
Ballad XIII: Old Pals & Even Older Friends


RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth and Monty Oum. JJBA is property of Hiroki Araki and David Productions. All art/vids/music shown are property of their respective artists/companies

A/N: This chapter would be ridiculously long if I described what every La Squadra member looks like...so sorry to do this to ya, but Google them if you can't remember/don't know what they look like. Hope you understand.


[Location: Rome, Italy (La Squadra Mansion)]

[Time: 6:15am (Four Years Prior)]

The erratic chime of a digital alarm is silenced almost as quickly as it began. A pale hand remains at rest on the device for several seconds, quickly using a finger to switch the alarm to the 'off' setting. Slowly, it retreats to its previous position, now comfortably resting near the edge of a large bed. 

The sheets to the bed rustle and shift as a body begins to slide itself away from the silk and linen fabrics. With bare feet now planted on the cold floor, the silhouette pushes itself to a standing position. Immediately after doing so, the rising sun dimly seeps through the slight opening of a widow's drawn curtains.

The face, though nearly hidden by a veil of darkness, is revealed to be Risotto Nero, leader of "La Squadra Esecuzi". After stretching, the hitman rubs away the gunk from his discolored eyes as he approaches his closet. After choosing a random shirt and slipping his arms through their respective holes, Risotto made his way to the connecting hallway that laid just past his own room's door.

Stepping into the corridor, several sets of similar doors litter the foyer. Alongside this, an elaborate pair of curved staircases reside on each opposite side of the passage. Opting for the closest of the two, the man makes his way downstairs. Now at the bottom of the stairway, Risotto found himself within the entrance room to the mansion. But of course, this was not his destination.

Turning around, he saw two more doors. The door to his right led to yet another corridor. This corridor held its own series of entrance ways. From allowing access to the living room, to the squads' library/Risotto's study, the lower level bathrooms, to the designated meeting room. Despite this wide variety, none of these choices were on the assassin's mind. Instead, he solely thought of the room held in the left corridor.

Stepping through the left passageway revealed another compilation of doors. The kitchen, dining room, another bathroom, and access to the indoor garden. As customary, Risotto chose to make his way into the kitchen.

Unsurprisingly, the room was as elaborate as one might suspect. Two countertop islands, three sinks, two separate sets of electric and gas ovens, dozens of cupboards and cabinets, two pantries, a two door fridge with a sliding bottom crisper, and a large freezer. In addition to these clearly expensive appliances and eloquent surfaces, an entire wall was transparent. On the very same wall, a large sliding door that allowed access to the 'side yard' was present. 

Methodically, the man began rigorously washing and drying his hands, his hair and bangs now tied back. Reaching into a nearby drawer, he pulled a pair of latex gloves over his hands. Reaching above the sink, he retrieved a simple black apron, quickly throwing the garment over his head and tying the string around his waist. Once done, he took a deep breath to prepare himself for today's menu.

Walking over to the fridge, he unclasped a piece of paper from the magnet that held it in place. Skimming over the contents, he was unsurprised by his teammates 'breakfast choices'. As tradition of every Saturday, each member had requested the same dish.

Chocolate pancakes made in the American style. Mugs of coffee and cappuccinos for every member with the exception of Pesci, who opted to instead have hot chocolate and an espresso. In addition to their drinks, the men chose to have two platters worth of Brioche, a sweet bread type of pastry. And as for the 'side' course, three platers worth of Frittatas, a type of 'unfolded' omelet.

Scanning over the parchment once more just as caution, Risotto began to retrieve the ingredients for each item from their respective compartments. Once done, the assassin then withdrew each necessary cookware that was required. With the mugs, the entree plates, saucer plates, and utensils stacked in a calculated manner, he wasted no time in preparing the ovens and stoves.

In just over two hours, breakfast had nearly been complete. Using an oven on it's lowest setting, Risotto was able to keep each completed dish warm as he made the finishing touches on the beverages. The coffee beans had been freshly ground via a manual coffee grinder, leaving a strong and intoxicating aroma in the air. The fresh and still hot beverages had been placed on saucer plates, resting atop a four wheeled serving cart.

