with an enraptured


Confirming that, the referee raised the flag bearing Rishburgh's crest.

[W-what an outcome! A perfect victory…! Overwhelming power!

Rishburgh Magic Academy who drank bitter medicine last year has brought

new war potential, mercilessly crushing Misosona Magic Academy!]

The announcer declares the conclusion.

After a brief pause, voices carrying all sorts of emotions from the audience

echoed through the hall.

Voices praising us. Voices shocked at the unexpected outcome. Voices

frustrated that the team they cheered on lost.

Right now, every voice reaching my ears sounds joyful.

Because they'll spread the news of our victory in all sorts of ways.

"Mashiro. Reina."

"Ougaaa-kun, yeeey!"

"Good work."

I high-five the two sharing the same joy.

Even though it was just the first round, this match will have a huge impact.

The other schools will likely abandon any hopes they had that Rishburgh

Magic Academy was strong.

If they lose even a little of their will not to give up, the possibility of victory

becomes very slim.

But before that,

"Hey Reina. You're glad you left it to me right?"

"…Yes. Choosing Ouga-kun as my teammate was the right decision."

"If anything comes up in the future, rely on me again. I'll do anything for

Reina's sake."

"…Understood. I'll impose on you without holding back."

Her expression seemed like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Phew…looks like I can breathe easy for now.

When she's pressed to make a choice, she'll consult me now.

That'll make dealing with things much easier.

"Ougaaa~! You were so cool~!"

"You were all wonderful~!!"

"President! Look this way please~!"

"…Well, it's the victor's privilege. Shall we oblige the cheers?"

"You're right. I'm in quite a good mood after all."

"Much appreciated~!"

We wave and bow back at the praise thrown our way, then leave the hall.


"Cheers for making it past the first round~ Kanpai!!"


"Fufu, cheers."

At Mashiro's call, our glasses clink together.

After the match against Misosona Magic Academy ended, we gathered in

my room following dinner.

Ideally I wanted to have Karen join too and celebrate as the student council

members, but the lodging facilities were off-limits to non-contestants.

When I tried to hold it outside so Karen could participate too, she herself

stopped me.

[I believe Ouga and the others can win. I'll book a restaurant we can

reserve. Let's save the fun for the end?] were her words.

Can't disappoint my fiancée who saw me off like that.

Gave me another reason we have to win the championship.

"Mm~. The cold black tea tastes good too."

"Yeah, Reina's tea really does taste different."

I had Reina brew iced tea using tea leaves from Ramdarb that I bought, and

was challenging it again.

The lingering smell the store couldn't get rid of mellowed out, letting the

fragrance be properly enjoyed.

"There's a trick to it. Gently kneading it with warm, wet hands softens it


"Did you get that memo, Alice?"


"Fufu. Though the downside is it makes your hands smell… "

"True. …But, I don't mind this scent for some reason. I wonder why."

I take Reina's outstretched hand and sniff at the scent.

The tea leaf smell has seeped in, but I can also detect a faint, sweet scent

mixed in.

It's like…Reina's history. Yeah, a nice smell I like.

"…Um, Ouga-kun?"

"Hm? What's wrong?"

"Even I…find it a little embarrassing so…"

Looking up reveals Reina uncharacteristically mumbling with her mouth.

Taking in her words, I reconsider my current actions objectively.

A guy holding a female senior's hand, sniffing at the scent…Hmm.

That's a no good!


"…Sorry about that."

I meekly accept Mashiro's angry pinch, apologizing to Reina while

enduring the pain.

"Oh no, you just surprised me a little. …But it does make me want to drink

it when it smells so good."

Saying that, Reina happily made glug glug noises as she drank.

"You really like it after all."

"Yes…it's a nostalgic taste for me."

It's a regional specialty from her homeland. For her, it must be a deeply

familiar flavor.

Come to think of it, because of driving off hordes of magical beasts, Flone

has deep ties with the Ramdarb Kingdom right?

In that case, Reina meeting Flone was probably here in Ramdarb…I guess?

The points connect in my brain, sparking realizations.

…Wait. A worst case scenario comes to mind.

If the harsh labor she's burdened with started not from when she became

student council president, but an unthinkably younger age…

The negative emotions built up deep inside could have grown to far exceed

my imagination.

"Hey…when did you become Professor Flone's disciple?"

"…Now when was it again…"

"Tell me."

"…I suppose it can't be helped. It's a maiden's secret though…Five years


Intuitively I knew it was a lie.

Because her eyes wavered between hope and despair.

She's trying to tell me the information she just uttered is mistaken.

I see…so this is how you ask for help, Reina.

