
First Game (2)

The death timer in the early game was short so Mo, who brought the Teleport came back in the lane in no time.

Seeing that Sen did not base but continued to stay, Mo who thought that she had an item advantage immediately used her blink skill to teleport to the former ready to hit him with her E.

However, the dream was beautiful but the reality was ugly.

The moment she reappeared she was immediately hit with another Q followed by W then 2 auto attacks. Due to this combo, 30 % of her health was already depleted whereas Sen's hp remained untouched by her.

Feeling an ominous premonition Mo did not pursue and cowardly backed away. However, Mo did not have the spirit to fight did not imply that there would be no fight break out.

Sen's Q had a 9 seconds cooldown so after waiting for another short while Mo found herself being rooted by him once again which caused her to finally flash into her turret's range.

However, to her horror, Sen followed with his flash and W her then dropped an Ignite as he turned to walk away.

Mo did not have a healing potion so this time she was burnt to death...

Mo: "..."

While Mo was feeling dejected with her second death her mood suddenly picked back up as she saw her turret diligently shoot Sen.

Due to his flash, Sen pulled the turret aggro, and judging from the distance Sen would need to get shot twice before being able to walk out of its range.

Sen had no flash or dash ability so this time for sure he should be dea–

Mo's smile abruptly froze the moment she saw Sen casually use his ability to heal himself and unhurriedly walked away to recall with his almost non-existence hp bar.

Mo: "..."

Since Sen was never injured he never used his E so she temporarily forgot that he could still able to heal himself unlike her.

Feeling unjust, Mo shifted her anger onto her jungler.

Where the heck is the jungler when she needs him the most?! Had he been here Sen should have died by now argh!

Realizing that being angry wouldn't solve anything Mo took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

It is just two deaths it is still winnable, don't worry.

Mo found inner peace and accidentally pull down the panel. Even though she did not want to look at how much cs did Sen have, his farm was too great that she couldn't overlook it no matter what.

In the entire game, not a single person was anywhere close to Sen's cs which caused Mo to be speechless since she watched with her own eyes that he has never left mid-lane so where the hell did he get this much farm from?!

To make things worse, with two kills and first blood, Sen already had a shining bounty dangling on his head which hurt Mo's eyes even more!

Honestly speaking, other players were also surprised by Sen's two quick kills in the mid-lane and how phenomenal he was in farming.

However, thinking that Mo was such a terrible player that let Sen farm nicely and kindly gave him two kills no one was impressed with his performance.

As a result, they turned their heads to focus on doing their jobs to hack away the enemy's hp bar without caring about dying minions.

Nevertheless, the nonexistent enemy jungler finally felt like he needed to do something. He pinged his mid-laner as he squatted down in the bush waiting for Sen to come back from his base.

Mo was elated seeing another person joining her to kill Sen so the moment Sen arrived she eagerly went all in.

Seeing this, Fu Yue couldn't help but chuckle at their cute effort.

The enemy jungler did not even realize that he had a vision in that bush so he had long been informed of his arrival.

Maneuvering his champ to walk around bot side bush Fu Yue pretended not to know that there was another person in the top side bush while engaging in a fight with Mo.

Unfortunately for the enemy, they came to pick a fight with him when he just hit level 6 and spent his gold whereas both of them were two levels below him.

Dodging Mo's Q Fu Yue fired his Q at the emerging jungler while simultaneously used W on him and in the next instant, he hit R.

Sen's appearance quickly changed into a shadowy figure. His features were indistinguishable except for a wide smile with a pair of red eyes whereas his scepter turned into a long sword which indicated that he was no longer a savior but a slayer.

Shadow Sen's Q was a skill shot that did a lot of damage the moment it hit the target in its designated area.

His W turned him into a pool of shadow which gave him a brief burst of movement, as well as life steal the enemy champions that touched his shadow.

Last but not least, his E did an AOE damage in a fan shape area in front of him while slowing the enemies that he hit with this ability.

Fu Yue used his EQ combo onto Mo so the mage who was two levels below him instantly died in a blink of an eye.

Everything happened so fast that the enemy jungler could not believe that he was simply rooted for 2 seconds and his mid-laner was already dropped dead.

Realizing that he couldn't beat Sen alone the enemy jungler immediately flashed intending to run away but Fu Yue would not allow him to do that.

Pressing his W Fu Yue caught up with the enemy jungler soon after before greeting him with another EQ combo once his abilities were off-cooldown.

Despite the enemy jungler being a tank Fu Yue could still one-shot him proving how fat he was in this game.

" Double kill! "

Pinging the top-lane, Fu Yue immediately pathed top. The enemy top-laner at this time was pushing the wave and he thought that Sen would go back to his lane after getting two kills in the river so he was caught off guard and gave away another head to Sen for free.

" Triple Kills! "

At this rate, Sen was so fat that he got a full item at around 7 and a half minutes. Not to mention, Mo constantly died so she lost a lot of exp and gold causing her to be down by three levels at this point.

With his shadow form, Fu Yue became even more merciless and Mo bitterly realized how cute he was while he was in his Light form.

It was not an exaggeration to say that the moment Mo saw Sen she would inevitably die even if she were to stay under her turret.

In contrast, Sen easily got the first turret and then helped his jungler get a bunch of objectives before roaming to get a bunch of kills.

Mo who was constantly faced with a gray screen blankly stared at the chat that was flaming her into oblivion.

Mo became incessantly furious.

What was she supposed to do?! Farm under the turret, Sen was still able to kill her! Going to the side lane to help, not only was she late but also got killed along the way!

The jungler stopped coming after that failed gank and the support just perma babysitting his ADC without roaming!

Everyone was so afraid that they did not even dare to gang up 5 vs 1 this Sen so what can she do?!

No, there was one thing she could do.

The moment 15 minutes arrived, Mo immediately initiated a surrender…

And it was a unanimous 5 yes.

The person who played Mo was a male Beta, a first-year high schooler and this was his first match in the game since he just got introduced by his friends.

He normally had a mild temper but being stomped by the enemy and got flamed by his teammates caused him to quickly scold his friends on WeChat.

'' Old Lu, come out this instant! Didn't you say that this game is easy to play?! Look at this! ''

His friends soon came in one by one and after looking at his screenshot, they echoed excitedly.

''Wow, 0/15/0 under 15 minutes that's something Old Li.''

'' You played against Sen and lost? Lmao! ''

Old Li saw the last message and his temper flared up once again,'' You bastard, that champ literally can do everything! How do you even play against him?! ''

'' No way! He sucks early game!''

'' Hah and guess what? I died to him twice before he even hit level six! ''

Finally, Old Lu joined in and according to his friends, he was a rather good player so after seeing the screenshot, he typed with certainty,'' I think you are unlucky and met a Smurf. ''

[ A/N: A Smurf account is a low-level side account of a skilled player.]

Old Li who saw this quickly asked,'' Really? It is not because I suck? ''

Old Lu went silent for a bit before cleverly changing the subject,'' Just look at his name and you will know right away. ''

Old Li looked at the name and remembered how he felt upon seeing it at the beginning.

He thought that it was a really bad player who wanted to tell everyone beforehand that he was bad so went easy on him for unintentionally inting afterward.

[ A/N: Inting means Intentional feeding. ]

Of course, after experiencing his beating, Old Li realized how stupid he was to have that kind of thought.

That name was obviously implied to his enemy, not the player, himself!