Rolling the mobile tray through the door, Risotto could faintly hear chatter through the dining room he carefully made his way to. Occasionally, laughter could be heard. This of course, earned a smile at knowing his teammates were still able to converse warmly with each other. Bracing himself for what would happen next, Risotto pressed his back against the dining room's door, swinging it ajar.

Pulling the cart into the room, he was almost immediately greeted by applause and waves of praise from the men he called his family. All of which were spoken in Italian.

Illuso: "There he is, the man of the hour!" He said, clapping while he did so.

Ghiaccio: "Oi Nero, hope you slept well."

Prosciutto: "Hey hey heyyyy... If it isn't Passione's shining beacon of hope himself." He joked, adding a rather charming wink.

Smirking slightly, Risotto corrected his subordinate. Whilst he spoke, he began serving each man their respective drinks.

"I prefer the dulling beacon of despair, but I appreciate the effort."

Prosciutto: "Ah, details, details..."

Pesci: "T-thank you...boss. I-I'm still not used to the taste of coffee..." The lovable idiot of the group said, graciously taking his cup of hot chocolate and his espresso from Risotto.

Gelato: "Eh, don't sweat it too much Pesci. You'll warm up to the taste eventually."

Sorbet: "It's like wine and beer, it's an acquired taste."

Melone: "Di molto! Ah coffee, the pinnacle of morning beverages! It truly is beautiful!" He exclaimed after receiving his own serving of coffee and cappuccino.

Formaggio: "Grazie boss, grazie." He said, taking his saucer plate with a single hand.

Dome with serving ever man their morning beverages, Risotto waved the group a goodbye to retrieve the various meals he had prepared earlier. As per usual, Ghiaccio rose to his feet, quickly making his way to help "La Squadra Esecuzionni's" beloved leader.

Shutting the door behind themselves, the two men returned the trolley to the kitchen. Instinctively, they fetched the warmed meals from the ovens, neatly placing each helping onto several plates and platters. Once done, the duo set the aforementioned dishes atop the serving cart.

Taking a moment to admire their handiwork, the two men stood upright. Ghiaccio took a glance around the kitchen, admiring Risotto's ever enduring task of fixing a morning fest for the team. Risotto meanwhile, tppl off his apron, setting it aside to be washed later. After discarding the disposable gloves, he untied his white hair, allowing it to finally flow freely once more.

Ghiaccio: "No matter how many times I see it...I'm still surprised you consistently manage to prepare these large breakfasts for us all."

"It's not that impressive. It is only a single meal."

Ghiaccio: "Only a single meal? I can't buy that shit boss. This is practically a daily buffet." He skeptically rebutted.

"Ghiaccio, this is the least I can do. Any leader who cannot organize such a feat, is not worth a lick of their salt."

Ghiaccio: "Sure sure...but like I've said before, you can always ask for help. None of us mind waking up a little early to lend a helping hand. Hell, we can even take turns. Except Sorbet and Gelato, don't wake them up unless you wanna see them both naked or inside each other. Been there, done that. Worst part is, it's just as awkward as walking in on Prosciutto when he's with one of his escorts. I still think barging in on Melone while he's doing his nude body art is by far the worst though." He said, adding a shudder when speaking of Melone's slightly traumatizing hobby.

"I see...Duly noted. Come, let's give the others their meal. I'm sure everyone is famished."

Ghiaccio: "Sure thing Nero, I'll get the door."

On prompt, the blue haired man held the door open for Risotto. Once within the confines of the corridor once more, Ghiaccio allowed the door to swing shut. Carefully as to not tip any of the plates over, he navigated past Risotto. Like before, he held the door open, allowing Risotto to easily maneuver through the doorway.

Yet again, Risotto was greeted by a wave of laughter and chattering. Together, Ghiaccio and Risotto both went about dishing each man's serving of food. Once done serving the other men, the two then took their own seats, adjacent to each other. With everyone now served, "La Squadra Esecuzionni" immediately began devouring their breakfast. While doing so, the voices of the group filled the room, never allowing even a single moment of empty stillness.

Prosciutto: "...I've heard of that Illuso, I believe ya'."