Testing whether or not I'll pick up on it after all.

"Honestly, what's the matter Ouga-kun? Your face is all tense."

My cheeks get flicked lightly like before.

"Really, Ouga-kun. We just won, making a face like that is a waste you


"…You're right. Sorry for ruining the mood."

"Oh no, I don't mind at all. It's a question I get a lot."

"Hmph. Then it's not really a maiden's secret huh."

"You shouldn't say things like that."


"Pfft, ahaha!! O-Ouga-kun…your f-face…!!"

This time my lips get powerfully clamped, contorting my face.

Seeing that, Mashiro bursts out laughing, changing the atmosphere, so I'll

leave it at that.


"Well then Ouga-kun, see you tomorrow!"

"Have a good rest tonight."

"Yeah, good work you two. Good night."

After that, nothing in particular happened and we had a lively chat for a few

tens of minutes before dispersing.

…Now then.

"Alice. Paper and pen."

"Here they are, prepared already."

"As expected. Having a capable you, I'm a lucky man."

"You honor me."

Saying that, Alice matter-of-factly took pictures of my side profile with her

magic camera.

Getting annoyed would mean losing. She won't use them for anything


More importantly, Reina right now.

Thinking my father might know something, I start jotting down the details.

"Come to think of it Alice, there's something I want to ask you."

"If it's something I can answer, anything at all."

"What was that cheer squad I saw during the match?"

"They proclaimed themselves to be Ouga-sama's fan club."

…So they really were a fan club.

There are people who are into that sort of thing huh. Just like in my past life

there were people who cheered on villains over heroes, they're likely a

similar sort.

But a fan club…kukuku, nice ring to it.

"However, I judged it unworthy of Ouga-sama, so I couldn't help but guide


"…I see."

So that's why they were doing such an embarrassing cheer…

"Since they said they'll be coming to watch all Ouga-sama's matches, I plan

to continue instructing them."

"…Keep it moderate."


…While chatting, I finished writing.

"Alice. Sorry, but take this to the post office guild. Spare no expense getting

it delivered. The sooner the better."

"At once. I will be off right away."

The moment she received the envelope, Alice immediately left the room.

Now all that's left is waiting for a reply from my father.

Getting it as fast as possible is ideal, but he's a busy man. Can't make

selfish demands.

I'll keep doing what I can like always.

"…Hope nothing happens."

Determined, I entered the shower room to wash off the sweat and



A night draped in darkness, where pitch-black words would be fitting.

Despite the curfew at the Misosona Magic Academy's accommodation

facility, there were students wandering outside.

"Damn it… Reina-Milfonti…!"

Shuelba, wearing glasses with a different shade from before, uttered the

name of the student council president of Rishberg Magic Academy, their

rival school, with hatred.

"This doesn't make sense… me losing…? And to a first-year duo at that."

If you just list the facts, there's no element indicating a loss.

However, the remaining truth was his own defeat.

Shuelba couldn't accept that, and he had been in turmoil since waking up.

If he had put up a better fight, perhaps he could have swallowed his pride a

bit more. But what he experienced was a spectacular shutout loss.

There was no moment of glory. As a third-year student, he left no

achievements behind.

"If only she… if that 'dropout' weren't there…!"

The next target of his seething anger was Ouga Vellet. The son of Duke

Vellet who defeated him.

He had envisioned a rematch with Reina Milfonti. There he would defeat

her and become Professor Flone Milfonti's disciple, envisioning a bright


But in reality, Reina Milfonti didn't even have interest in him, and to top it

off, lost to a guy who couldn't use magic.

With this, Shuelba Anthem's value as a mage fell to the ground. The

previous year's championship would be seen as a mere fluke by most, and

the path forward after graduating also closed in an instant.

"I'll kill him…I want to kill him so bad…"

The intense humiliation unlike any he had known as a mage tormented his


–Misfortune piles on misfortune.

Surely if this stage hadn't been the Ramdarb Kingdom, he would not have

fallen further into the abyss like this.

However, the dice were mercilessly cast, and the devil smiled.

[Do you want power?]


What appeared before Shuelba was a black-robed figure of ambiguous

gender wearing a strange mask.

Transfixed by the mask's gaze, for some reason his legs wouldn't move

from that spot.

[Do you want the power to kill Ouga Vellet?]

"…Heh…hahaha…! Is that really possible…?"

[If you desire it.]

"I want it! The power to kill him! If I can prove I'm stronger than him, then

I still…!"

Shuelba couldn't even judge anymore whether those words were his own


Overriding his mind was the thirst for power and intense murderous

impulse toward Ouga Vellet.

[Very well. Go wild to your heart's content.]