
The Memoir Of An Immortal

"Two years!" It's been two years since I broke free from the shackles of the underworld and started a new journey as an immortal. I wasn't searching for a way out, though I was tired of my endless suffering in the underworld. He found me when I wasn't searching for Him, I've been granted amnesty despite my numerous sins against the Supreme immortal. "Tony Storm, I have a great assignment for you! Are you willing to start this journey?" I nodded my head weakly and that's how it all began. Regaining back the dignity of the human race from the rulers of the underworld, I now journey freeing those that were once like me and making sure I don't fall back to the underworld.

caleb_eleojo · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Entry 2 - Earth To Tony Storm

I didn't know why I said yes at that moment, after I said no for many years. Perhaps it was the warmth that radiated from every fibre of His being, I can't tell. But now I've begun a new life and waved good bye to the old one, there's no need for regrets. Besides my new life is not bad after all, I get to talk to people and angels alike.

Everything's beyond what I thought or imagined, but now I know I'm part of something greater. "Good morning! Urggh!" I already forgot, there's no morning or night here, I'm still adapting to the life of an immortal.

"Ha! Ha!" Making his way to me with a loud guffaw, James had a wide smile on his face as he patted me heavily on the back. "Tony Storm, you will soon get used to it here, no morning or night, it's only a matter of time!" Another thing I forgot to mention, no sleeping at all as immortals don't get tired. "What's on your mind?" Isabella asked staring me in the eye. Five feets tall with dark skin like midnight jade, she was one the first set of people to talk to me.

"It's nothing at all!" I answered not wanting to share my thoughts, though I could tell from the look in her eyes, she wasn't satisfied. "Uh?!" Glancing up we all saw an angel in white linen robes swoop down bringing with it a gust of wind.

"Come with me!" He said beckoning on me.

"Ok! I would be on way now guys!" I waved good bye as I leaped up, striding after the angel. Oh something else I forgot to mention, there's no difference between land or air or water to immortals. Striding through the air with the angel, i was soon greeted with the familiar sight of a lonely tree standing in the boundless green land.

"My Lord!" The angel greeted as soon as he got down, up ahead I could see Him still in the same white linen robes, His back facing me.

"You may leave!" He says as the angel soars into the air the next moment leaving us alone. "Tony Storm!" His voice calls softly with warmth as I stepped forward, standing by His side. "Your time has come to leave, Tony Storm!" I didn't know what happened at that instant but I felt so much pain than I had ever felt in my entire existence.

"But why?" I croaked with tears streaming down my eyes, I looked around at everything I was going to miss and I wasn't willing to leave. "Where will I go?" I asked again with a bitter taste in my throat.

"Come take a look!" He calls gently as if ignorant of my feelings. Walking forward I looked down the same way he did, but all I could see was the green grass on the ground. I kept staring for awhile without looking up to lay my doubts, as I badly wanted to ask what I was staring at but I kept it all in. "Tony Storm! Tony Storm! Tony Storm!" I started hearing voices calling my name, it got louder and louder by the moment.

Suddenly the green grass gave way to a pitch black void that opened up into a channel connecting heaven to somewhere unknown. Now I wasn't hearing voices alone, I could feel their pain. It was distant and familiar at the same time, leaving me with a yearning in my heart so hard to ignore. This time I couldn't hold it in, as I looked up to meet his eyes boring into mine.

"What is going on!?" I asked only to get the shock of my life as his words tore straight into my heart.

"You've been asleep for awhile Tony Storm, it's time to wake up now!" Suddenly the distance between us grew slowly, I could feel the power wrapped around me pulling me away from Him but I couldn't stop it as my hands flailed in all directions.

"Please! Please! I don't want to go!" I cried more and more but it was futile, the distance between us widened and I found myself over the pitch black void.

"I am with you, always and forever!" Were His last words to me as I felt myself drop into the pitch black void like a meteor streaking through space. Then I remembered there were so many things I wanted to ask. Tears flowed down cheeks like a stream as I remembered the good times I had under the sky bathed in golden light, but now everything around me was dark as dropped at great speeds to somewhere I didn't know.

Closing my eyes softly, I allowed the last tear drop slide down my cheek with only the image of pierced hands in my mind. I once asked Him what it was but He refused to speak about it. "The answer is not for now!" was His response then.

"Tony Storm! Tony Storm! Oh he's awake!" Opening my eyes I was no longer in the pitch dark void but somewhere diffrent. The walls were all white, though not as white as that man's linen gown. I could see people around me hugging themselves amidst shouts of joy, a middle-aged woman stepped forward as she cupped my face gently in her hands. Everything was blurry but her eyes pierced straight into my heart bringing out memories that I'd buried long ago.

"Mom!" I teared up again as dark memories surfaced, I can't run forever, sooner or later I will have to face my dark past. I looked around again and I could see the contempt and ridicule shooting out from the eyes of some people, happiness from some while others had pity in their eyes. I felt downcasted for a moment but hope surged in my heart as I understood that the old me was no more.

"Tony Storm I missed you!" Looking into my mum's eyes I couldn't help but giggle like a little child. I had so much to say but that would wait for later.