Formaggio: "You can't be serious, There's no dann way that's real!"

Illuso: "It is though, the Americans think it's rude not to tip their waiters and waitresses."

Melone: "Hmph. It sounds like pity to me."

Illuso: "Well, they get paid only a third of America's minimum wage. I guess tips are just a way to balance it out a little."

Sorbet: "If you ask me, I think it's just a ploy so they dont have to pay their workers." He said, leisurely draper across his fiance's lap.

Gelato: "I'm just glad we didn't spend our anniversary there, my dear." He responded, gently stroking his lover's hair.

Ghiaccio: "Tch...what pisses me off more, is the fact all their cars and roads are reversed. How the hell do they manage to do that? It just makes me irritated just thinking about it..."

Formaggio: "Just wait till you hear their common phrases...you'll have a field day, Ghiaccio."

Pesci: "I-I have a-a cousin who lives in N-New York...T-their imperial s-system m-makes no sense..." He nervously added.

Illuso: "Well, their food is also very unique...in the most simplistic manner."

Prosciutto: "Not too much flavor or spices. The silver lining? Their women are soft on the eyes...or so I've heard."

Gelato: "Their men are pieces of candy, but Sorbet is still the sweetest of them all." He said, turning his partner's chin towards his own.

Sorbet: "And so are you, my dearest Gelato~" He softly whispered, leaning in to kiss his lover.

Formaggio: "Their southwest region isn't the most welcoming though, be sure to cross that off your 'getaway' list."

Shaking their heads collectively, the group expressed their respective distaste for the foreign country. From there, the conversation divulged from topic to topic. Risotto meanwhile, merely ate his meal in peace, only offering an answer or comment when a teammate directly spoke to him.

With their team breakfast now finished, Risotto, Ghiaccio, and Illuso collected the empty dinnerware. Together they rolled the cart back into the kitchen. Whilst these three went about with cleansing the dishes and tidying up the cooking space, the rest of the team went about juggling the mansion's various other chores.

With Risotto washing, Ghiaccio rinsing, and Illuso drying, the trio finished the dishes in record time. After cleaning the stoves, countertops, sweeping and mopping, the morning tasks were now complete. The three stood at the door to the room, admiring the spick and span appeal of the room. From the corner of their eye however, they spotted movement beyond the large sliding glass door.

Focusing their eyes, they found the rest of the team to be enjoying the mansion's outdoor pool. Ghiaccio and Illuso both glanced at their leader, silently asking for permission. After receiving a single nod, the two men dashed to their respective rooms to change. Within moments, the duo had used the mansion's backdoor to quickly join their other teammates.

Instead of immediately joining his subordinates, Risotto decided to do something else entirely. Retrieving sugar, ice, two pitchers, and fresh lemons, he then made the team lemonade. Afterwards, he then gathered nine tall yet slender glasses. On two separate trays, he expertly navigated the beverages through the sliding door to join his squad. 

Immediately, he was met with cheering similar to the praise from earlier that morning. Setting the trays on a bench, he poured a glass for each man. In turn, the accepted the drinks, sipping the delicacy in savoury manner. Once the final glass had been given, Risotto then poured himself a glass. Instead of joining the men in the water, he opted to relax on one of the many chaisse. His of course, resided under a unfolded umbrella. Laying back, he sipped his drink as he watched his underlings splash each other with the cold water.

Feeling his lips curl into a small smile, he set his beverage aside, leaning backwards to further relax. It was not often "La Squadra Esecuzionni" were permitted to have a official day off, and so Risotto would allow his companions to enjoy the rest of their free time. Besides, he felt proud of how well the men were getting along so far.

With nothing left to do for the time being, he let his eyes close, choosing to take a small nap....

[Location: The Valiant Straight (En Route To The Island of Patch)]

[Time: 12:35pm (Five days After Weiss's Call]

Bullhead Pilot: "Approaching The Island of Patch Bullhead Docks. ETA: Five minutes. Engaging landing preparations...now." The pilot spoke through the ship's intercom.

