
Destiny Arrives

Hela went to a different realm to conquer it and connect it to the Bifrost while Tony himself was sitting on the Asgardian throne.

In Front of him, a portal was spinning in which all of the treasures inside of Odin's vault were present. He suddenly extended his hand and the Casket of Ancient Winters flew out of it and landed on Tony's palms.

As soon as Tony caught the Casket, the temperature of the entire Palace dropped drastically and a chilly wind threatened to freeze his body.

Tony then threw the Casket back in the space pocket and disappeared from Asgard.




Thanos arrived on Titan to find that the planet was chilling and the chilly wind even threatened to freeze the entire planet itself.

He was extremely confused as to how it had happened when his eyes landed on a Man sitting not too far from him.

"Who are you?" asked Thanos as he started moving towards the man.

"You don't know me?" Asked the Man as he raised his head and looked Thanos in the eye.

"Stark...That means…"

"That means that I have the rest of the three infinity stones" Said Tony in a half lying position as he tried to make himself comfortable on the broken stairs.

"The Black Order…."

"Well, My friends are engaging them. Didn't wanted them to interrupt us so I have busied them on earth."

Thanos seemed quite normal at Stark's presence and with the fact that he alone possessed three of the six infinity gems. He himself started to walk towards Tony when the latter said

"This your home? Titan, I suppose?"

Thanos came to a halt at the bottom of the stairs and looked around nostalgically.

"Titan was like most planets; too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution." Said Thanos as he used the reality stone to project a life-like illusion of how Titan used to look like. Tony after listening to Thanos's words smiled a little and said


"But random. Dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." finished Thanos as he ended the projection.

"You think you can achieve your goal today? Can you really take the stones from me? Burden the loss of trillions of souls in your uncertain heart?" Asked Tony as he looked at the Titan with a smile

"Final is something one considers when balancing the universe. I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here. Or should I say, I am." replied Thanos as he showed Tony his gauntlet with the Soul stone, the Power stone and the Reality stone shining on it's knuckles.

Tony broke into a chuckle, much to Thanos's confusion. Tony then got up himself and raised his left hand after which a gauntlet appeared on it with the Mind stone, the Time stone and the Space stone embedded on it.

Thanos's eyes went wide as he looked in astonishment at another Infinity gauntlet in Tony's hand.


"Well, Long story short. I used the time stone to reverse the time of the metal which encased Eitri's hands and then the Dwarf king made me one too."

Suddenly, the chill on Titan increased many folds which even started to affect the speed of Titan's rotation itself.

The gauntlet in Tony's hands disappeared and all the stones started revolving around him as his clothes became his Endo-Sym armor and the stones embedded themselves in it with Mind stone on forehead, the time stone on left hand while the space stone on the right.

Tony had already understood the workings of the gauntlet and made changes in his suit with the Uru ore to harness the stone's power more effectively.

Suddenly, a huge amount of weapons made by Tony started levitating around Thanos who clearly felt that they can effectively kill him. He instantly used the reality stone to turn the ground beneath him into paper and sunk inside of it before changing it to Uru, so Tony can't follow.

"Damm, So you are smart too?"

Tony immediately used the time stone to revert the Uru ore to sand again and drilled his way into the ground. As he entered the ground though, A huge amount of power from the Power stone came at his face. Tony narrowly escaped it as he opened a portal in front of him and the other part of the portal was opened on Titan's moon, which immediately got destroyed from the Power and started falling on Titan.

Suddenly, In between of the meteor shower, The Titan God resurfaced on the ground and glared at Tony as all of the moon's debris turned to mere bubbles upon coming in contact with him whilst all the debris which fell near Tony was being teleported near Thanos.

"I have to say that I am surprised by this but you should realize that you can't stop me. We can just do this all day and no one would win." Said Thanos as all the meteors which were falling suddenly turned into bubbles and the sky became more clear.

"Actually Thanos, You have already lost" replied Tony with a huge grin.


Thanos got confused at Tony's answer when suddenly an acute pain in his neck, stomach and brain caused him to get down on one knee and clutch his head.

"You shouldn't have breathed, Thanos…."

Out of nowhere, a Stormbreaker appeared inside Thanos's stomach, which destroyed his organs from the inside. He tried to look at Tony with disbelief but couldn't even lift his neck up.

"You should've guessed that it was a trap when you saw your planet frozen, Thanos. You are smart but not witty….You know, it's easier to control subatomic particles in a frozen place as the entropy is the lowest and there are less chances to fuck up."

Immediately, a couple of other weapons too turned to their original size from their subatomic version which Tony converted them to by the Pym particles and severed his arm quickly.

Tony then raised his hand in the direction of Thanos's arm which had the gauntlet and it flew towards him.

"Regretting?.....This does put a smile on my face"

A sword made out of uru and vibranium repulsor flew out of his space pocket and started hovering around him. With a smile, Tony removed the arm of Thanos from the gauntlet and threw the gauntlet in his space pocket, after which his End-Sym armor turned into his regular black suit.

"You were saying something about my destiny? Titan?....To feel so desperately that you are right, yet to fail nonetheless...Is it really frightening? To me….it was not…..I didn't feel much when I died you know. This meaningless life…..I always used to think about my purpose. Nothing used to tempt me, nothing used excite me, I never felt the joy that others felt around me. Death...Regret….Love...Empathy...Nothing but extravagant emotions that binds your morality and ties your hands.." As Tony was speaking what he truly felt for the first time, the sword hovering around him came to his hands and he started walking towards the paralyzed Titan God who was not moving at all.

Tony then went on and beheaded the Titan God in a one swift motion, and as soon as he did that, The entire universe trembled! The main fulcrum of the sisters of fate just met his end prematurely at the hands of someone they were not even able to detect and it drove them mad.

Death immediately appeared on Titan to find Thanos's mutilated corpse in his own blood and it drove her insane! Who actually did it? Even she was not able to see anything and she refused to let Thanos die this soon. She had plans for him and she won't let anyone meddle with them.

With a thought from her, Thanos's body started to get together and heal at a very rapid rate and soon enough, Thanos opened his eyes to find Death looking at him.

"You….Why are you here?" Asked Titan weakly towards the woman he loved.

"You were dead a second ago, of course I would be here" replied Death as she held Thanos's face in her hands and looked him in the eye.

"Thanos, Who was it?"

I actually hated Death in the comics as she was a bitch. She played around with everyone, be it Thanos, his son Thane, Wade Wilson, Kull..... In short, she was a hoe.

And the best part of all of it is that Death is an agender entity and sometimes appears as a male too....Yeah, Fucked up. Right?

Lumpish_Haggardcreators' thoughts