
Saving a human

"Sebastian,go to your room this instant!"

The king of the Ocean,king Apollos raged at his son.

"Father,I'm not going to marry her,I refuse!"Sebastian protested and stormed off.

He swarm so swiftly leaving trails of bubbles behind him.After some time,he came to a halt,

"great, I'm lost."He looked and saw unfamiliar corals and underwater mountains around him, suddenly the sound of someone falling into the ocean drew his attention and he panicked.

"Huh,what's that?"He swarm close to the body and saw a very handsome face with tightly shut eyes and couldn't help but stare for a while.

"This is a human!"he said,shocked.

"Seems like this human is drowning" he thought. With that thought he hurriedly swarm ashore with the human held by his arms. Upon getting to the shore and making sure that no other humans were around,he stared at the beautiful face of the human in front of him, unconsciously drawing his hands to lay his finger on the lips of the human.

"Huh,he's not breathing?" he murmured.

"What should I do?" he thought ,"right!" seemingly thinking of something immoral,he closed his mouth and said frowning,"but if I don't do it,he won't make it."

As if making a resolve to fight head-on with death,he gritted his teeth and drew his lips to the humans'.Upon contact with human's lips,he felt they were soft like the fishes he always had. He shook his head and closed his eyes,blowing air into the human's water-filled lungs.He repeated this action for three to four times and when he saw the human's face scrunching up,he immediately withdrew from him and hid under the surface of the waters,waiting to see if the human had regained consciousness.

The human coughed and water spewed from his mouth,he opened his eyes instantly and drew in oxygen.He looked around to see the Godsent soul that saved him but saw no one.He frowned and tried to speak,"hm hmm" clearing his throat to gain his voice,he stood up,Looked around and said sofly,"Hello,is anyone around?"

Silence,the whole place was silent and the movement of trees dancing to the tunes of the wind could be visibly heard.He looked forward and saw no one."Did the person leave?",he mused, meanwhile the culprit heaved a sigh of relief, gazed at the human once more and left.

On his way,he heard the guards shouting his name,"Your highness, Prince Sebastian!"

clearly they had started looking for him,he rolled his eyes and signified he was around them. They brought him back to the palace and when his father,king Apollos saw him,he sighed and said,"just go to your quarters,we'll talk about this another time."

Prince Sebastian who was in no mood to squabble with his father also,left with his guards.

"Where have you been?!"A muscular half human,half fish rushed to him and anxiously asked. This was his elder brother,the heir to the throne,Prince Elisha.Since the passing of their mother after giving birth to Sebastian, he'd been taking care of his younger brother.Today when he heard his brother was missing,he was the first to call out a search party and anxiously searched for him.

"No where,besides I'm no more a child."Sebastian said,rolling his eyes.

"I know you're no longer a child but you'll always be my baby brother,the thought of losing you is like reliving my last moments with mom."His elder brother said with teary eyes.

"Oh,I'm sorry, sorry for not considering your feelings."Sebastian swarm over and hugged him tightly.

"Don't run off again,I'll discuss with father to cancel your wedding with the princess","you know I'd even kill for you."Prince Elisha withdrew from the hug and stared deeply at his younger brother.