Risotto sprung his eyes open. Though he had only drifted asleep for only an hour, he had a dream of nostalgia. Rubbing his crimson and onyx eyes, he slowly stood to his feet. His 'errand run' would begin in just a few minutes. He adorned his Jester's outfit, cap, jacket, striped pants, etc. On a seat next to where he had slept just moments ago, was a shoulder strap bag. The contents of the aforementioned bag only consisted of a change of clothes, Lien for food, his scroll, and several documents stating he was on an official mission for Beacon's headmaster. 

From a digital screen that acted as an artificial window, Risotto saw his destination come into view. As the ship sped toward the designated landing zone of the island's docks, the assassin went over Ozpin's mission as well as his own...

For himself, Risotto would confront Qrow Branwen and Taiyang Xiao Long about the so called 'Salem' person. Afterwards, he would immediately depart to Mistral to gain knowledge over the Branwen Tribe. Following this, he would finally settle Ozpin's mission in Menagerie. This mission was intelligence gathering to determine if the White Fang legitimately planned to expand into the kingdom Vale. Luckily for Risotto, he had already planned on doing that himself.

The promised pay was confirmed to be at a minimum of fifty thousand Lien, and a maximum of one hundred thousand Lien. Considering how long the 'job' was predicted to take, Risotto found the price agreeable at best. The silver lining was the fact Ozpin had already covered the predicted expenses. Hotel rooms, meals, Bullhead, and Ferry fees had been accounted for. Luckily, it would not be deducted from Risotto's payment upon completion. 

Feeling the aircraft shake, Risotto lowered his stance and held onto a rail to balance himself. After a brief moment, the ship's movement halted, signaling he had landed. While the cargo door slowly opened, Nero threw his bag over his shoulder before facing the now opened door. Step after step, he exited the ship.

In stark contrast to Vale's own docks, the dock he found himself within was vastly smaller. Looking around at the city he was now located in, he noted how much more 'quiet' the place felt. There were no skyscrapers, bustling streets, or hordes of civilians. Despite this, it was clear this city was no small town. There were multistory buildings and elaborate roads fit with street lamps. In the distance, Risotto spotted his first objective...

Sitting on the edge of the city, was a three story Academy. At first glance, Risotto compared the building to the famed and prestigious universities of Earth. Unlike Beacon Academy however, it was much smaller in comparison. Even more differently however, this academy was classified as a 'year long' type. As such, he could vaguely spot waves of silhouettes, likely en route to their next classes. If his prior information was to be believed, this was Signal Academy, the largest school within Patch and Vale both, aside from the majestic Beacon Academy Itself.

The school itself did not interest Risotto in the very slightest. Instead, it had been two specific instructors at the school that caught his attention. From reading public records, Qrow Branwen and Taiyang Xiao Long were hailed as exemplary teachers and beloved employees. Feeling that now was better than later, Risotto began walking to the school.

By his best estimates, he could reach the Academy in just under thirty minutes. Wanting to pass the time, he retrieved his scroll and a pair of earbuds from his shoulder strapped bag. Plugging the aux into the portable device, he navigated through the homescreen, eventually launching a music app Doppio insisted he "just HAD to try". Scrolling to find his partner's public playlist, he pressed 'shuffle'. Reading the song track's name briefly, he was immediately greeted by an interesting name.


|||    [[[NOW PLAYING]]]    |||


|    "Mr. Brightside"            |

|  By: {The Killers}              |

|                         0:04/3:42  |


[    ( |" )     ( | | )     ("| )    ]


The song was unfamiliar to Risotto. In the end, he cared very little on the matter. Though he couldn't place a reason behind it, he felt as if this song was familiar. Regardless, he shook the feeling off, choosing to just listen to the randomized music as he walked through the streets...




Before you ask...YES I know Mr.Brightside was released three years after the events of Vento Aurero and yea yea...I know Remnant probably doesn't have the same music. But oh well. Just let me plug in my music taste every once in awhile just like Araki does ;u;

Anyways...hope you enjoyed. Posting this before work, so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

Let me know what you thought!

Without a further ado...

[♤~Arrivederci, My Fellow Plague Doctors~♧]

[♡~"...You are already complete..."~◇]