
The Mind Whisperer

Summary: When struggling writer Ethan finds an old book in a used bookstore, he has no idea that it will change his life forever. As he reads the book, strange things begin to happen - he can hear people's thoughts, see glimpses of the future, and move objects with his mind. But as his powers grow stronger, Ethan realizes that there are others who want the book for themselves, and they will stop at nothing to get it. And so, Ethan finds himself inadvertently thrust into a war between Espers. A war which could decide the very fate of mankind as a whole...

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13 Chs

Chapter 5: A New Skill

Ethan spent the next few weeks diligently practising the meditation exercises that the librarian had taught him. At first, he found it difficult to focus his mind and block out the thoughts of those around him. But with time and practice, he found that it became easier to quiet his mind and tap into his own thoughts.

One day, while walking through the park, he heard a desperate voice in his head.

"I can't do this anymore. I just want it all to end."

Ethan looked around, but he couldn't see anyone in distress. He realized that the voice was in his head.

He focused on the voice and tried to trace it back to its source. He followed the sound until he saw a man standing on the edge of a bridge, looking down at the water below.

Without hesitation, Ethan approached the man and spoke softly.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The man turned to him, tears streaming down his face. "No, I'm not okay. I can't go on like this."

Ethan knew what he had to do. He concentrated on the man's thoughts and emotions, trying to calm him down and offer him hope.

"You don't have to do this," Ethan said. "There is always a way out. Let me help you."

The man looked at him sceptically, but something in Ethan's voice made him pause.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm just someone who wants to help," Ethan said.

They talked for a while, and Ethan was able to convince the man to come down from the bridge. He walked him to a nearby hospital and made sure that he got the help that he needed.

As Ethan walked away, he realized that he had just used his telepathy to save someone's life. It was a strange feeling, but he knew that he had done the right thing.

He continued to practice his meditation exercises and found that his telepathy was becoming easier to control. He could tune out the thoughts of others when he needed to, and he could tap into his own thoughts more easily.

But he also realized that with great power came great responsibility. He didn't want to use his gift for personal gain or to invade the privacy of others. He wanted to use it to help those who needed it most.

A few moments later, Ethan was sitting on his front porch, enjoying the warm sun and the gentle breeze when he noticed his beautiful neighbour, Sarah, walking down the street towards him. She was carrying a basket of fresh vegetables in a bag.

"Hi," Sarah called out as she approached. "How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks," Ethan replied, setting aside the book he had been reading. "How about you?"

"I'm doing well. I just bought some veggies from the grocery store, and I thought you might like some," Sarah said, offering him the basket.

"Thanks, Sarah, that's very kind of you," Ethan said, taking the basket from her.

Sarah beamed with pride. "Thanks! I've been working really hard on my social skills. Socializing is my favorite hobby."

Ethan smiled. "I can see why. It's very relaxing and peaceful."

Sarah nodded. "Yes, it is. Speaking of peace, I noticed that you've been spending a lot of time meditating lately. How's that going for you?"

Ethan was surprised that Sarah had noticed. He didn't think that anyone else had been paying attention to his new hobby.

"It's going well, actually," he said. "I've been practising every day, and I'm starting to see some progress."

"That's great to hear," Sarah said, sitting down on the porch swing next to him. "I've always wanted to try meditating, but I don't know where to start."

Ethan felt a surge of excitement. He had been hoping to share his new knowledge with someone, and Sarah seemed like the perfect person to teach.

"Well, actually, I've been learning some techniques from a friend who's a librarian," he said. "Maybe I could show you some of what I've learned?"

Sarah's face lit up. "That would be amazing, Ethan. Thank you so much."

Ethan spent the next hour showing Sarah some basic meditation techniques and explaining the benefits of the practice. He was thrilled to have someone to share his new skill with, and he enjoyed getting to know Sarah better.

As she left, Sarah thanked Ethan again for the lesson and promised to practice on her own. Ethan felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had helped someone else discover the benefits of meditation.

He settled back into his porch swing, feeling content and at peace. He knew that his journey was far from over, but he was excited to continue learning and growing.