
The Misfit Of Demon King Academy

Misfit of the demon king academy- There was a man who was feared as the demon king, who destroyed humans, spirits, and even gods. The demon king, Anos Voldigoad, who knew nothing of the impossible, became bored with the desolate world and used reincarnation magic. 2,000 years later. What awaited him when he woke up was the Demon King Academy Delsgade, where demon kings are raised. What Anos saw were his descendants who had grown accustomed to peace and had become too weak, with magic formulas that were surprisingly low-level. On top of that, he, who is the true founding Demon King, is somehow branded as a misfit...!? [Author: This is not my original story and the original story belongs to shuu. I am simply editing the story and providing it on this platform. Please show respect and support.]

OverlordOfDeath · Fantasía
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335 Chs

CH-9 Aptitude Test

"Do we need to go to that room over there now?"

*Kokuri* Misha nods.

After entering the room an owl perched on a stone statue opens its mouth.

"Please stand in the centre of the magic formation to start the aptitude test."

A large number of magic formations are drawn on the floor with students standing in them taking the test.

"...…Well then...…."

"Ou. Later."

Misha walked over to an empty circle.

I also find a suitable circle and stand inside. As soon as I have a voice echoes in my head.

"In this aptitude test, we measure your thoughts against the cruelty of the demon king. In addition, we perform a simple test on your knowledge of the demon king. We are reading your thoughts so cheating will not be permitted."

Fumu. They are using Thought Transmission 「Liikus」.

Whoever thought that lying is impossible is inexperienced in the use Thought Transmission. It's not hard to lie while using it.

I don't have a reason to lie though.

"Then let's begin. It is said to be wrong to call the name of the demon king but please state the demon kings name."

No need to think this one through. It's Arnos Voldigod.

"In the age of myth, the founder destroyed Deiruheido using Flame Prison Annihilation Cannon 「Geo Greys」. As a result, all of Deiruheido was burnt to the ground and many mazoku lives were lost. Why did he perform such an act of violence? What were the founder's feelings at the time?"

Fumu. What a nostalgic story.

The answer to why I used 「Geo Greys」 on Deiruheido was that I was half-asleep.

At that time I was in the middle of a long battle with the hero Kanon.

I wanted to sleep but I couldn't relax for even a moment. I had to be in a state constant battle readiness.

Thanks to that I fell into a half-sleep state and thought I was fighting Kanon and used 「Geo Greys」 by accident.

This question is slightly wrong however. Certainly, Deiruheido turned into scorched earth but not a single mazoku died.

Even though I was half-asleep my magic control was still perfect. I turned the country into ash but made it so the mazoku were not affected by the spell.

If you can't even do that much then you are not worthy of being called the demon king.

"You defy mass murder even though that was the creed of the founder. Describe why this was the correct reason for the demon king."

A trick question. A person who defies mass murder. I don't remember ever making mass murder my creed. If I don't have to kill someone I won't, however, in that age helping people usually involved killing. That was the only reason.

"Moving on. Next question-"

And so the aptitude test continues, however, all the questions are about me. Naturally, I know the answers so I answer without any hesitation.

30 minutes later the aptitude test is finished and I leave the room.

I half listen to the owl explaining about the admission on my way back.

Passing through the mirror room I go outside and find Misha standing there.

Without doing anything she staring off into empty space.

"What are you doing?"

After hearing my voice Misha turns to me.

As expressionless as ever I see.

"...…..I waited...…"

"For me?"

*Kokuri* Misha nods.

"You told me later."